
How to plant dragon fruit in pot at home

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When eating dragon fruit, there are a lot of black seeds, which many people think can not be eaten, so they are singled out. In fact, these seeds can be eaten and can be planted into small potted plants, which are very good-looking. How do you grow dragon fruit pots at home? 1. We should do well before we choose to plant potted soil.

When eating dragon fruit, there are a lot of black seeds, which many people think can not be eaten, so they are singled out. In fact, these seeds can be eaten and can be planted into small potted plants, which are very good-looking. How do you grow dragon fruit pots at home?

1. Selection of basin soil

Before planting, we should make preparations by selecting suitable planting pots and cultivation soil. Pitaya is a shallow root plant, and its root system is shallow, so the planting pot can choose a mud pot or other flowerpot with a diameter of 25-50cm, but there should be a small hole in the bottom of the flowerpot.

Fire dragon fruit is not strict on the soil, but the soil needs to be loose and permeable, and the drainage is better. We can choose neutral or slightly acidic soil, not alkaline soil. We really do not know how to choose to go to the florist to buy the basic soil.

2. Potting and management

Pitaya pot planting is best to choose the cutting method, generally choose in the spring, so the climate and temperature to facilitate the survival of the plant. Select the full stem nodes of the disease-free branches, air-dry and insert them into the flowerpot filled with substrate soil to keep the soil dry, without watering within a week, and after watering a week, new roots can grow within about a month. If there is no cutting stem node source, you can buy it online, cheap and affordable.

The dragon fruit has a strong ability to tolerate drought, so it is not necessary to water too much, just keep the soil slightly moist. In the early stage of growth, thin organic fertilizer water dominated by nitrogen fertilizer should be irrigated once a week, and remember that the fertilizer and water should not be too thick. High temperature and strong light in summer, remember to shade properly.

3. Florescence management

The flowering period of dragon fruit is extremely long, there are many and large flowers, and there is a great demand for plant nutrients, so in addition to daily fertilizer and water irrigation, organic fertilizer and water containing phosphorus and potassium should be applied once a week after flowering for two weeks. Potted dragon fruit is limited by potted soil and nutrients, so it is not appropriate to leave too many side branches, each flower should not exceed 3, the best result is to pick the other two, leaving only one fruit.

4. Harvest fruit to survive the winter

In November every year, the fruit is basically harvested, then we apply a base fertilizer, the northern area is relatively cold, need to transplant indoor cold protection. You can move outside around May and cut off the branches that bear fruit in the first year, so as to promote branches and lay the foundation for blooming and fruiting this year, otherwise the branches that have borne fruit will not blossom and bear fruit again.

In short, dragon fruit pot planting is very good, as long as you prepare the flowerpot and soil, and then sow the seeds into it, but if you want to grow fruit, you have to do a good job in water and fertilizer, pest control and other work.