
The system guarantee of realizing Farmers' Common Prosperity

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Deepen the reform of the rural land system and improve the reasonable, standardized and diversified security mechanism for land expropriated farmers, reasonably improve personal income the first transaction of rural collective construction land in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province in August this year, and the rural collective management in Meitan County, Guizhou Province.

Deepen the reform of rural land system

We will improve the reasonable, standardized and diversified security mechanism for land-expropriated farmers and reasonably improve their personal income.

In August this year, the first transaction of rural collective construction land in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, and the national "first hammer" of rural collective construction land in Meitan County, Guizhou Province, marked a breakthrough in the pilot reform of the rural land system. Up to now, Zhejiang, Guizhou, Sichuan and other pilot counties have completed 6 cases of rural collective construction land with a total of 58.59 mu to enter the market, with a total transaction price of 24.9307 million yuan.

The land system is the basic system of the country. The reform and improvement of the rural land system will help to stimulate the vitality of rural economic and social development, improve the system and mechanism of the integration of urban and rural development, and promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization.

The Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") has made comprehensive arrangements for the pilot reform of the rural land system with the main contents of rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the homestead system, and put forward systematic requirements for the reform pilot work.

In view of the problems such as the scope of land expropriation is too large, the procedure is not standardized, the security mechanism of land expropriated farmers is not perfect, and the distribution mechanism of land value-added income is not perfect, the "plan" proposes to reduce the scope of land expropriation and standardize the procedure of land expropriation. we will improve the reasonable, standardized and pluralistic security mechanism for land expropriated farmers, establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals, and reasonably improve individual income.

In view of the incompleteness of the right to use land for rural collective construction, the lack of equal access to the market, the same right and the same price, and the urgent need to improve the transaction rules, the "plan" proposes that the stock of rural collective construction land that is allowed to be identified as industrial and mining warehousing, commercial services and other operational uses by the overall land use planning and urban and rural planning shall enjoy the same rights as the state-owned construction land, under the premise of planning, use control and acquisition in accordance with the law. It can sell, lease and buy shares, and improve the trading rules, the service supervision system and the reasonable distribution mechanism of land value-added income. In view of the difficulties in obtaining, extensive utilization and unsmooth withdrawal of farmers' homestead, the Plan proposes that it is necessary to improve the guarantee and acquisition of the rights and interests of homestead, explore a new mechanism for farmers' housing security, and clearly define farmers' housing property rights. explore the paid use system and voluntary paid exit mechanism of homestead, and explore the effective ways of mortgage, guarantee and transfer of farmers' housing property rights.

In order to deepen the reform of the rural land system, we should adhere to the three bottom lines of "no change in the public nature of land, no breakthrough in the red line of cultivated land, and no damage to farmers' interests," so as to prevent historical and subversive mistakes.

Deepen the reform of rural collective property rights system--

The system of collective ownership must not be changed, the collective ownership must be falsified, and the collective assets shall be lost.

Rural collective ownership based on collective ownership of land is an important form of socialist public ownership and an institutional guarantee for realizing the common prosperity of farmers. In order to deepen the reform of rural collective property rights system, we should focus on strengthening the protection of rural collective property rights, activating the potential of various elements in rural areas, and giving farmers more property rights. to explore the effective realization forms of clear property right relationship, benefit distribution and sharing, factor allocation optimization and perfect governance structure of rural collective economy. We will establish a socialist rural collective property right system with Chinese characteristics and a new mechanism for rural collective economic operation that meets the requirements of the socialist market economy.

It is necessary to promote classification reform for different types of collective assets. For resource assets, the key point is to pay close attention to the registration and certification of land contractual management rights, and explore various forms of cooperation such as the development of land share cooperation. For operating assets, the focus is to clarify creditor's rights and debts, asset quantification, equity setting, equity management, income distribution, etc., to promote the reform of the stock cooperative system of rural collective property rights, quantify the conversion of assets to the members of collective economic organizations, develop farmers' share cooperation, and improve the management, supervision and income distribution mechanism for the operation of collective assets. For public welfare assets, the focus is to explore an effective mechanism for collective unified operation and management, so as to better provide public welfare services for members of collective economic organizations and community residents.

