
Will you still plant corn next year when the price of corn is reduced?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temporary storage price of corn has been cut for the first time this year, and farmers are facing the trouble of a bumper harvest. The reporter walked into the investigation of Dunhua, Jilin Province-- next year, the prices of unplanted corn ■ are upside down and stocks are overstocked at home and abroad. The adjustment of temporary corn collection and storage policy is imperative and ■ policy adjustment should be unified.

For the first time this year, the price of corn temporary storage has been lowered, and grain farmers are facing the trouble of bumper harvest. Reporter walks into Jilin Dunhua investigation--

Will you plant corn next year

■ Price inversion at home and abroad, inventory backlog, corn temporary storage policy adjustment is imperative

■ Policy adjustment should take into account the interests of all parties and gradually return corn prices to the market

Harvesters rumbled in the endless cornfields. At present, Jilin Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture Dunhua City harvest scene as in previous years. The difference is that since the introduction of the corn temporary reserve policy in 2008, the temporary reserve price has been lowered for the first time.

This year, the national temporary reserve corn listing purchase price is determined as "national standard third class" 1 yuan per catty, 0.12 yuan per catty price reduction. How much impact will this have on farmers and what do farmers expect? Behind the busy autumn harvest, a little more than in previous years is not calm.

Farmer: Price reduction of 0.12 yuan per catty, no money after cost. Policy "sudden brake", farmers difficult to bear

"Look, the corn is all standing on the tree. Let's start with natural precipitation. The moisture content is too high." Kan Baofu, a big grain grower, led the reporter to the ground and said.

Kan Baofu, a farmer in Xinli Village, Dunhua City, runs Baofu Family Farm. This year, all 60 hectares of the farm are planted with corn and are expected to yield more than 700 tons.

"Worry! Corn prices are low this year, even grain vendors can not see, corn is not easy to sell ah. I'm afraid I'll cover it if I take it back home. It's too wet and there's no place to store it. If it snows heavily in a few days, it'll be even more troublesome." Kan Baofu said.

Last year, Kan Baofu planted more than 50 hectares of corn, net income of 300,000 yuan. This year's corn market, Let Kan Baofu miss last year's grain selling scene,"Just sit at home, A catty 98 cents, Direct sell to the door to collect grain broker, Worry, Freight nothing."

This year, Kan Baofu hung the grain in the field first, waiting for the national reserve to open, and then sent the grain directly to the past. He calculated that the price of state collection and storage could be higher, and it was convenient to sell grain. The freight of a catty of corn was 2 cents enough. To the distant processing enterprises to send grain, a catty of corn freight costs 5 cents.

"Nowadays, at the door of the grain collection enterprise, the vehicles selling grain are lined up in a long queue, basically waiting for 3 days to sell." If we wait one more day, we'll pay 20 yuan per ton of grain for the grain truck. 80 tons of grain is more than 1600 yuan." Kan Baofu said.

Autumn harvest again busy, Lao Kan also should pay attention to corn price from time to time,"Open WeChat, you can see the price of corn purchased by grain processing enterprises, enterprises will announce in time every day."

"The price for wet corn has dropped to 64 cents. According to this market, if you remove the cost of farming, you won't make money." Kan Baofu opened his phone to check the price of food that day. "At present, the purchase price of enterprises is too low. Farmers who are anxious to repay loans have to sell the grain price. They are anxious to spend money."

Kan Baofu calculated the account: regardless of the actual transaction price of farmers 'corn, according to the decline of the national temporary reserve price, the income per catty of corn is 0.12 yuan less, and 1 hectare of land can receive 12 tons of corn, so it will be reduced by 2880 yuan.

The corn temporary storage policy for many years has protected farmers 'interests and stabilized agricultural production, and its significance cannot be ignored. However, domestic and foreign prices upside down, inventory is getting higher and higher, this contradiction is also increasingly prominent.

"We understand the temporary reserve policy adjustment, but can we adjust it before the next seed?" Now that the autumn harvest is coming, the farmers can't stand to step on the brakes." Kan Baofu's idea represents the voice of many grain farmers.

Even so, there was still some news that eased Kan Baofu's mood a little. In order to ensure smooth and convenient grain sales for farmers, Jilin Province will start the temporary corn storage policy on November 1 this year, one month earlier than last year.

Government: Increase grain storage points, increase technical equipment support, minimize grain selling costs

"This year, Jilin Province changed the way of opening the library in batches in previous years, and the acquisition library was set up in one time and started in an all-round way. All parts of the province will make it as convenient as possible for farmers to sell grain nearby and reduce freight expenses." Jilin Province grain bureau regulation director Wang Tao said.

In the face of complex situations such as grain purchase policy adjustment and inventory backlog, the government of Dunhua City coordinated four local private grain depots to help increase the number of storage points for grain storage, ensure smooth grain purchase and ensure that farmers can sell grain in time. At present, 4 private grain depots can store 100,000 tons of corn.

