
Let the seed market supervision time, no off-season space, no leakage.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Editor's note: with the strengthening of law enforcement and intensive special actions, there is no off-season in time for seed market inspection and purge, and there is no shortage in space. In practice, many places have also explored new models and new practices according to their own characteristics, such as the three-place alliance of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Editor's note: with the strengthening of law enforcement and intensive special actions, there is no off-season in seed market inspection and purge in time, and there is no leakage in space. In concrete practice, many places have also explored new models and new practices according to their respective characteristics, such as the joint inspection of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the evaluation of county seed market order in Jiangsu, the advance warning of Zhangye City, and so on. This issue of the market scan is to show you the new contents of the seed market inspection campaign this autumn through local practices.

The first joint survey of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to ensure full coverage of the three places

Recently, the seed management agencies of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei jointly carried out the "Joint Inspection Action of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei seed breeding Base" to conduct a general survey of maize seed breeding bases in Miyun County of Beijing, Jixian County of Tianjin, and Chengde City, Hebei Province. All maize varieties bred by major local seed production companies were selected, and wheat and vegetable seeds operated in the local seed market were inspected. This is the first time that Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have carried out joint seed enforcement actions to jointly supervise the source of seeds.

Fanzipai Village, Miyun County, Beijing and Chengde County, Hebei Province are important maize seed breeding bases in this province and city, with decades of history of seed production, and the seed production technology is relatively mature. However, in recent years, the area of local seed production has been shrinking. The main reasons are: first, the seed production base moved westward to Gansu and Xinjiang; second, precision sowing is popular and the amount of seed used is reduced; third, many local farmers think that the labor of seed production is large and the cost is increasing year by year, and the planting willingness is decreasing year by year.

The inspection found that seed production enterprises in Miyun and Chengde produced seeds in strict accordance with the places and varieties specified in the seed production license, and there was no act of producing seeds without license or producing authorized varieties without permission, and that the isolation area for seed production was set up reasonably, and the impurity was removed in time. The male parent line was thoroughly removed, and the records of seed production files were detailed and complete. Law enforcement officers pick corn ears in the field in accordance with the inspection procedures, which are used as authenticity testing samples, genetically modified component testing samples and backup samples respectively. The sampling covers all 8 corn varieties of the sampled enterprises, representing an area of 10,000 mu.

It is autumn, and the seeds sold by distributors are mainly wheat and vegetables. Jixian, Tianjin is an important distribution center for vegetables and wheat seeds. The sales of vegetable seeds are relatively large in the north of Hebei Province and the suburbs of Beijing, so it is listed as the key area of this activity inspection. The inspection team inspected 480 dealers in each place and found that the seed packaging labels in the three places were relatively standardized, and the records of seed management files were relatively complete, but there was a phenomenon of selling seeds in bulk in some dealerships. For seeds suspected of having problems in other two places, especially those suspected of pushing without a trial, operating without a license, operating a set of licenses, or counterfeiting packaging, local law enforcement personnel shall investigate and deal with the distribution store, and law enforcement personnel of the other two places shall record, investigate and obtain evidence, and track down local seed production enterprises.

The authenticity of maize seeds and the detection of genetically modified components are the focus of this joint inspection operation of the seed base. the authenticity testing of samples is jointly completed by Beijing seed quality Supervision and Inspection Station and Tianjin seed quality Supervision and Inspection Station. The detection of genetically modified components is completed by the Ministry of Agriculture seed and genetically modified biological products composition Supervision, Inspection and testing Center (Beijing). For the illegal acts found in the joint inspection operation, the seed management agencies of each place shall conduct a thorough investigation and treatment according to the clues and evidence they have, and inform the other two places of the results of the treatment.

This joint law enforcement in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has made a useful exploration on the establishment of a mechanism for information sharing and long-term cooperative investigation among the three places, and at the same time strengthened the control of seed sources and standardized the order of seed management in the border areas. it has cracked down on "hidden" illegal acts such as fake seed business license numbers and fake seed packaging, and provided an insurance for farmers to use seeds.

Jiangsu 18 million yuan to support county supervision services

At present, the autumn sowing seed market in various parts of Jiangsu Province has entered a sprint period, seed enterprises have basically completed the delivery of seeds from the warehouse, the market is booming, and the agricultural management departments of the whole province are focusing on market supervision. It is reported that in order to ensure the safety of seeds sown in autumn this year, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of Agriculture issued a circular on the special inspection of the autumn seed market in early September, requiring all localities of the province to highlight the key points of the inspection. in accordance with the progress of the implementation plan of the province's special action to crack down on the infringement of variety rights and the production and sale of fake and shoddy seeds at the beginning of the year, we will comprehensively promote the supervision and inspection of the autumn seed market. At present, all localities have generally ended the first round of inspection with licensed seed enterprises, wholesalers, and professional service organizations as the main body, entered the market sales store inspection stage, and completed a total of more than 2000 seed samples. In view of the areas at the border of many provinces, with frequent disputes over quality accidents, and serious problems in the production and sale of fake and shoddy seeds, focus on checking and marking TM or unmarked seeds, and focus on tracking seed enterprises and wholesale and retail stores with records of illegal acts. Sampling samples are uniformly sent to qualified seed testing institutions, and key samples and key varieties are uniformly arranged by the provincial crop seed testing center for indoor molecular testing and field planting identification of variety purity and authenticity.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the supervision work, Jiangsu began to implement the comprehensive performance evaluation of seed market supervision work this year, and organized and carried out the work of "evaluation of county seed market order" throughout the province. conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the variety layout, management order, market supervision, seed quality, case investigation and handling, seed accident handling, supervision capacity building and other indicators in the county, and inform the evaluation results. To this end, the provincial finance has allocated 18 million yuan of special funds to support various localities to carry out seed safety supervision services, improve seed testing and other technical support conditions, and establish bases for new variety display, safety testing, and variety authenticity testing.

