
The policy of banning straw burning must not be less

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Editor's note: every harvest season, air pollution caused by straw burning always becomes the focus of attention. How can we make comprehensive use of precious biomass resources and avoid the formation of haze sources when they are burned? "Economic Daily" reporter looks for experts and scholars, go

Editor's note: every harvest season, air pollution caused by straw burning always becomes the focus of attention. How can we make comprehensive use of precious biomass resources and avoid the formation of haze sources when they are burned? The reporter of Economic Daily searched for experts and scholars, went into the field, investigated the policies, industries, technologies and other aspects of comprehensive utilization of straw, and discussed how to solve this long-standing problem-

In Dongma Village, Liuqiying Township, Yongqing County, Hebei Province, villagers no longer worry about how to deal with straw. "Most of the village is clay land, if you don't return straw to the field it is easy to harden", many villagers told reporters, a few years ago we also have straw return to the field demand, but agricultural machinery can not keep up. Now, relying on the rotary tiller and straw bundling machine of Sun Jinggui and Sun Jingrui brothers in the village, they can return straw to the field or bundle it while harvesting grain, saving a lot of time.

Agricultural machinery subsidies promote straw returning to fields

In Dongma Village, most villagers plant a crop of wheat and a crop of corn, and all wheat straw is crushed and returned to the field on the spot. Machine harvest corn an mu to 70 yuan, directly receive corn cobs at home, but also can crush corn stalks at the same time. "Straw can be returned to the field to fertilize the field. We provide services. Everyone can see the convenience and benefits. Whether it is wheat or corn, most of the villages return to the field on the spot." Sun Jinggui said.

Sun Jinggui described to reporters the scene of the first wheat harvest after the agricultural machinery had just arrived. Harvester first operation, pieces of wheat instantly divided into two, grain part collected into granary, straw part was crushed and spread in the middle of wheat field. Subsequently, the central straw baler will pick up the crushed straw, bundle, the original scattered straw into a solid wheat straw bundle. The no-till planter sows the corn again. After the whole process, the original wheat field becomes a corn field.

Straw is distributed all over rural areas in China. Because of its small density, large occupation space and easy decay, it is difficult to collect, transport and store straw raw materials, and its high cost becomes the bottleneck of industrialization development. It is gratifying that in recent years, the state has included straw returning, silage and other related machinery into the scope of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies. Last year, the central government allocated 700 million yuan to subsidize straw energy utilization enterprises in the main production areas, requiring that subsidies for each project should not exceed 10% of the total construction quota, mainly concentrated in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. At present, some areas have a small amount of subsidies for mechanized field return operations. With the improvement of agricultural mechanization level, the proportion of direct crushing and returning to the field by stubble cleaner after crop harvest is rapidly increasing, and straw balers are also popularized and applied in some places.

With the improvement of agricultural mechanization level, the comprehensive utilization degree of crop straw mechanization increases year by year. "At present, Langfang City wheat planting area of nearly 1 million mu, corn planting area of more than 3.3 million mu, a total of 7 million tons of straw. Langfang wheat straw realized mechanized cutting, throwing, crushing and returning to field. Corn stalks have been comprehensively utilized: one is directly crushed and returned to the field, and the other is used as silage." Hebei Province Langfang City Agricultural Bureau Deputy Director Liu Jianfang said. At present, Langfang City has more than 3100 corn harvesters and 130 corn straw feed harvesters. The mechanized comprehensive utilization area of corn straw in the whole city is about 2.584 million mu, accounting for 77.4% of the total planting area.

Socialized services help straw breeding

In addition to returning to the field in situ, another major use of straw is to make feed. According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, since the implementation of straw breeding work, the national comprehensive agricultural development fund has accumulatively supported 918 counties to carry out straw breeding demonstration, forming a continuous demonstration belt in the main grain producing areas. The annual total amount of straw feed reached 220 million tons, of which 48% was processed by silage and ammoniated micro-storage, which strongly supported the development of aquaculture in agricultural areas.

Yongqing County is a state-level straw cattle demonstration county. It is estimated that a cow generally consumes 5 mu of dry straw per year. In harvest season, all dairy farms in Yongqing County will post notices of straw purchase, and some farmers use their own agricultural vehicles to undertake the work of straw distribution to dairy farms. In 2013, the price of corn straw purchase was 9 cents per catty, and each farmer participating in the market-oriented purchase of straw could earn more than 300 yuan per day. Last year, straw purchase prices fell slightly, but farmers still earn more than 200 yuan per day.

