
Tianning 38 wheat variety tube medium

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, There are a variety of wheat varieties, and different wheat varieties also have their own unique characteristics. How about Tianning 38 wheat? Let's take a look at Tianning 38 wheat variety Nosuke. Variety brief introduction of Tianning 38 Wheat Variety from Tianning seed Industry Co., Ltd.

There are a variety of wheat varieties, and different wheat varieties also have their own unique characteristics. How about Tianning 38 wheat? Let's take a look at Tianning 38 wheat variety Nosuke.

I. brief introduction of varieties

Tianning 38, a wheat variety bred by Henan Tianning seed Industry Co., Ltd., is resistant to scab and is an early-maturing variety with a whole growth period of 192-216 days. The plant height of this variety is 70-75cm, its leaves are small and narrow at seedling stage, and its lodging resistance is strong. It can resist spring cold, high temperature and dry and hot wind.

II. Variety characteristics

Tianning 38 is a weak spring and semi-winter variety with oblong spike, good seed setting, horny grain and good plumpness. The seedlings are semi-creeping, the leaves are narrow, the leaves are thick green, and the tillering ability is strong. Get up early in spring, polarization is slow, the ability to withstand the cold in late spring is better. The number of panicles per mu is 33.9-349000, the number of grains per ear is 34.134.6, and the 1000-grain weight is 38.6g-43.1g.

III. Key points of cultivation

1. Sowing time: the sowing time is usually from October 10 to November 20 every year, and the specific sowing time is based on the local climate.

2. Field fertilization: it is necessary to combine organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with micro-fertilizer, and the base fertilizer is not less than the pure amount of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium = 12.5:10:5kg.

3. Suitable sowing area: wheat area in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south of Henan Province.

The above is the relevant content of Tianning 38 wheat variety. I hope it will be helpful to you.