In the process of promoting the supervision of the seed market, various localities have also explored new models and practices. For example, aiming at the demand direction of improved varieties of the main body of scale operation, Taizhou City has set up the "Taizhou Family Farm Service Alliance", the first prefecture-level professional social organization in the country to serve family farms. To provide members with seed supply, financial, credit and insurance, agricultural technology socialization services and other services. And organize the docking of large growers and seed supply enterprises, strengthen the knowledge training of seed production, reduce the price of seed supply, and guide standardized seed selection. Rudong County listed seed accident disputes as items accepted by the government's "12345" public service hotline, established a joint emergency response and disposal mechanism with the participation of seed management, agricultural law enforcement, and industrial and commercial departments, and arrived at the scene of the dispute in 48 hours to investigate and collect evidence, and quickly deal with illegal acts. Since the establishment of the emergency mechanism, the seed department of the county has taken the lead in properly handling more than 100 seed disputes, with the seeds involved worth more than 1.2 million yuan, effectively ensuring the safety of seeds used in agricultural production.

Zhangye came to the scene as soon as possible to investigate and collect evidence.

Recently, the Office of the Management and Coordination leading Group of the National seed Base (Zhangye) and the Agricultural Bureau of Zhangye City, Gansu Province simultaneously issued documents to severely crack down on illegal acts of panic purchase and arbitrage purchase of corn seeds in accordance with the law and strengthen the supervision of the base. The base management coordination leading group asked the governments of Ganzhou, Linze and other places to promptly issue notices to crack down on the illegal acts of snapping up and arbitraging corn seeds, publish reporting telephones, and organize joint law enforcement by agricultural, public security, and industrial and commercial departments, thus creating a high-handed situation. All corn seed production townships and towns shall carry out contracts to sell seeds, focus on supervision over those who have privately retained and sold seeds in previous years, and at the same time set up seed protection teams to take measures such as on duty and patrol to curb the occurrence of illegal acts. The base management coordination leading group also requires local agricultural and public security departments to rush to the scene as soon as possible to investigate and collect evidence, and strictly investigate and deal with those who disturb law enforcement and gather crowds to make trouble in accordance with the law.

The Agricultural Bureau of Zhangye City reported the law enforcement and supervision of the production order of the seed base in Zhangye City. In order to make the "measures for the Management of Zhangye National Hybrid Maize seed production Base (trial)" well known and put into practice, various districts and counties have formulated corresponding implementation rules to inform the village committees and enterprises of illegal acts in advance of the risks. The person in charge of the seed management department includes the township and township leaders, and the village cadres pack the land. The township government promises to the county government, and the village committee promises to the township government. The society (well) promised the village committee. In addition to the mechanism of one early warning, two contracts, and three commitments, the agricultural and public security departments also adhere to the principles of early mastery, early intervention, early supervision, and early disposal, and grasp the planting intention of land operators in a timely manner. at the same time, the "risk early warning notice of Maize seed production" was issued to every seed production household.

In terms of strictly controlling the entry gate for enterprises, we should grant credit to enterprises that have passed the enterprise credit rating evaluation and publish the list of credit-granting enterprises, implement the access system at the city, county and township levels, and strictly check the production area proposed by the enterprises. effectively prevent qualified enterprises from exceeding the implementation area, and put an end to the illegal implementation of corn seed production bases by unqualified enterprises and individuals.

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture found a total of 27 seed-related cases in the inspection of Zhangye seed base. so far, 27 cases covered an area of 5453.31 mu, involving 2.02648 million kg of seeds (ears of fruit), 26 cases, and supervised the destruction of prohibited seed fields. 4 cases have been closed for administrative punishment, and 18 cases have been placed on file to investigate and deal with. Illegal seed production and silage treatment of 117 mu, involving 10 cases. Resale seeds 72600 kg (ear of fruit), involving 4 cases. 651400 kg of seeds (ears of fruit) were to be confiscated, involving 3 cases. The parties kept 1.236 million kilograms of dried seeds (ears of fruit), involving 4 cases. The whereabouts of the seeds to be investigated is 64080 kg (ear of fruit), involving 2 cases.