
The proposal of the 13th five-year Plan: to promote the transfer of rural residents to cities.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the Thirteenth five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development issued yesterday proposes to promote the whole family of the transferred agricultural population who have the ability to work and live stably in cities and towns to settle in cities, and have the same rights and obligations as urban residents.

The "proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development," issued yesterday, proposes to promote the families of agricultural migrant workers who are capable of stable employment and living in cities and towns to settle in cities, and have the same rights and obligations as urban residents. When explaining the drafting to the plenary session, Xi Jinping pointed out that among the 750 million permanent residents in cities and towns, including 250 million migrant workers, they still do not have equal access to education, employment services, social security, medical care, indemnificatory housing and other public services in cities and towns, bringing about some complex economic and social problems.

Proposal original text 1

Promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. We will continue to encourage industry to feed agriculture and cities to support rural areas, improve the system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development, and promote the equal exchange and rational allocation of urban and rural elements and the equalization of basic public services.

We will promote a new type of urbanization with people as the core. Improve the level of urban planning, construction and management. We will deepen the reform of the household registration system and promote the families of agricultural migrant workers who are capable of stable employment and living in cities and towns to settle in cities, and have the same rights and obligations as urban residents. We will implement a residence permit system and strive to achieve full coverage of basic public services for the resident population.

■ description

100 million permanent residents accelerate the settlement of cities and towns

Xi Jinping pointed out in the suggestion note that the urbanization rate of the registered population directly reflects the health of urbanization. According to the National New urbanization Plan (2014-2020), the urbanization rate of household population will reach about 45% in 2020. According to the urbanization rate of 35.9% of the registered population in 2013, the average annual increase is 1.3 percentage points, and more than 16 million people need to be transferred annually. At present, according to the resident population, China's urbanization rate is close to 55%, and the urban resident population has reached 750 million. The problem is that these 750 million people include 250 million permanent residents, mainly migrant workers, who do not have equal access to education, employment services, social security, medical care, indemnificatory housing and other public services in cities and towns, bringing about some complex economic and social problems.

The proposal to speed up the increase in the urbanization rate of the registered population is to speed up the implementation of the goal set by the central government to enable about 100 million migrant workers and other permanent residents to settle in cities and towns. These 100 million people mainly refer to the population of rural students who go to school and join the army to enter cities and towns, those who have worked in cities and towns, who have lived in cities and towns for more than five years, and whose families have migrated.

It is of great significance to achieve the settlement of 100 million people in cities and towns. From the perspective of supply, in the case of a decrease in the total working-age population, it is of great significance to stabilize labor supply and wage costs, and to cultivate a contingent of modern industrial workers. From the perspective of demand, it is of great significance to expand consumer demand, stabilize the real estate market, and expand investment in urban infrastructure and public service facilities. Achieving this goal is not only conducive to stabilizing economic growth, but also conducive to promoting social fairness, justice, harmony and stability, which is the inherent requirement for an all-round well-off society to benefit more people. This requires strengthening the implementation of household registration system reform measures and speeding up the improvement of relevant supporting policies to ensure the realization of this goal.

> > interpretation

It is not just a matter of hukou for rural people to go to the city.

Liu Hongbin, a professor at the people's Public Security University of China, said that the so-called agricultural transfer population who have the ability to work and live stably in cities and towns mainly consists of two types of people. The first is the rural population who has already been employed in cities. Although the hukou has not yet been converted to an urban hukou, they actually live in the city for a long time and are engaged in the tertiary and secondary industries, but because they have not transferred their identity, they are in a state of mobility. The second is the children of these people, who live in the city for a long time, but do not have an urban hukou. Due to various reasons such as homestead and contracted land, they restrict the development process of population urbanization.

Liu Hongbin said that at present, China's population urbanization is not too low, has exceeded 50%, but few agricultural workers in developed countries are more than 50%, and the general urbanized population is more than 70%. If the population cannot be urbanized, the labor force will not be released. Only by urbanizing the population can we stimulate the productive forces more effectively. The current process of urbanization in China does not meet the needs of expanding domestic demand and social development.

