
How to manage after the flowering period of orchids

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, After the flowering stage, the flower stem should be cut off to reduce the nutrient consumption and loosen the soil properly to ensure the growth of the root system. It is also necessary to remove the withered old yellow leaves on the plant or in the basin and bury a small amount of fertilizer in the basin. Finally, put it in the ventilated place of Xiangyang. That florescence

After the flowering stage, the flower stem should be cut off to reduce the nutrient consumption and loosen the soil properly to ensure the growth of the root system. It is also necessary to remove the withered old yellow leaves on the plant or in the basin and bury a small amount of fertilizer in the basin. Finally, put it in the ventilated place of Xiangyang. How can orchids blossom again after flowering?

How can orchids blossom again?

1. Pruning

If your orchid is properly maintained without withering or yellow leaves, you can cut off the pole at the third or fourth flower section of the orchid after flowering, or you can start at the bottom. If you cut on the third and fourth knots, the new flower buds will come out of the cut; if you cut from the bottom, the new flower stalks will grow out of themselves.

two。 Move basin

Orchids do not like the cold environment, so after flowering, move it to a place where there is scattered light and no direct sunlight, and it should be well ventilated.

3. Watering

Flowers do not need much water, it is best to water them when they are dry, but if you water them, you must water them thoroughly.

4. Fertilizer application

Fertilize with organic fertilizer, thin fertilizer is the key point, once a month can be fertilized. Four months after flowering, you can apply some phosphate fertilizer every week, which is melted into the water and then watered the flowers, so that when the stalks grow out, the flowers will bloom bigger and more beautiful.

5. Change the basin

In general, orchids cultivated for 1-2 years need to change pots. After flowering, you should first clean up the mud, take out the dead roots, and then plant them into a newly prepared flowerpot.

In addition to proper management after flowering can promote re-flowering, proper flowering management can also make orchids blossom again, or directly extend the flowering period.