At present, grain prices drop one price a day, so it is not easy for farmers to sell good prices smoothly. Hongfa Modern Ecological Farm in Dunhua City has managed 703 hectares of land, planted more than 370 hectares of corn, with an output of 4000 tons. The pressure of selling grain is not small.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the Agricultural Bureau of Dunhua City, Hongfa Modern Ecological Farm seized 2000 tons of corn and sold it to Jilin City Ethanol Fuel Company.

"On September 28, the Municipal Ethanol Fuel Company began purchasing wet grain. On the 29th, the farm began harvesting. In four days, it collected 2000 tons of corn and sold it to the enterprise as quickly as possible. At that time, it was 83 cents per catty. Now it has dropped to more than 60 cents." Hongfa modern ecological farm manager Zhuang Wenjun said.

The reporter came to Hongfa Modern Ecological Farm, where large harvesters roared in the distant fields. Zhuang Wenjun pointed at him from afar."The corn is directly threshed. The rest is crushed and returned to the field. A cart of corn is harvested in 40 minutes. That's 40 tons of corn."

Last year, Hongfa Modern Ecological Farm mainly relied on 7 small machines to harvest corn in the field, unload it to the site, thresh it mechanically, and then load and transport it, which consumed manpower and high cost. "According to last year's method, it's too late to sell. This year, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture coordinated the import of large machinery to help us grab and sell it. After threshing, it was directly loaded into the car and sent to the enterprise. This can save 8 cents per catty." Zhuang Wenjun said.

"During this period, relevant government departments are more needed to provide information services to help farmers expand their sales; technical equipment support is provided to reduce farmers 'grain sales and storage costs." Wang Tao said.

According to regulations this year, countries with mildewed corn grain content exceeding 2% will no longer buy it. For this reason, agricultural technical cadres at all levels in Jilin Province went to villages to guide farmers to store grain scientifically, make fences, put grain upstairs, put an end to "lying grain on the ground," ensure safe storage of grain, and increase production as much as possible without reducing production.

Expect: introduce corresponding supporting measures to promote structural adjustment and gradually return corn prices to the market

This year, corn planting area in Dunhua City increased by 24,000 hectares, exceeding 95,000 hectares, becoming the largest crop in the region. "According to the preliminary production measurement, the grain output of the whole city will exceed 1 million tons." Dunhua City Agriculture Bureau Deputy Director Guo Changzhen said. In Zhuang Wenjun's view, the most direct feeling is that a hectare of corn than last year hit 400 jin more.

Dunhua ushered in the year with the largest corn planting area. As the main soybean producing area in Jilin Province, Dunhua soybean planting area is decreasing continuously. In 2014, the soybean planting area of the whole city was about 150,000 hectares, accounting for about half of the province, and in 2015, it was only over 90,000 hectares.

Dunhua soybeans are known for being non-GMO and high in protein, accounting for 60% of the country's exports. As a soybean distribution center in Northeast China, Dunhua has 16 leading soybean processing enterprises above municipal level, and local processing is not a problem.

In contrast, corn has very weak local transformation ability and belongs to the export place of raw grain. "Encounter price drop, Dunhua corn sales pressure is huge." State Changzhen said.

The temporary reserve policy has been implemented for 7 years, and the price of corn has increased 7 times in a row, which also widens the benefit gap between corn and soybean. Zhuang Wenjun said,"One hectare of land, can produce more than 10 tons of corn, soybeans up to 3 tons, income difference of at least 3000 yuan."

"One is the domestic soybean yield dropped to the warning line, the other is corn domestic and foreign prices upside down." In the view of Guo Changzhen, the change of corn temporary storage policy also makes Dunhua feel that structural adjustment is imminent,"should promote grain and bean rotation, return to soybean main industry."

Will you plant corn next year?

"The corn market is not good this year. Next year, we should start a variety of businesses. We should focus on corn and plant some white melon seeds. We'll harvest them next summer. We can save land and earn money." Kan Baofu said that the benefits of soybeans eventually made him worry.

After planting corn for so many years, Kan Baofu felt that corn prices alone would not work, but if the policy was directly cut off, it would not work for the time being.

Insiders said that policy adjustment, should take into account the interests of all parties, introduce some supporting measures to protect farmers 'interests, let corn prices gradually return to the market.

Guo Changzhen believes that to promote the development of soybean industry, precise subsidies are needed for grain farmers, and he hopes that the state will come up with policies to support the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure.

"We need to integrate policies and funds and focus on regional investment. Otherwise, it will become pepper noodles, speckled and tasteless." Guo Changzhen said that at present, there are many state agricultural subsidies, which add up to a large amount. The state has made great efforts to benefit farmers. However, various subsidies are scattered and cannot solve any problems among farmers.