
Where does the lotus root grow?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The lotus root grows at the root of the lotus leaf, the underground stem of the lotus root is the lotus root, and the fruit is the lotus seed. Lotus root can be eaten raw or cooked, which is one of the commonly used dishes. Lotus root is also a plant with high medicinal value, its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are all treasures, which can be nourished and used as medicine. I.

The lotus root grows at the root of the lotus leaf, the underground stem of the lotus root is the lotus root, and the fruit is the lotus seed. Lotus root can be eaten raw or cooked, which is one of the commonly used dishes. Lotus root is also a plant with high medicinal value, its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are all treasures, which can be nourished and used as medicine.

First, the value of lotus root

1. Heat-clearing and blood-cooling: Lotus root has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, which can be used to treat febrile diseases; lotus root Ganduo liquid is especially beneficial to those with fever and thirst, bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding.

two。 Laxative, diarrhea, spleen appetizer: lotus root contains mucin and dietary fiber, which can combine with cholate, cholesterol and triglyceride in food to make it excreted from feces, thus reducing the absorption of lipids. Lotus root exudes a unique fragrance, but also contains tannin, has a certain effect of invigorating the spleen and relieving diarrhea, can increase appetite, promote digestion, appetizer, good for poor appetite, loss of appetite to restore health.

3. Nourishing blood and promoting muscle: lotus root has high nutritional value, rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, and rich in plant protein, vitamins and starch, which can obviously tonify qi and blood and enhance human immunity. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine said it: "the main tonic in nourishing the spirit, benefiting strength".

4. Stop bleeding and dissipate blood stasis: lotus root contains a lot of tannic acid, which has the effect of constricting blood vessels and can be used to stop bleeding. Lotus root can also cool blood and disperse blood. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can stop bleeding without leaving blood stasis, so it is a good dietary therapy for febrile disease.

Second, other parts of the lotus

1. The lotus root node, which has the function of convergence, is mainly used to treat various bleeding diseases. Folk use fresh lotus root section fried water with white sugar clothing; some use fresh lotus root joint, fresh white thatch root 60 grams each; some use dry lotus root node 30 grams, frost mulberry leaf and white thatch root 15 grams each, frying water to remove dregs, into 30 grams of rock sugar, drink in 3 times.

two。 Lotus seed, that is, the seed of lotus, has the effect of nourishing and astringent, and has a certain calming effect. Shenling Baizhu Powder, a famous prescription for treating spleen deficiency and diarrhea for a long time, includes lotus seeds. Folk use lotus seeds and brown sugar fried together, eat lotus seeds to drink soup, not only treat spleen deficiency diarrhea, but also treat women's body deficiency, leucorrhea increase, but also can be used for insomnia, palpitation patients.

two。 The stone lotus seed, after the lotus seed is old in the lotus room, falls into the mud and becomes as hard as stone over time. When used medicinally, the shell should be broken. Mainly used for the treatment of chronic gonorrhea and chronic dysentery. The treatment of gonorrhea syndrome of the famous prescription Qingxin Lianzi Yin, in which stone lotus meat as the main medicine, modern for the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis has a certain effect.

4. Lotus beard, that is, the dry stamens of lotus, mainly has the role of astringent essence, often used in the treatment of azoospermia. Jin Suo Gujing pills, a proprietary Chinese medicine for the treatment of spermatorrhea, include lotus whiskers.

5. Lotus leaves, that is, lotus leaves, have the effects of clearing heat, relieving summer heat, appetizing, hemostasis and so on. In recent years, it has also been found to have the effect of lowering cholesterol. Some people use lotus leaf decoction to treat hyperlipidemia, with 20 days as a course of treatment, the results of the vast majority of people are effective.

Lotus is full of treasures, lotus root is not only delicious, but also has a good nourishing effect, can be eaten with lotus seeds, red dates and so on, the effect is better.