
A complete Collection of Bonsai cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bonsai is based on plants and rocks as the basic materials, the performance of natural landscape in the basin of works of art, has a very long history, and bonsai schools are also very many, the cultivation of bonsai should be selected according to the actual situation. Next, let's take a look at the complete collection of bonsai cultivation techniques.

Bonsai is based on plants and rocks as the basic materials, the performance of natural landscape in the basin of works of art, has a very long history, and bonsai schools are also very many, the cultivation of bonsai should be selected according to the actual situation. Let's take a look at the complete collection of bonsai cultivation techniques.

First, Rugen bonsai

1. Pick the root after a shallow planting. The semi-finished stumps with well-developed main roots and easy to shape were selected for cultivation in shallow pots. The lateral root of the root base is chic exposed to the basin soil. If the lateral root at the base of the tree root should not be exposed directly, the root can be picked out of the basin by the method of picking the root, and the exposed root can be cultivated reasonably combined with the form of tree stump.

two。 Tigan, Rugen. Cultured in a deep basin. By changing the basin and other measures, the root is raised higher than the basin soil year by year to achieve the purpose of ornamental. You can also first expose part of the roots to the basin and then cultivate the soil, grow for a period of time, and then remove the soil to promote early growth.

3. A cuttings. For stumps that are not suitable for direct root exposure, for example, the stump foundation will grow branches, after semi-Lignification, peel the branches around and press them into the basin soil, and cut off the branches in time after taking root, so as to achieve the purpose of rooting.

Second, bushy bonsai

1. The selection of shallow basin can show the wild interest of jungle and wilderness amorous feelings, make the tree bigger and give people more far-reaching vision, and can also pile up mounds, stones and scenery in the shallow basin to make bonsai more lively.

two。 Jungle bonsai materials are generally small shrubs, in the planting of different sizes, height is wrong, otherwise the landscape is rigid, lack of vitality.

3. In the production of forest bonsai, the stump should be advanced and retreated, the space should be sparse and dense, and there should be ups and downs in the composition. It should have the feeling of "forest" and do not make people feel suffocated.

4. If the trees in the bonsai are not pruned for a long time, they often have horizontal branches and are entangled. Therefore, it should be pruned at any time to maintain the spatial structure and dense relationship, and improve the ornamental value.

Third, miniature bonsai

1. Take the material and shape. Miniature bonsai materials, generally choose small branches and fine leaves, easy to work on the pot, strange roots, beautiful flowers and fruits, easy to shape materials, such as five-leaf pine, lobular Luohan pine, fine leaf holly, June snow, asparagus, sparrow plum and so on. You can also dig out suitable stumps and plant them in the wild. Brown wire ligation, lead wire winding, branch folding and other methods are often used in modeling.

two。 Take care of the pot. The trees should be transplanted from the mud basin to the purple sand basin or glaze basin at the same time. General tall and deep cylinder basin, suitable for cliff type; oval or shallow rectangular basin, suitable for straight dry or oblique dry type; polygonal shallow basin, and planting high dry type; round basin can be equipped with low disc plants. Conservation after planting: the basin soil should always be kept moist, the temperature should be kept at a suitable temperature in winter, and it should be placed in a shady place in midsummer. During the growth period, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, usually once every 10 days. Can apply rotten bean cake, hoof water, etc., can also apply all-element compound flower fertilizer.

There are many kinds of bonsai, different kinds of cultivation techniques are different, according to their own planting of bonsai, to choose appropriate cultivation techniques.