
Grasp the soil moisture and promote the planting in autumn and winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Experts interpret that the standard of planting good wheat by standardized tillage and sowing techniques of wheat is that the seedlings emerge in time after sowing, the whole seedlings are strong, the ploughing layer is not bright and dark, the soil is solid, and the soil moisture is suitable. It reaches 5 leaves and 1 heart or 6 leaves and 1 heart before winter in Huang-Huai-Hai area, and the root of a single plant is secondary.

Experts interpret standardized tillage and sowing techniques of wheat

The standard of planting good wheat refers to the emergence of wheat seedlings in time after sowing, the whole seedlings are strong, the ploughing layer is not bright and dark, the soil is solid, and the soil moisture is suitable. In Huang-Huai-Hai area, 5 leaves and 1 heart are reached before winter, and there are 5-8 roots per plant. Before winter, the total number of stems per mu reached 1.5-1.8 times of the planned spikes. As a county, more than 85% of the wheat fields reached the standard of first-and second-class seedlings, after pre-winter and winter management. The first and second class seedlings reached 90% in early spring. Such seedling situation, pre-winter, spring, late management are active, laid the foundation for a bumper harvest of wheat seedlings.

"Seven minutes, three minutes" refers to the importance of seed and management for a bumper wheat harvest and the energy invested in seed management of wheat. It takes about half a month for a county to start cultivated land to finish sowing seeds in the county, and it takes about 6 to 7 days for a piece of land to finish sowing. There are as many as 10 technical problems to be implemented from cultivated land to sowing, including variety selection, seed dressing, straw returning, deep ploughing or deep ploughing and raking pressure, soil moisture production, fertilization, sowing date, sowing amount, machine sowing and improving machine sowing quality, suppression after sowing, and so on. The quality of wheat seedlings before winter is high, but the later management is relatively simple, that is, chemical weeding in autumn, watering winter water, fertilizing and watering in spring, spraying in flowering stage to prevent scab, and "one spray and three control" in the later stage. Ten production techniques should be carried out in 6-7 days of tillage and sowing, and 5-6 techniques should be carried out 6-7 months after sowing. Tillage and sowing is a technology-intensive stage, with high sowing quality and good seedling conditions, and the management after sowing will take the initiative step by step, so it does not take much effort to say that wheat production is "seven-point planting, three-division management".

If we do not pay attention to the tillage and sowing link of wheat, after sowing, the plough layer is bumpy, the soil moisture is poor, the sowing quality is poor, the emergence of wheat seedlings is uneven, the seedlings are weak, the population is insufficient, it is easy to be frozen and drought in winter, and three types of seedlings are formed. it is very difficult to promote the upgrading of the three types of seedlings, and the management behind them is passive step by step.

The average yield of wheat in China was about 50 kg per mu in 1950 and 349.5 kg per mu in 2014. In terms of production technology, wheat production has experienced three stages: farmers using personal experience to cultivate, agricultural departments to summarize farmers' experience for technical extension and cultivation, agricultural scientists and technicians to study individual technology and integrated technology system for popularization and cultivation. At present, modern wheat production should develop in the direction of standardized cultivation techniques.

Standardization refers to the unification of repetitive things and concepts through the formulation, publication and implementation of standardized procedures in the practice of economy, technology, science and management, so as to obtain the best order and social and economic benefits. Standardization is an important means and necessary condition for organizing modern production, a prerequisite for reasonable organization of specialized production, a basis for realizing scientific and modern management, and a technical guarantee for improving product output, quality, safety and hygiene. it is an effective way to make rational use of resources, save energy and save raw materials. After several years of scientific research and production practice of agricultural scientists and technicians, the allocation of key technical measures of wheat production technology and the demand for production factors (such as fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation, sowing rate, sowing date, etc.), has changed from the estimated and excessive application stage to the appropriate and digital application stage. At this time, we have carried out standardized research on wheat production technology. It will effectively promote the development of wheat production in the direction of agricultural modernization.

