
What season is willow bud?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In many places, willow sprouts are picked to eat at the beginning of spring, and there are many ways to eat them, such as cold salad, spreading cakes, steaming steamed buns, making dumplings, scrambled eggs, shredded willow fish, making tea and so on. So what season is willow bud? What season is willow bud? Willow bud

In many places, willow sprouts are picked to eat at the beginning of spring, and there are many ways to eat them, such as cold salad, spreading cakes, steaming steamed buns, making dumplings, scrambled eggs, shredded willow fish, making tea and so on. So what season is willow bud?

What season is willow bud?

Willow buds should be picked when the willows are not blooming, usually in February and March. After picking, scald the willow buds with boiling water, then soak the bitter taste in cold water, add salt, sprinkle with sesame oil and balsamic vinegar, or mix with mashed garlic, ginger and yellow sauce. You can also paste cakes with corn flour; you can also mix willow sprouts in rice or eat them after steaming with flour. There are also foods that dry willow sprouts and fry them in soybean oil in the summer. Willow sprouts can also make tea. Select the newly sprouted buds to dry in the sun, then brew them with boiling water together with the tea. The view of the fragrance, the drink of the delicious.

Second, the effect of willow bud

Willow is used in medicine with branches, leaves, bark, root bark, beard, etc. Liu head flat liver, hair (scattered) heat, can support can rise, detoxification, hair spots, treatment of infantile acne and other diseases. Willow leaves have the effect of clearing heat through rash, diuresis and detoxification. In modern medical research, willow leaves are made into injection, sugar-coated skin or decoction for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infection, tracheitis, pneumonia, cystitis, suppurative mumps, mastitis, pharyngitis and so on.

Willow sprouts are very delicious, but they are only available in early spring. If you miss them, you have to wait for another year, so you must cherish willow buds.