
The first day of the acquisition of corn in Northeast China: the reduction of grain prices for farmers.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grain prices reduced farmers wait and see northeast corn temporary storage acquisition started the first day, the three northeastern provinces launched the 2015 national temporary storage corn acquisition policy. The reporter saw in some acquisition sites that the funds for the purchase of autumn grain have been put in place, and the farmers who have come to sell corn are not yet.

Farmers "cherish sales and wait and see" when Grain prices are reduced-- the first Day of Corn temporary Storage acquisition in Northeast China

On the 1st, the three northeastern provinces launched the 2015 national temporary storage corn acquisition policy. The reporter saw in some acquisition sites that the funds for the purchase of autumn grain have been put in place, and not many farmers have come to sell corn. As the temporary storage price of corn has decreased, farmers' income from selling grain has decreased, and the price orientation has accelerated the adjustment of planting structure.

The first day of corn purchase was slightly deserted.

The harvest of corn in Northeast China is coming to an end. Lanxi County Grain Depot Co., Ltd. in Heilongjiang Province is the entrusted purchase site of Zhaodong Grain Depot. Reporters at the warehouse saw that a large truck full of corn was unloading grain, and a "hill" of golden corn was piled up not far away. After quality inspection, weighing and other procedures, grain broker Li Guoan came to the settlement center with the documents. The cashier took the receipts and bank cards, tapped the keyboard and put the money into Li Guoan's account.

The 2015 national temporary storage corn purchase policy was officially launched in three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous region on November 1, 2016, ending on April 30, 2016. Compared with last year, this year's temporary storage corn acquisition policy started about a month earlier, and the end time remains the same.

Changtu County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province is a major corn planting county in the country. On the first day of the start of corn storage price, the reporter came to the central grain reserve Changtu direct warehouse in this county. Two 2015 national temporary storage corn acquisition quality and price policy bulletin boards have been hung out, in which the purchase price, bulk density, moisture and so on have made clear requirements. But did not see farmers and grain brokers come to sell grain, temporary reserves acquisition site is slightly deserted.

The Guanfeng Agricultural Machinery planting Cooperative in Baicheng City, Jilin Province has planted 183 hectares of corn, which has now been harvested, and the compound is full of corn. Zhang Fenggang, director of the cooperative, said that this year, the state started to store corn prices early, and now the highest temperature is still above zero degrees Celsius, and corn threshing is easy to break, so people are not in a hurry to sell corn.

The preliminary yield survey of the agricultural department of Jilin Province shows that the total grain output of the province this year is better than that of other years and better than that of last year. According to the adjustment of national policy grain purchase policy and the analysis of the current grain market situation, Heilongjiang Branch of China Grain Storage is expected to purchase 22 million-27 million tons of temporary stored corn in Heilongjiang Province.

Farmers are worried about a bumper harvest in the face of a reduction in storage prices.

The temporary storage price of corn, which has been rising for many years, has been lowered this year, resulting in a decline in farmers' income from selling grain to varying degrees. The purchase price of temporary storage corn in Jilin Province this year is 0.12 yuan ∕ jin lower than that of the previous year. For example, according to the per mu corn yield of 985.9 jin per mu in Jilin Province in 2014, the income of grain farmers will be reduced by 118.3 yuan per mu this year.

Zhao Huanhai, a major grain grower in Chaoyangpo Village, Zhaoyangpo Town, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, who manages 750mu of cornfield, looked sad when he saw the reporter: "this year we have beaten more than 1600 jin of corn per mu, which is about the same as last year, but the price of corn has been reduced, and the income per mu is less than 100 yuan." Zhao Huanhai said that at the beginning of this year, the transfer fee per mu of land increased by 100 yuan. "now, it would be nice to be able to maintain the capital."

Data from the agricultural department of Siping City, Jilin Province show that the total corn output in Siping City (including Gongzhuling City) is about 15 billion jin this year, and farmers' grain income will be reduced by more than 1 billion yuan that year due to the reduction of national corn temporary storage prices and other factors.

Chen Libin, a major grain grower in Qujiadian Town, Changtu County, Liaoning Province, has harvested about 4200 tons of corn this year. He calculated an account for the reporter: the comprehensive cost of corn per mu was 1100 yuan, including 700 yuan in land lease fees and 400 yuan in other operating costs paid to farmers; the average yield per mu this year was 1400 jin, compared with last year; the temporary storage price of corn this year has been reduced, and the quality requirements such as mildew rate have been improved, which has reduced the profit space. On the first day of storage, farmers are "sparing to sell and wait and see".

In Heilongjiang, the largest grain producing province in China, the purchase price of national temporary storage corn is 1 yuan per jin, which is 0.11 yuan lower than last year. The reduction of temporary storage prices has made the new operators have plans to reduce the planting area of field crops. Li Deming, director of the Zhenyu Corn Professional Cooperative in Lanxi County, Heilongjiang Province, said: with more than 3000 mu of corn planted this year, the price is on the low side, excluding all kinds of costs and only preserving capital. I had to give up this idea in the face of the current price market.

The funds for the purchase of autumn grain can be guaranteed to prevent "white slips".

In view of the new situation of purchasing autumn grain, such as downward grain prices this year, Jilin Province has made arrangements in advance, requiring farmers to sell grain nearby as far as possible and reduce freight expenses. The number of warehouse sites purchased by Jilin this year is not lower than that of last year, and the main producing cities and counties will achieve at least one storehouse in one township, and the warehouse sites will be set up at one time.

At the same time, Jilin Province also called for strengthening policy publicity, strengthening services such as grain storage in farmers' courtyards, convenient for the people of collection and storage enterprises, and strengthening supervision, inspection and production safety. We will further do a good job in grain circulation, strengthen cooperation in production and marketing, do a good job in playing the "grain card", expand the pilot project of "grain banks", and promote agricultural restructuring. It is reported that Jilin Province will complete the task of building a warehouse capacity of 10 billion jin this year, with a total storage capacity of 67 billion jin.

In terms of funds, the funds for grain purchase this year are generally guaranteed. The reporter learned from the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China that the branch has raised 140 billion yuan to ensure timely and full supply of credit funds for the purchase of autumn grain, so as to prevent enterprises from "making white slips" and farmers from "difficult to sell grain."

Li Jun, vice president of the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank, said that this year is another bumper harvest year in Heilongjiang, and the funds raised by the Agricultural Development Bank will ensure the collection and storage of policy grain in Heilongjiang in time, ensure that "money and other grain" are harvested in the autumn harvest, and ensure that farmers do not have "difficulties in selling grain" after high yields.