
Agricultural reform in the 13th five-year Plan will lead to the stability of grain production.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A few days ago, the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. In the past 20 years, the fifth plenary session of the CPC Central Committee has focused on the next five-year plan, while this year's 13th five-year Plan has attracted much attention because of its special background of the times. This is the development of China's economy.

A few days ago, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. In the past 20 years, the Fifth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee has focused on the next five-year plan, and this year's "13th Five-Year Plan" has attracted much attention due to its special background. This is the first five-year plan after China's economic development has entered the "new normal", and the year it ends is the year when China has built a well-off society in an all-round way.

October 26 - 29, 2015 is destined to be an extraordinary day, a grand blueprint for China's development in the next five years is brewing and waiting to break the cocoon. So, what feasible practices and opportunities will the coming of the 13th Five-Year Plan bring to the development of agriculture and rural areas in China? In the next five years, what new adjustments and layouts will be made to the overall development goals of China's agriculture? The Voice of China Village reporter interviewed five authoritative experts to look forward to the 13th Five-Year Plan for you.

Grain production is "stable"

As a large country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, China has always been a top priority in governing the country. Since the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, China's grain production has achieved a historic "eleven consecutive increases", which has enhanced our confidence in firmly holding our rice bowls in our own hands.

However, in recent years, the situation of the total import and export volume and price inversion of grain at home and abroad has forced the Chinese to once again write the red line of food security in the primary position of the development of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Xu Xiaoqing, a researcher at the Rural Development Research Center of the State Council, stressed that stabilizing grain production is the top priority:

"The first point is 'stabilization', especially to stabilize food production capacity. With the increase in imports, China's agricultural products are experiencing price inversion and lack of competitiveness. These problems need to be paid attention to, but we must also stabilize our country's grain production capacity."

New agricultural management subject will usher in great development

Traditional small-scale peasant household management has played a very important historical role in solving the problem of Chinese people's food. With the development of urbanization, industrialization, informatization and agricultural modernization, the existing traditional agricultural production organization and small-scale farmers 'production methods are far from meeting the needs of the times.

Du Zhixiong, deputy director of the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the question of who will farm and how to farm has been another big issue that needs to be solved urgently during the 13th Five-Year Plan period: "I think that during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period, a large number of new agricultural management entities may emerge, including family farms, some specialized farmers, and industrial and commercial enterprises now entering the agricultural field and links. These entities may have great development during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period."

Further clarification of rural land property rights

Adapting to the main body of new agricultural management, it seems logical to develop moderate scale management. In the next step, how to centralize and use rural land? It is particularly urgent to promote multi-form land circulation, develop various forms of moderate scale management, and at the same time endow farmers with clear property rights.

Since the Ministry of Agriculture launched the pilot work of registration and certification of land contracted management rights in 2009, the work of confirming rights has gone through several stages such as the whole village, the whole county and the whole province. Up to now, 12 provinces and 160 counties have carried out pilot projects for the promotion of the whole province and county. Zhang Xiaoshan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the pilot work of registration and certification of land contracted management rights will continue to advance steadily, and the rural land property rights relationship will be further clarified.

"In the future, rural land should also be further implemented according to different types and uses, which may be the place for future rural land system reform." From the Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee to the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee, it has been said that the contractual relationship between rural areas and land should remain unchanged for a long time, but in the future, it is necessary to determine its policy connotation and scope of application_how long it will last, what is the relationship between long-term unchanged and our current second round of land contracting, where is the starting point for long-term unchanged and how long is the term. With regard to homestead, how to implement the policy is the key. In the next five years, the framework of ideas, legal policies and practices for the reform of rural collective construction land should be gradually improved."

Conditions are ripe for transforming agricultural development methods

Land can be reasonably distributed, but in the case of limited total land resources, how to effectively utilize land in a sustainable way is another new topic in front of us.

Nowadays, under the traditional agricultural production mode in our country, the carrying capacity of resources and environment is tight and the quality of land resources is declining, which leads to the reduction of agricultural benefits. The state has repeatedly advocated that the transformation of agricultural production mode should be changed from the past resource waste type to the sustainable development mode of ecological agriculture and green agriculture.

Du Zhixiong, deputy director of the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the conditions for changing the mode have gradually matured: "Due to the stable growth and stable supply of agricultural products in China in these years, from the tight balance in the past to the more relaxed balance now, on the one hand, the past mode of production cannot be sustained. One particularly prominent point is that ecological agricultural production methods will gradually replace the traditional agricultural methods of the past. Especially since the beginning of this year, our country has issued a plan on sustainable agriculture, which makes the transformation of agricultural production methods put forward requirements."

Speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode has been written into the blueprint of China's agricultural future development reform for many times. Zhang Xiaoshan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the concept of sustainability is the inevitable way for the transformation and upgrading of agriculture in large countries.