
New opportunities for the cultivation of New Agricultural Management subjects and Rural Governance

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [hot thinking on the Theory and practice of Guangming Daily] author: since Lan Yong proposed to encourage and support the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives since 2013, relevant policies have been issued all over the country to promote a new type of agriculture.

[hot thoughts on the Theory and practice of Guangming Daily]

Author: lan Yong

Since the Central Committee document No. 1 in 2013 proposed to encourage and support the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives, relevant policies have been issued all over the country, which have promoted the rapid development of new types of agricultural operators. with the accelerating pace of agricultural modernization, the original rural governance structure is also undergoing profound changes. In addition, the policy of benefiting farmers continues to heat up, the value of rural resources is prominent, agriculture is gradually out of the value depression, and the subsequent influx of talent, capital, technology and information makes rural governance get many new opportunities. These opportunities are mainly manifested in:

With the rise of the elite, governance talents have been supplemented. For a long time, the scissors gap between industry and agriculture has led to the flow of rural elites to more industrial cities to create personal value. Once upon a time, many rural people took great pains to get an urban hukou, and students from poor families in rural areas took jumping out of the agricultural door as a learning goal and motivation. After intergenerational replacement, today's rural areas only leave the old, weak, women and children, not only lack of excellent rural governance talents, but also lack the internal mechanism to improve rural governance. In order to promote rural entrepreneurship and employment and improve the level of rural governance, the state has issued a policy to send college student village officials to villages for many years, but facts have proved that after an enthusiasm has been eroded by the difficult environment in rural areas, the stability of this group is worrying. However, in recent years, the government encourages various forms of agricultural scale operation and the new policy of building an intensive, specialized, organized and socialized management system enables operators to carry out land development in a more effective way. the potential of rural land resources has been released, and the prospect of agricultural industrialization has become broader.

A new round of opportunities to get rich makes local high-quality talents begin to return from other industries. At the same time, traditional farmers who have been rooted in rural areas for a long time are also giving birth to a number of new wealth experts. Although the main motivation for the rise of rural elites is to maximize personal or family interests, they can not get rich by relying on agriculture without a healthy and harmonious agricultural development environment. At the same time, the rural situation also determines that local elites have an unshirkable responsibility for rural construction, and it is their natural mission to participate in and support rural governance. From a realistic point of view, there are many cases of returning to the rural culture to promote rural governance throughout the country. what is different from the past is that most of the Xinxiang sages are capable managers, and leading the villagers to get rich together is an important way to form regional influence and build a development ecosystem. Many family farmers, heads of large households and heads of cooperatives have become the leaders of rural autonomous organizations one after another, and the state of rural disorder has been improved. Therefore, the cultivation of new agricultural operators provides talent support for modern rural governance, but how to guide them to play a greater positive role in rural governance while ensuring the development opportunities and due interests of these talents? it is still an important subject worthy of in-depth study.

The organization is reshaped and the way of governance is improved. After the implementation of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas, farmers have become an independent main body of the market, and their collective concept has become increasingly weak due to long-term self-financing. In addition, after the distribution of land to households, the collective economy has existed in name only in some areas, resulting in grass-roots autonomous organizations losing the economic basis for governing the countryside, thus aggravating the reality of organized and non-collective in rural areas. This makes grass-roots governments and self-governing organizations no longer have close ties with local villagers, and rural governance has become bricks without rice to a large extent. The villagers who have lost the inspiration of the organization carry out high-intensity and extensive management on the limited land in rural areas for their own benefits. in recent years, the phenomenon that rural cultivated land has been arbitrarily diverted for other uses, ecological environment has been wantonly destroyed, and food quality and safety have been ignored is the most vivid evidence. Such contradictions and problems can only be effectively solved with the help of modern rural organizations that organically combine individual interests with collective interests.

To optimize rural governance, we must reshape rural organizations. In recent years, with the continuous promotion of rural reform, new subjects such as family farms, professional large families, cooperatives and leading enterprises have developed rapidly. Under the reasonable distribution mode, they closely link the organizational interests with the personal interests of the villagers within the organization and even outside the organization, and their actual influence in rural areas continues to expand, which also strengthens the collective concept of the villagers. it provides a more solid organizational foundation for rural governance. However, we must be soberly aware that these new economic organizations have grown up under the guidance of market forces, and the pursuit of economic interests is their inherent essential characteristic. In order to give full play to their unique role in rural governance, they must be guided correctly. Therefore, while promoting the cultivation of new agricultural operators, we should strive to strengthen the rural collective economy, constantly improve rural autonomous organizations, promote the effective combination of autonomous organizations and new economic organizations, and combine economic development and rural governance into one. It is the key to effectively improve the level of rural governance. At present, the operation mode of implementing the whole village land circulation, setting up land share cooperatives and promoting the development of agricultural industrialization in some places is an effective way for the two organizations to jointly promote rural development and rural governance, which is a meaningful attempt.

Resources are gathered and governance conditions are optimized. For a long time, the fragmented management of land has hindered the realization of agricultural scale effect, the income of farmers can no longer meet the survival and living needs of farmers, "farming does not make money" has become a common phenomenon. As a result, rural elites and young adults began to migrate one-way from rural areas to cities, the reasonable rural population structure was distorted, the rural culture passed down from generation to generation was torn apart, and modern elements such as capital, technology and labor force were transferred. In the rural society where there is a serious lack of resources, grass-roots governments and autonomous organizations can only take simple mediation, deterrence and other means to deal with various contradictions and problems. This way of curing the symptoms but not the root of the problem is often easy to cause long-term grievances among the villagers and lead to vicious events, resulting in the continuous deterioration of rural governance.

In recent years, with the accelerated pace of rural reform in China, especially the rapid growth of new business entities, the situation of scattered and inefficient management of land has been improved, and the attractiveness of agricultural industry has been gradually enhanced. the phenomenon of the return of urban superior resources to rural areas began to appear, and the conditions of rural governance have been gradually improved. First of all, with the return of rural elites and young and middle-aged labor force, the rural population structure is gradually optimized, and the social foundation of rural governance becomes more stable; secondly, with the growth of new subjects and the development of modern agriculture, capital, technology, information, culture and other modern elements begin to converge to the countryside, and the resource base of rural governance becomes richer. Finally, the combination of new business entities has promoted the effective integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, promoted the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and the ideological and cultural foundation of rural governance has become more solid. With the return of elites, the convergence of elements and the interaction between urban and rural areas, modern rural governance has a better ideological basis and material conditions, and the dilemma of "making bricks without rice" has been improved. Nowadays, using Wechat to communicate, learning on the Internet and doing business with Taobao are nothing new in the countryside. These new rural atmosphere make rural governance have more imagination space. Since we can use the idea of industrialization to manage agriculture, it will be possible to learn from the experience of urban governance to manage rural areas.

In a word, the cultivation of new agricultural operators has accelerated the development of agricultural modernization, promoted the profound changes in the ecological structure of rural society, and made modern rural governance face unprecedented new opportunities. In the new situation of the rise of elites, organizational reshaping and the accumulation of resources, how to seize these opportunities and promote the sustainable development of rural governance is a major issue that governments at all levels and rural autonomous organizations need to face. To coordinate the efforts of all parties to optimize rural governance and jointly build a good material and spiritual civilization in modern rural areas is the realistic path for the orderly development of China's rural areas.

(author: business School of Hunan Agricultural University)