
Planting method of heading lettuce

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Heading lettuce, also known as round lettuce, is a kind of vegetable similar to lettuce. It is widely planted because of its good taste and easy to grow. What are the planting methods of heading lettuce? The main contents are as follows: 1. Land selection and land preparation should be planted in plots with water sources nearby, facing the wind and facing the sun. Required soil

Heading lettuce, also known as round lettuce, is a kind of vegetable similar to lettuce. It is widely planted because of its good taste and easy to grow. What are the planting methods of heading lettuce?

1. Land selection and preparation

Choose leeward and sunny plots with water sources nearby to plant. It is required that the soil is rich in organic matter, loose soil, strong ability of water and fertilizer conservation, PH value of 5.5-7.0. The previous stubble of corn and potato is suitable. It is required that there should be no pesticide residues such as Pustilon, dichlorosulfuron, chlorosulfuron and so on. Then loosen the soil deeply, apply enough basic fertilizer, and flatten it.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

(1) seed selection: one of Gan 11, 8398, Qingfeng and Zhonggan 8 can be selected for planting. Among them, Zhonggan 11 is suitable for planting in open field and greenhouse, and the yield is about 3500 jin per mu.

(2) seed treatment: soak the seeds for 12 hours, then wash them with clean water, wrap them with wet gauze, treat them at a low temperature of 5-6 ℃ for 2 days, and then take out and sow most of the seeds when they begin to show white. After sowing, the soil cover should not be too thick, generally about 0.5-1cm. It is hot and rainy in summer and autumn, and sunshade should be covered with shading net after sowing.

(3) sowing time: sowing and raising seedlings in spring from February to April and harvesting from May to June, sowing and raising seedlings in autumn from late July to late August, and harvesting from October to November. (4) sowing method: using the method of raising seedlings and transplanting, pour enough bottom water before sowing, sprinkle a layer of 0.5cm thick fine soil, dry seeds sow, 0.002 jin per square meter of seeds, for uniform sowing, seeds mixed with sand can be sowed twice, then cover fine soil 0.5cm to cover strict seeds, cover with a layer of grass curtain to moisturize, gradually remove the cover after 5-7 days of emergence, and pay attention to rain and sun protection.

(4) Seedling stage management: after sowing, the soil should be kept moist before emergence, and the grass curtain can be uncovered 2-3 days after sowing. It is easy to produce tall seedlings if the curtain is not uncovered in time. After emergence, water once in the morning and evening every day. The seedlings were carried out about two weeks after sowing, and the weak seedlings and high seedlings were removed, and the strong seedlings were retained. Dilute urea can be applied after 15 days of seedling age. Generally, the seedling stage is 25-30 days.

3. Colonization

Early-maturing species were planted in double rows with row spacing 35cm, plant spacing 25-30cm, planting 4000-5000 plants per mu, and middle and late mature species were sparsely planted in order to fully grow. It can be cultivated with high border, row spacing 40cm, plant 30-35cm, planting 3000-3700 plants per mu. 3-4 days after planting, appropriate amount of water was watered every morning and evening to improve the survival rate. If there is a lack of seedlings, the seedlings should be replenished in time.

4. Field management

Heading lettuce has a long growth period and should be fertilized several times. In general, topdressing once in 7-10 days. The available nitrogen fertilizer was applied thinly 4-6 days after planting to promote the growth of hairy roots and leaves. When you start to keep your heart, you should apply more potash fertilizer. Before closing the ridge of the plant, heavy fertilizer should be applied. 20 jin of compound fertilizer plus 7.5 jin of potassium chloride per mu can be applied in a shallow trench between the two rows, and then cover the soil to avoid fertilizer contact with the root system. Make sure to keep the soil moist from the beginning of planting. When entering the rosette stage, moisture should be strictly controlled to avoid the occurrence of diseases. During the heading period, it is appropriate to use furrow irrigation in the taboo border area or contact with water in this period. Water control should be carried out 15 days before adoption, the root system of heading lettuce is shallow, the middle tillage should not be too deep, so as not to damage the root system, and the middle tillage should be carried out before the plant is closed.

5. Harvest

From planting to harvest, early-maturing, middle-maturing and late-maturing lettuce are about 55 days, 65 days and 75-85 days respectively, but it is better to harvest lettuce several days in advance. The harvest standard is that you can press obliquely from both sides of the leaf ball with both hands and feel firm. Control water 15 before harvest. When harvesting, the plants with tight leaf balls were cut off from the ground, the old leaves were removed, and 3-4 outer leaves were left to protect the leaf balls. The suitable temperature for transportation and storage is 1-5 ℃.

Generally speaking, heading lettuce is still very good to grow, as long as you select a good site, select a good seed, sow it into the soil, and finally do a good job in water and fertilizer, pest control and other work after emergence, the vegetable can grow.