To work out the technical regulations for standardized tillage and sowing of wheat, first, it is closely combined with the establishment of high yield of wheat by the Ministry of Agriculture and tackling key problems of green high yield model, which meets the requirements of high and stable yield and water control, fertilizer saving and medicine saving. Second, it is regional, practical and operable. The third is to combine the active response technology to overcome climate disasters with the response technology to reduce the losses caused by disasters. The fourth is to combine the improvement of current wheat yield with the long-term sustainable development of wheat production.

All localities should integrate the technical regulations for standardized tillage and sowing of wheat that are suitable for the region according to the local climatic conditions and soil fertility, and the following technical problems should be included in the regulations:

Variety selection: the winter and spring characteristics of the variety should be adapted to the climatic conditions, the fertilizer and water demand characteristics of the variety should be adapted to the soil fertility level and irrigation conditions, and the comprehensive resistance of the variety should be considered.

Chemical seed dressing: control underground pests and seedling diseases and insect pests.

Straw returning to the field: considering the degree of straw smashing, straw ploughing into the ground, if the use of deep loosening technology, rotary tillage requires a depth of 15 cm to cut the straw into the soil layer; irrigation is stable, if the soil moisture is suitable to rake.

Deep ploughing or deep loosening and raking pressure: deep ploughing 23 cm 25 cm and then raking pressure or using deep ploughing 30 cm 35 cm and then rotary ploughing with rotary tillage, rake pressure after rotary ploughing, so that the soil can be broken and bumpy, and the soil is conducive to the root system; soil compaction can prevent the seeder wheel from sinking into the soil to deepen the sowing depth. The effect of deep ploughing or subsoiling can last for 2 years, so there is no need for deep ploughing or subsoiling every year, one year deep ploughing or subsoiling, and only rotary ploughing for 2 years.

Making soil moisture: the relative soil water content of 040 cm soil layer is less than 70%. In order to make soil moisture, we can take the method of making soil moisture before sowing, or pouring Mengtou water after sowing and breaking the soil to produce seedlings in time.

Fertilization: soil testing formula fertilization, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer combination, the lack of micro-fertilizer; high-yield fields using nitrogen fertilizer backward technology, sowing time to apply base fertilizer and leave an appropriate amount of topdressing.

Sowing time: the sowing date of wheat is determined according to the total number of stems, basic seedlings, tillers per plant and accumulated temperature before winter, and the total number of stems per mu can be reached before winter, so that the population is suitable before winter. The winter and spring characteristics of the varieties should be considered, and the spring varieties should be sown late.

Sowing rate: to determine the suitable sowing rate, we should consider the tillering ability and spike rate of tillers of wheat varieties, sowing date, the required total number of stems per mu before winter, the germination rate of wheat seeds and the emergence rate in the field. finally reach the planned number of spikes per mu without causing wheat lodging in the later stage. In modern winter wheat production, we often encounter meteorological drought and low temperature in mid-autumn, winter and spring, which will kill some wheat tillers or freeze to death. these factors should also be taken into account when determining the sowing amount of wheat.

Machine sowing and improving sowing quality: first, advocate sowing with wheat wide precision planter; second, determine suitable row spacing; wheat wide precision seeder often have too wide row spacing, pay attention to adjustment; third, sowing to achieve the same row spacing, accurate sowing quantity, consistent sowing depth, sowing depth 3cm and 5cm; fourth, do not miss sowing and do not rebroadcast.

Suppression after sowing: the seeder with ballast should pay attention to the suppression with sowing, pay attention to the quality of suppression, and suppress the seeder without ballast after sowing.

(the writer is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and head of the Wheat expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture)

Dry elephant outcrop Shandong tries its best to fight drought, protect autumn seeds and promote autumn management.

In late October, in large tracts of farmland in southwestern Shandong Province, the wheat seeds just planted this autumn and winter have grown inch-long seedlings, and the green is as if it is back in spring. At present, it is the critical season for autumn harvest, autumn planting, and autumn management, and the reporter came to Heze City and Liaocheng City in Shandong Province, a major grain-producing province, to cover grain production.

