
Can kiwifruit be planted in Hebei?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Kiwifruit tastes sour and sweet, contains a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, and is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. So, can Hebei grow kiwifruit? First, can Hebei grow kiwifruit? Hebei area is not suitable for growing kiwifruit. Because kiwifruit

Kiwifruit tastes sour and sweet, contains a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, and is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat. So, can Hebei grow kiwifruit?

First, can Hebei grow kiwifruit?

Hebei area is not suitable for growing kiwifruit. Because kiwifruit is suitable to grow in a warm and humid climate, that is, subtropical or temperate humid and semi-humid climate. Hebei belongs to temperate continental monsoon climate, the annual average temperature is low, and the environment is relatively dry.

Second, planting techniques of kiwifruit

1. Garden site selection

The root system of kiwifruit is fleshy and particularly fragile, not only afraid of waterlogging, but also afraid of high temperature and drought, new shoots are not only afraid of strong wind breaking, but also afraid of spring cold or low temperature freezing injury. Suitable for planting in subalpine areas (800-1400 meters above sea level), choose places with deep soil, fertile soil, loose texture, good drainage and convenient transportation to build a garden, such as cultivating kiwifruit in low mountains, hills or plains, we must have appropriate drainage and irrigation facilities to ensure that there are no stains in the rainy season and timely irrigation in the dry season. It is best to build windbreaks around the park.

two。 Planting management

The seedlings with disease-free, insect-free, strong growth and well-developed roots were planted from October to the end of February of the following year. The roots were separated and evenly spread on the soil mound, and the roots were filled with fine soil.

3. Fertilizing and watering

Before the seedlings were planted, the basal fertilizer was applied in the planting pit, and the young trees were fertilized with a small amount of multiple fertilizers, followed by 3 times a year, 1 time of base fertilizer and 2 times of topdressing, mainly available, and the value of N, P and K was 4:2:1. The water demand during the growing period is large, and the soil water content is required to be about 70% in June, July and August. If there is continuous rainfall in summer, or if the land has just been watered, it should be drained in time to avoid being waterlogged to death.

4. Timely harvest

Kiwifruit should be harvested in sunny days without wind, but not in rainy days, after rain and in the morning when the dew is not dry. It is better to pick kiwifruit when the temperature does not rise before 10:00 in the morning.

5. Pest control

First, the main diseases and insect pests are flower rot, anthracnose, vine blight, brown spot, fruit soft rot, Phytophthora blight, root rot and beetles, winged moths, flower bud maggots, fruit sucking armyworm, etc., mainly to strengthen management, strengthen tree potential, strengthen soil disinfection, strengthen prevention-based comprehensive control. Second, fruit sunburn mainly strengthens tree potential management and reasonable pruning. During the period of fruit growth and development (late August), bagging can prevent sunburn.

The planting areas of kiwifruit are mostly distributed in the south of China, but it is not suitable for planting in the north due to climatic factors. If friends in the north want to eat, fruit supermarkets will also sell them.