
"break the contract and abandon farming" Land transfer encountered Waterloo?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although a 10-year land transfer contract was signed last year, more than 250 mu of arable land owned by the villagers of Beilangbao Village in Cheng'an County is still abandoned by the landlord. In early April, a reporter interviewed in rural areas such as Xingtai and Handan in Hebei Province and found that there was land flow in many places.

Although a 10-year land transfer contract was signed last year, more than 250 mu of arable land owned by the villagers of Beilangbao Village in Cheng'an County is still "destroyed" by the "boss" of the contracted land.

In early April, a reporter interviewed in rural areas of Xingtai and Handan, Hebei Province, and found that there was a phenomenon of "destroying contracts and abandoning farming" in many places. -Last year, a five-year or 10-year "land charter contract" was signed with farmers. This year, the land transferers unilaterally terminated the contract and forcibly returned the cultivated land, covering an area of thousands of mu and involving a large number of peasant households, which is tantamount to a small "earthquake" in the area.

Experts point out that the high incidence of "breaking contracts and abandoning farming" is precisely the result of "the ability to compete for land but not the ability to farm" exposed by capital in the process of farming in the countryside in recent years. With the increasing downward pressure on the economy, "breaking contracts and abandoning farming" is just the beginning.

The wheat seedlings in the surrounding plots have grown more than a foot tall. due to the "destruction of the contract and abandonment of farming", more than 70 mu of arable land in the three villages of Baixiang County has become a pasture for shepherds and sheep herding in neighboring villages.

The report said that in order to compete for land, some "bosses" who hold a large amount of urban industrial and commercial capital have raised the rent price of local land from 400 yuan per mu by 1200 yuan to 1400 yuan per mu, and some even as high as 1680 yuan per mu. After taking the land at such a high rent, some people simply do not know how to farm, planting sweet potatoes or Chinese cabbage, radish and other crops with low economic benefits. As a result, they had to "break the contract and give up farming" because they lost a lot of money.

Explore the cause

At present, the causes of "destroying the contract and abandoning farming" of rural circulation land are various, and the following main problems are exposed in practice:

First, the lack of a long-term restraint mechanism for land circulation, poor management decision-making, and poor management supervision have led to the collapse of many attractive promises and great arbitrariness; some local agricultural administrative departments in Hebei have "broken contracts and abandoned farmland". They have no idea about the scale, price, use, and so on of the local land transfer. It can be said that it is the absence of local agricultural administrative departments that magnifies the blindness of the "boss" in competing for agriculture, resulting in the loss of capital and the injury of farmers and agriculture.

Second, some investors are keen to grant land and capital to the countryside to seek profits and take agricultural subsidies and subsidies, resulting in short-term investment in agricultural production and poor sustainability.

Third, the foundation of land circulation management is weak, many places are faced with short legs of infrastructure, and the comprehensive renovation of "Tian Shui Lu Lin Village" is not in place, resulting in low efficiency of agricultural production and weak competitiveness.

Fourth, the scale operation of land is deeply affected by market fluctuations, and the environment of modern agricultural development is fragile and risky.

A vernacular that everyone can understand.

Only know how to spend money to rent land, do not know how to make money. One year's harvest is not as high as the land price, how to do this business? (planting wheat and corn each season, excluding all kinds of costs, the "net profit" is only 1000 yuan. Boss Li of the Rulin vegetable Farmers' specialized Cooperative in Chengan County, Handan City, covered 1000 mu of land at a price of 1000 yuan per mu last year, and now he has lost 1 million.)

Too much money is invested and too little money is earned. If you grow radish and spinach, the price of radish and spinach will fall down. the price per jin is not as high as labor cost, and the vegetables can not be collected. Can you not lose money? (Xingtai Baixiang County Zhinong vegetable planting Professional Cooperative transferred 7400 mu of land last year to grow radish. Last year, it sold two or three cents per jin of radish, and the labor cost of harvesting one jin of radish was more than this price. )

Good wine and bitter fruit are made by themselves. Industrial and commercial capital is not short of money, generous and generous, see that others are in the "enclosure", I can not help but sell, but the land, how to make it valuable? (the land in Houpeili Village, Xinyi Township, Chengan County, Handan City is a leisure farm built by wealthy bosses who transfer the land, and no one comes to consume the "Mongolian Camp". )

How to solve?

This requires that the risk control of land chartered contracts must be strengthened, access "thresholds" must be set, and operational "rules" should be established to ensure that the capital genuinely involved in large-scale grain production can enter the land circulation. The most important thing is to fulfill the responsibility of the government, and the legal duty must be.

In order to ensure that the government has no shortage in land transfer, local governments should strengthen supervision over agricultural administrative departments in accordance with the law, and require them to earnestly perform their duties and guide, coordinate, manage and supervise the work of rural land transfer. guide the orderly circulation of rural land and promote the healthy development of appropriate scale operation of agriculture.

If "breaking contracts and abandoning farming" is caused by the absence of agricultural administrative departments, the relevant responsible persons should be investigated in accordance with the law, so as to force them to perform their duties actively.