
What are the flower languages and legends of pansy?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pansy, also known as cat face, iris, human face flower, is a flower bed, garden, potted plants and other common flowers. Pansy is called pansy because its colors are usually white, purple and yellow. In addition, pansy can also be used as a medium.

Tricolor pansy, also known as cat face, butterfly flower, human face flower, is a kind of flower bed, courtyard, potted and other common flowers. Because the design and color of pansy is usually made up of white, purple and yellow, it is called this name. In addition, Pansy tricolor can also be used as a traditional Chinese medicine, which can alleviate some problems such as acne. Let's take a look at the flower language and legends of pansy. What are the main points of potted plants?

The flower words and legends of pansy

1. The flower language of pansy.

The flower language of pansy is joy, yearning, unconditional love, bondage and so on. There are some differences in tricolor pansy language of different colors.

2. The legend of pansy

It is said that a long time ago, the color of pansy was as white as the white clouds in the sky, but not so many colors now. Cupid is a very naughty baby, he has love magic bow and arrow, no matter who is shot, he will fall in love with the person he sees at first sight. However, there are times when Cupid's arrows are not accurate, and they often practice swords with different people or things. On this day, Cupid is shooting an arrow, suddenly a gust of wind blows, Cupid's arrow hits the flower heart of Pansy, at this time the love bleeds, and no matter what you do, it can't be erased. After this, pansy is not a pure white flower, but a combination of yellow and purple.

Two, tricolor pansy pot cultivation key points

1. Soil and temperature

Potted pansy must first choose a suitable planting soil, so that it can grow better. Generally speaking, such as good looseness, drainage, more fertile soil is suitable for the growth of pansy. Of course, you can also choose a basin you like, preferably with strong breathability.

The best growth temperature of potted pansy is between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, because the warm environment is more conducive to the growth of pansy. It is not recommended to keep outside in winter. If the temperature is too high in summer, you must give shade to potted pansy to avoid sunburn.

2. Lighting conditions

Potted pansy flowers look better in places with light, and even all-day sunshine is acceptable. If the light is not enough, the pansy will not blossom or delay flowering or bloom less.

3. Watering

Watering of potted pansy should be determined according to season and wettability of potted soil, neither long-term lack of water nor too much watering, which is bad for the growth of pansy. Too much water is easy to appear stagnant water rotten root phenomenon, too little water will appear leaf yellow, wilting phenomenon.

4. Fertilization

In addition to providing foot base fertilizer, potted pansy also needs proper topdressing to meet its growth needs. Usually in the vigorous growth period of Pansy can be fertilized once a week, remember, to apply thin fertilizer.