Harvest: the autumn harvest is almost over. The acquisition progress is slow.

At present, the harvest of autumn grain in Shandong Province has been basically completed. Hou Degong, director of the Liaocheng Committee of Agriculture, told reporters that the autumn harvest in Liaocheng entered the stream on October 2 and ended on the 10th, about 7 days later than usual.

The 7-day late autumn harvest stems from a technology implemented in recent years: the timely late harvest of corn. This year, this technology has been fully implemented in Liaocheng. Hou Degong said: before the autumn harvest, the city and county levels vigorously publicized the benefits of timely and late harvest, coupled with sufficient light, the effect of increasing production was prominent. It is estimated that the 1000-grain weight of corn is 60.7 grams higher than the theoretical 1000-grain weight, which has effectively promoted the increase of farmers' production.

Yuncheng County, Heze City, built a demonstration of 200000 mu of high grain production. Yuncheng County Chief Gu Yongqiang said that this year, Yuncheng County's total grain output reached 2.32 billion jin, and the total output exceeded 2 billion jin for five consecutive years.

Liu Quanli is a farmer in Dumiao Village, Huangling Town, Mudan District, Heze City. he told reporters that with a bumper corn harvest this year, not only the yield is high, but also the quality is particularly good, that is, the price per jin is nearly 30 cents lower than that of last year, which makes them very worried. Moreover, because the price is too low and unstable, corn purchase has basically stopped.

Species: autumn seed comes to an end. Southwest Shandong encounters drought.

At present, the autumn seed in Shandong Province has come to an end. Wang Dengqi, deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture, told reporters that the sown area of Shandong Province continues to increase this year. According to the survey, it is estimated that the sown area of wheat in the province is 57.39 million mu, an increase of 392000 mu over the previous year.

Recently, however, drought has emerged in some parts of Shandong. According to statistics, there has been little rain in Shandong Province since September, with an average precipitation of 38.6mm, nearly 60% less than that of the normal year, and an average temperature of 20.1℃, 0.8 ℃ higher than that of the normal year. It leads to severe drought in eastern Shandong, southern Shandong, central Shandong and other areas, which brings difficulties to the normal emergence of autumn seeds and wheat.

At present, Shandong Province is doing its utmost to fight drought, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture has sent three expert guidance teams for drought resistance and autumn seed conservation to areas with severe drought to guide scientific drought resistance and autumn seed conservation. Agricultural departments at all levels study and judge the development trend of drought, issue disaster early warning information in a timely manner, and scientifically guide the production of soil moisture and sowing. Strengthen communication with departments such as water conservancy, Yellow River affairs and meteorology, actively dispatch all available water sources to fight drought and sow seeds, and water and protect seedlings in time.

"at present, the drought-resistant watering area of Liaocheng City has reached 5.22 million mu, accounting for 86.7% of the sowing area." Hou Degong said.

Management: formulate technical guidance to ensure wheat safe overwintering

On October 29, the Agriculture Department of Shandong Province organized a group of provincial agricultural experts and relevant experts from the provincial wheat industrial technology system and agricultural technology extension system to formulate and publish the "Technical opinions on pre-Winter Field Management of Wheat in 2015". It is pointed out that in view of the current situation of wheat seedlings, the main direction of pre-winter management is to promote root and tiller, promote weakness and control prosperity, cultivate strong seedlings, and ensure seedlings to survive the winter safely.

The "opinion" points out that to do a good job in the pre-winter management of wheat is the key measure to ensure the uniformity of the whole seedling and to cultivate a reasonable population and strong seedlings before winter. All localities should focus on suppressing hoeing, regulating fertilizer and water, chemical weeding before winter, watering overwintering water, and so on. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the weather changes and mobilize the masses to water the wheat fields well before freezing, so as to lay the foundation for building a reasonable group before winter and winning a bumper harvest of summer grain next year.