
When will the apricot blossom bloom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Apricot flowers usually bloom from March to April. It is a famous ornamental tree in China. Its flowers are red and white, its rouge is ten thousand points, and its flowers are so beautiful that it takes up the spring breeze. Can be planted in front of the court, wall corner, road side, waterside, can also be group planting, piece planting on the hillside, waterside. At the same time, it's sand.

Apricot flowers usually bloom from March to April. It is a famous ornamental tree in China. Its flowers are red and white, its rouge is ten thousand points, and its flowers are so beautiful that it takes up the spring breeze. Can be planted in front of the court, wall corner, road side, waterside, can also be group planting, piece planting on the hillside, waterside. At the same time, it is also a tree species for desert and barren mountains.

What are the cultivation techniques of apricot flowers?

1. Build a garden

Although the apricot flower is resistant to barren, the land with deep and fertile soil layer should be selected as far as possible when building the apricot orchard. Otherwise, it is necessary to deeply improve the soil and increase the application of organic fertilizer to create good environmental conditions for the normal growth of apricot trees. Apricot trees are afraid of strong winds, so choose the garden site to avoid the tuyere, to the sunny south slope is better, otherwise to build a windbreak forest.

two。 Variety selection

In order to obtain high yield, high quality and high efficiency, the suitable combination of rootstocks and scions can not be ignored. The seeds of southern local apricot are best used as rootstock seeds for cultivation in the south. First, the affinity of grafting with various apricot varieties is strong, and there will be no physiological obstacles in the later stage. Second, adapt to the climatic environment of the south, unlike the northern mountain apricot rootstock seedlings planted in the south, easy to induce root cancer glue and fear of dampness and other adverse consequences. It is noted that using peach as rootstock will have a negative impact on apricot fruit quality, resulting in smaller fruit, delayed maturity, worse quality, shorter tree life and incompatibility in the later stage of grafting interface. For example, the Italian apricot No. 1 was grafted with peach rootstock, and the tree died of incompatibility in the later stage. However, peach rootstocks can reduce apricot fruit cracking, and peach rootstocks can make up for the shortcomings of apricot rootstocks in some varieties with good quality and large fruit which are easy to crack in the south. If it is introduced and cultivated, it must be developed on the premise of successful trial planting, and the seedlings should be bred by themselves, which can avoid the problems of impure varieties, seedlings with diseases and insects, irregular seedlings and so on.

3. Planting density

Apricot is a light-loving fruit tree, and apricot can not be planted densely in the south. It is suggested that the plant spacing is 3m × 5m in mountain area, 4m × 6m or even larger in plain and lake area.

4. Fertilizer and water management

After apricot seedlings are planted, in order to put into production as soon as possible, fertilizer and water management in the young tree stage is very important. When the new shoot of dried apricot tree grows 20cm, chemical fertilizer can be applied, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, less frequent application, fertilizer with water application. The first fertilization was outside the trunk 20cm, and then gradually moved out. After autumn, base fertilizer was applied to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the initial fruiting period, it is necessary to apply little or no nitrogen fertilizer, so as to avoid the infiltration of a large amount of nitrate nitrogen into the soil with Rain Water in summer in the south. Can only supplement organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

5. Shaping and pruning

In modern fruit tree cultivation, summer pruning is a normal technical measure. Summer pruning with winter pruning can effectively maintain the economic fruiting years of apricot trees. Summer pruning of young apricot trees can accelerate crown formation and fruit earlier. Summer pruning of adult trees can improve ventilation and light transmission, reduce the ineffective consumption of assimilates and improve fruit quality. The vegetative branches of the new shoots were left with 15 leaves and 20 leaves before fruit picking, and those who germinated later left 3 leaves and 5 leaves to pick the hearts repeatedly. After fruit picking, the drooping branches, cross branches and overlapping branches are moderately retracted to make the canopy ventilated and transparent, but do not be overpruned, so as not to weaken the tree potential or sprout too many new shoots due to the stimulation of cutting.

6. Promote flowers and protect fruits

The phenomenon of only flowering but not bearing fruit is a common problem in apricot cultivation in southern China. in order to solve this problem, we must first see whether there are pollinated trees, whether they are the best pollinated trees, and secondly consider the quality of flower buds. The problem of flower bud quality is that the tree is strong and prosperous, blossoms more, but bears little or no fruit. In this regard, on the basis of conventional summer pruning, 1 or 2 branches at the base of the trunk can be left as auxiliary branches, and double C-shaped ring saws can be carried out on the upper part of the trunk.

Apricot flower is an ancient flower. It can both pick fruit and enjoy flowers. It plays an important role in fruit production and urban beautification. Apricot blossom festival is held in many places during its flowering period. Interested friends can visit it.