
Where are the onions from?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Onion is a common vegetable in daily life, although it tastes a little strong, it tastes good, and it is mainly eaten in a variety of ways, so it is very popular with people. at present, it is planted in most parts of our country, so where is the origin of onions? Where is the origin of onions?

Onion is a common vegetable in daily life, although it tastes a little strong, it tastes good, and it is mainly eaten in a variety of ways, so it is very popular with people. at present, it is planted in most parts of our country, so where is the origin of onions?

Where is the origin of onions?

Onions are native to western Asia and are planted all over the world. Among them, China is mainly produced in Jiangsu Fengxian, Gansu Jiuquan, Gansu Wuwei, Shandong Jinxiang, Shan County, Pingdu, Yutai, Sichuan Xichang, Yunnan Dongchuan, Yuanmou and other places. Of course, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other places are also planted.

When will the onions be planted?

1. Due to the different climatic conditions in different places, the suitable sowing time is also different. Because onions like cool environmental conditions and have strong freezing tolerance, the seedlings can withstand the low temperature of-7 ℃, and onions go dormant when they are more than 26 ℃. The leaves will die at 30 ℃. The low temperature period required for onion flower bud differentiation varies from variety to variety. The general varieties can pass the vernalization stage after 50-60 days under the condition of 2-5 ℃. The low temperature time needed for the big seedlings to pass through vernalization is short, and the low temperature time for young seedlings is long. If the seedlings are too small, it is not easy to pass through the vernalization stage. Therefore, some varieties are easy to bolting, while others are not easy to bolting.

2. Most varieties of onion in Shandong Province are sown and raised seedlings in the open field in the first ten days of September, and the seedling period is about 40-50 days. Sowing too early, the seedlings grow big before winter, easy to bolting in the second year, but also consume nutrients and reduce yield and quality. Sowing late, seedlings are small, root growth and development is poor, encounter cold winter, easy to be frozen to death. The suitable planting period is from mid-late October to early November. Before planting, the seedlings have 3-5 leaves, 15-20 cm in height and 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter.

Generally speaking, most of the onions are produced in almost all parts of the world, of which China is mainly produced from Jiangsu, Gansu, Shandong, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places.