
The reason why the application of organic fertilizer can increase the yield

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In the process of agricultural planting, sometimes in order to increase production and ensure quality, farmers usually apply more organic fertilizer. Why can the application of organic fertilizer increase the yield of crops? The reason why increasing the application of organic fertilizer can increase the yield is that the application of organic fertilizer can increase the yield because it contains

In the process of agricultural planting, sometimes in order to increase production and ensure quality, farmers usually apply more organic fertilizer. Why can the application of organic fertilizer increase the yield of crops?

I. the reasons for increasing the yield by increasing the application of organic fertilizer

Increasing the application of organic fertilizer can increase yield because organic fertilizer contains organic matter and humus, which can improve soil structure, improve soil fertility, increase soil temperature, air permeability and water retention capacity, and provide nutrients for crops, so as to improve crop quality. promote its high and stable yield.

II. Types of organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizer has a wide range, a wide range of sources and a wide variety, according to the same or similar production environment or application conditions of organic fertilizer, similar properties, functions and accumulation methods are roughly divided into: manure and urine fertilizer, pile retting fertilizer, straw fertilizer, green manure, soil fertilizer, microbial fertilizer and so on.

Identification of bio-organic fertilizer

See if the packing is standard. Whether there is a microbial fertilizer registration certificate of the Ministry of Agriculture in the upper right corner of the package. Whether there is a technical index for the effective number of living bacteria in the upper part of the package. Whether there is a product expiration date on the lower part of the back of the package.

See if the product is uniform. From the water content reference, grab a handful of fertilizer in the sun to observe whether the material is wet, run up to see if it is dusty.

In the application of fertilizer should be carried out according to the needs of their own crops, the amount should be moderate.