The "Plan" points out that at the present stage, the reform of the rural collective property rights system is strictly limited to within the collective economic organizations, so as to effectively prevent a small number of people within the collective economic organizations from encroaching on and dominating collective assets, and preventing external capital from misappropriating and controlling collective assets.

To deepen the reform of rural collective property rights, we must adhere to the principles and bottom line of the reform. It is necessary to adhere to collective ownership of rural land. The reform of the rural collective property rights system is not a "casual meal" of the collective economy, but to maintain the stability of the rural collective economic organizations. It is necessary to persist in the collective ownership of rural land and assets, benefit from the collective, and share them together within the collective, and actively explore effective ways to develop and grow the collective economy. collective ownership must not be broken, collective ownership should be changed, and collective assets must not be changed. It is necessary to take measures in accordance with local conditions, proceed step by step, and actively and steadily promote reform. In view of the different realities in rural areas, we cannot cut clothes in one size to promote reform, and the rhythm and methods of reform should proceed from the reality of various localities, leaving specific "construction" space for the grass-roots level.

Deepen the reform of agricultural management system

Land circulation cannot be carried out by the Great Leap forward, nor can it be forced or ordered, nor can it be directed blindly by the administration.

The development of various forms of appropriate scale operation of agriculture is the only way of agricultural modernization. As of June this year, there were more than 970000 family farms, 1.4 million farmers' cooperatives and more than 120000 leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, and the new agricultural operators have gradually become a new force in the construction of modern agriculture.

To adapt to the rapid development of rural social productive forces and the profound changes in rural economic and social structure, with the improvement of land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity as the core, we will speed up the construction of a three-dimensional and compound modern agricultural management system based on household management, with cooperation and association as the link, and socialized service as the support, so as to make the basic rural management system coruscate new vitality. To add new impetus to the modernization of agriculture with Chinese characteristics has become the inevitable requirement of the reform of agricultural management system.

We will promote the standardized and orderly transfer of land management rights. It is necessary to standardize and orderly, and guide farmers to transfer the management rights of contracted land in various ways in accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law. It is necessary to comply with the trend and earnestly respect the wishes of the peasants. We must not make the Great Leap forward, make coercive orders, or engage in administrative nonsense.

We will develop various forms of appropriate scale operation of agriculture. To make efforts on "various forms", we should not only encourage the realization of large-scale operation of land through the transfer of land management rights, but also support the non-transfer of land management rights, and realize the large-scale operation of agricultural socialized service through land shareholding, land trusteeship and other ways. It is necessary to make a fuss on "moderation", and the development of agricultural scale operation must be in line with the transfer of rural labor force, the progress of agricultural science and technology, and the level of agricultural socialized service, and we must not unilaterally pursue super-large-scale operation or artificially "build large households."

We will actively cultivate new types of agricultural operators. New types of agricultural operators, such as family farms, professional large households, farmers' cooperatives, and leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, have unique advantages and development space in different regions and different fields. They should take measures according to local conditions and classified guidance. Do not pursue a model, do not prefer a kind of subject, the key point is to strengthen policy support and promote standardized development. It is necessary to constantly innovate the organizational form and interest linkage mechanism of the agricultural industrial chain, and build a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation model among farmers, cooperatives and enterprises, so that farmers can share more of the value-added benefits of the industrial chain. It is necessary to train a contingent of professional farmers, support migrant workers with skills and management ability to return home to set up family farms, lead farmers' cooperatives, and establish agricultural products processing and marketing enterprises and agricultural socialized service organizations. (Zhao Yang, Zhu Weidong, Office of the Central Rural work leading Group)