Sanying Dairy Farm is a large-scale dairy farm in Yongqing County. Last year, it received a special subsidy of 1 million yuan from the state for straw silage. Dairy farm director Yang Jiabiao said straw silage needs silage ponds and crushing, compaction machinery. Dairy farms invested 2.8 million yuan in silage ponds and silage machinery, purchased 3 straw harvesters, and built silage ponds with a capacity of 8000 cubic meters. The dairy farm has 700 cows and consumes 5000 tons of straw. Whole plant corn has good effect and is a high-quality raw material for feed. Now every dairy farm is very concerned about the supply of straw raw materials. At the autumn harvest this year, Sanying Dairy Farm purchased whole-plant silage corn from farmers at a price of 300 yuan per ton. Farmers can produce 2.5 tons to 3 tons of whole-plant corn per mu of land. Everyone is very enthusiastic.

How to solve the contradiction between large-scale straw collection and processing and small-scale planting? Meng Fanzheng, deputy director of Yongqing County Animal Husbandry Bureau, believes that the focus of policy support is to stimulate the vitality of marketization and industrialization. It is necessary to encourage planting or breeding enterprises to take the lead in organizing straw collection and storage, and incorporate straw feed utilization into their industrial chain. Encourage breeding enterprises to establish order production relations with farmers and promote specialized planting of whole-plant silage corn. Vigorously cultivate socialized service organizations such as straw collection and storage professional operation teams to solve the problem of difficult collection for farm households. Guide feed enterprises to enter the field of straw feed production, and vigorously develop commercial straw feed such as wrapped silage, pellet feed and briquetted feed.

"from the perspective of the whole country, in the future, we should vigorously promote the intensification of straw collection and processing, the standardization of treatment and utilization, and the commercialization of market circulation, give full play to the versatility of straw livestock raising, and promote the production of cattle and sheep." Yu Kangzhen, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that in terms of regional layout, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as resources, breeding basis, and environmental pressure, and give priority to areas with sufficient straw resources and a good foundation for cattle and sheep breeding. we will focus on supporting the development of straw livestock raising in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry and in areas with serious straw burning. In terms of supporting objects, efforts should be made to promote farmers of large-scale farms to improve straw treatment conditions and give priority to supporting supporting straw treatment facilities for new scale farms.

Lack of systematic inclusive policies

At present, there is no systematic comprehensive utilization policy of straw in our country, and most of them are project system, not every year. Wang Jiuchen, deputy director of the Ecological General Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that the current policy is mainly around the comprehensive utilization of straw products to support production enterprises, and has successively introduced tax incentives and subsidy incentive policies to encourage the comprehensive utilization of straw. it includes providing special financial subsidies for straw energy utilization enterprises to consume straw, and income tax concessions for the use of straw to produce electricity, heat and wood products. However, there is a lack of corresponding policies and measures in the weak links such as straw collection, storage and transportation and the application of terminal products, which is not conducive to the formation of a complete industrial chain. At the same time, the straw comes from a wide range of sources, all over the country, but lack of universal support policy.

"Straw should be used as a link to organically link straw collection with ecological cultivation, straw energy and straw material, so as to strengthen the chain of agricultural circular economy." Liu Jianfang, deputy director of Langfang Agriculture Bureau, suggested that we should strengthen the implementation of straw burning subsidy, straw silage subsidy, straw biogas bacteria subsidy, straw reactor technology subsidy and so on. subsidize enterprises with comprehensive utilization of straw resources according to straw utilization, increase the room for improvement of straw purchase price, and arouse farmers' enthusiasm to sell straw. The machinery and tools such as straw returning, baling and silage will be included in the scope of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, and the subsidies for mechanized straw returning operations will be increased.

Wang Yanliang, director of the Agricultural Ecology General Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, suggested that according to the thinking of "policy support, demonstration and guidance, giving priority to agriculture, industrial development, and market operation", we should promote the full utilization of straw "five materials" according to local conditions. We will further support the demonstration of new technologies such as straw collection machinery returning to the field, silage forage, microbial decay and solidified carbonization and gasification, and study and introduce policies and measures such as the price of agricultural electricity for primary processing of straw, the integration of land for collection and storage into agricultural land management, credit support and so on. Speed up the establishment of a market-oriented mechanism for straw collection, storage and transportation, reduce the cost of collection, storage and transportation, and promote the large-scale and industrial development of comprehensive utilization of straw.

According to the plan, by 2020, the national comprehensive utilization rate of straw should reach the target of more than 85%. It is necessary to start the construction of demonstration counties for comprehensive utilization of straw in key areas of air pollution so as to fundamentally solve the problem of open-air straw burning. At present, the state has started to implement the project of comprehensive utilization of straw, focusing on supporting the work of returning straw to the field, raising livestock, biogas, replacing wood and carbonization of straw in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other regions; start the construction of demonstration areas for the full quantitative utilization of straw in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and accelerate the development of large-scale and industrialization of straw utilization.