
The release of deepening rural reform plan will speed up the construction of a new type of agricultural management.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Deepening the Comprehensive implementation Plan of Rural Reform deepening the Reform of Rural Collective property right system speeding up the Construction of a New Agricultural Management system □ reporter Ni Mingya General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council recently issued the Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform

Release of a comprehensive implementation plan for deepening rural reform

Deepening the Reform of Rural Collective property right system and speeding up the Construction of a New Agricultural Management system

Ni Mingya, reporter of □ newspaper

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council recently issued the Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform, starting from improving the systematicness, integrity and coordination of rural reform. we will focus on the five major areas of rural collective property rights system, agricultural management system, agricultural support and protection system, urban-rural development integration system and rural social governance system, and further deepen rural reform.

The Plan makes it clear that by 2020, the protection system of various forms of ownership in rural areas, especially the ownership of rural collective assets, farmers' land contractual management rights and farmers' property rights, will be more perfect. New agricultural management system, agricultural support and protection system, agricultural socialized service system, agricultural science and technology innovation system, rural financial system suitable for agricultural and rural characteristics will be more sound. The system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural economic and social development has been basically established, the rural social governance system and the rural grass-roots organization system have been improved, farmers' democratic rights have been better protected, and agricultural and rural laws and regulations have been further improved and strengthened. the level of the rule of law at the grass-roots level in rural areas has been further improved, the level of agricultural modernization and farmers' living standards have been further improved, and rural economic and social development has become more dynamic.

In deepening the reform of rural collective property rights system, including deepening the reform of rural land system, promoting the reform of rural collective assets and joint-stock cooperative system, and deepening forestry and water conservancy reform.

For deepening the reform of the rural land system, the "plan" proposes, first, to carry out pilot projects for the expropriation of rural land, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the reform of the homestead system. We will sum up experience in a timely manner and constantly improve it so as to form replicable and popularized reform achievements. The second is to deepen the reform of the rural land contract management system. We should step up efforts to amend relevant laws, implement the central government's major policy decision on stabilizing rural land contracting relations and keeping them unchanged for a long time, and timely put forward specific plans on the measures for extending the contracting of cultivated land after the expiration of the second round of contracts and the new contract period. On the basis of basically completing the registration and issuance of rural collective land ownership, and in accordance with the principle of unified registration of real estate, speed up the registration and certification of the right to the use of homestead land and collective construction land. Clarify and enhance the legal effect of the registration and issuance of rural land contractual management rights, expand the scope of pilot projects in the whole province, on the whole, accurately reach households, and strictly grasp the scope of uncertain rights and shares. Pilot guidance on mortgage and guarantee of rural contracted land management rights will be issued. We will carry out the pilot project of withdrawing the contracted management rights of farmers' land for a fee in places where conditions permit. We will formulate and issue documents to improve the grassland contract management system, standardize grassland contracting behavior and management methods, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of herdsmen to protect and build grasslands. To guide the orderly circulation of the right to the use of barren mountains, ditches, hills and beaches owned by collectives in rural areas. The third is to improve the system of protection and compensation of cultivated land.

In speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system, it includes promoting the standardized and orderly transfer of land management rights, strengthening the standardized construction of farmers' cooperatives, innovating the socialized service mechanism of agriculture, training professional farmers, improving the supervision and risk prevention mechanism of industrial and commercial capital leasing agricultural land, promoting the reform and development of land reclamation and comprehensively deepening the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives.

With regard to promoting the standardized and orderly transfer of land management rights, the "plan" requires that on the basis of the separation of ownership, contracting rights, and management rights of rural arable land, and in accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law, guide farmers to transfer the management rights of contracted land in various ways, and to develop various forms of moderate scale operation through land management rights, such as shareholding and trusteeship. We should grasp the degree of the circulation, centralization and scale operation of land management rights, do not unilaterally pursue super-large-scale operation, do not engage in the Great Leap forward, do not engage in coercive orders, and do not engage in administrative blind command, so as to make the appropriate scale operation compatible with the transfer of rural labor force, the progress of agricultural science and technology, and the level of agricultural socialized service. We will improve the management ability and level of peasant households, and focus on developing moderate-scale peasant household farms with family members as the main labor force, agriculture as the main source of income, and engaged in specialized and intensive agricultural production, so as to make it an effective force in the development of modern agriculture. Timely put forward the relevant legislative suggestions to promote the development of family farms.

In terms of improving the agricultural support and protection system, it includes establishing a stable growth mechanism of agricultural and rural investment, improving the price formation mechanism of agricultural products and the market regulation system of agricultural products, perfecting the agricultural subsidy system, establishing a new mechanism for the construction and management of irrigation and water conservancy, deepening the reform of the agricultural science and technology system, establishing a mechanism for sustainable development of agriculture, and accelerating the innovation of rural financial system.

In terms of improving the system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development, the "Plan" proposes to improve the planning system for the integration of urban and rural development. Revise and improve county rural construction planning and town, township and village planning as soon as possible, explore the formulation of village land use planning under the control of the overall land use planning of villages and towns, improve the scientific and forward-looking planning, and strengthen the binding force and leading role of planning. We will accelerate the reform of the household registration system. Speed up the establishment and implementation of the residence permit system, take the residence permit as the carrier, and gradually realize the full coverage of basic public services to the resident population.