But in the end, what kind of talents can be regarded as those who have the ability to transfer the population? not only does it mean that the hukou has changed, but in fact, the mode of labor production has also changed. If there is no corresponding change in the level of education and way of life, that is, the urban hukou will be given. It's not really changed. At present, those who have the ability, subjectively speaking, are willing to live in the city. After coming to the city, we should also be able to meet the needs of the urban mode of production, be able to change, have a certain cultural quality, and have the knowledge and skills to be able to engage in all kinds of urban production.

Liu Hongbin pointed out that the reform of the household registration system began around 1998, and the localities have been carrying out it for many years. Why there is no large-scale population urbanization is actually related to interests. Changing hukou is easy, but it also involves contracted land and homestead. It is also an interest that rural people working in cities still have homestead and contracted land. If it were not for a rural hukou, these would be gone. Rural areas rely on the income of land, and cities are two different systems. in order to eliminate this obstacle, it is necessary to eliminate the gap between urban interests and rural interests. When farmers go to cities, they can monetize their land interests to cities and let them circulate, so that they can really become urban population. As for paid transfer, it can be through some form of shareholding, or let others operate and make their own profits. Only in this way can the real return of hukou be the essence of population registration, and it is no longer for the social welfare and security of the urban population.

Liu Hongbin said that in fact, the basic population information database is basically available, and there are two systems: one is the population database resources formed by the resident population registration form during household registration, and the second is the population information left when applying for identity cards. what we need to do now is to establish a database shared by all departments, which needs to bridge the gap between various departments.

Yuan Guoli, a reporter from the Beijing Times

□ government ruled by law

A government under the rule of law was basically established during the 13th five-year Plan.

Proposal original text 2

The people's democracy has become more sound, the government ruled by law has been basically established, and the credibility of the judiciary has been significantly improved. Human rights are effectively protected and property rights are effectively protected. A new system for an open economy has basically taken shape. The modern military system with Chinese characteristics is more perfect. The level of institutionalization of party building has been significantly improved.

> > interpretation

The concept and values of officials should be changed.

What is the gap between the establishment of the legal system and the basic establishment of a government ruled by law? What are the core elements of the basic establishment of a government under the rule of law and what are the key points? Wang Yukai, deputy director of the China Society for Administrative system Reform and professor of Chinese Academy of Governance, said: the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the general goal and major task of comprehensively promoting the rule of law, and it is quite an arduous task to basically build a government under the rule of law within five years.

At the same time, there are several key points that need to take the lead to make breakthroughs. First of all, the concept and values of officials should be changed. To a certain extent, officialdom officials in our country do not lack the thinking of rule by man and power, but lack the thinking and spirit of the rule of law. If the construction of a government under the rule of law does not change its value orientation, then the reform will produce great resistance in spirit and will affect the completion of the government under the rule of law on schedule.

Secondly, the core of building a government under the rule of law is to limit public power. The order of restricting public rights, protecting people and governing society should not be wrong. if the order is improper, it will also affect the construction of a government under the rule of law. If the power of public power is not restricted, the situation of illegal law enforcement and law enforcement will be banned repeatedly, and the situation of infringing upon the interests of the people and depriving citizens of their rights will become more and more serious. If the central anti-corruption thinking is to form a mechanism that does not dare to do not want to be corrupt, the formation of such an institutional mechanism and political atmosphere also needs to be promoted by the construction of a government under the rule of law. Among them, non-corruption is mainly through the law to build the cage of the system, so that public power can be restricted and restricted.

> > landing point

The legislative work of the legal system with Chinese characteristics has been completed

During the two sessions of the National people's Congress in 2011, the work report of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress said that the legislative goal of forming a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by 2010 put forward by the 15th CPC National Congress has been completed as scheduled.

Wang Yukai said: the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan only mentions the need to "basically build" a government under the rule of law, that is, to build a framework and system for a government under the rule of law, while it is very difficult and challenging to fully build a government under the rule of law. We need to start with government public governance and promote government construction to the track of the rule of law.

At the same time, the rule of law government, the rule of law society, the rule of law country, from the relationship between the three, the rule of law government plays a bridge and hub role. If we do not build a good government under the rule of law, then the expectation of the society and the country ruled by law will be greatly reduced, and the maturity of the government under the rule of law will also directly affect the degree of the rule of law of the society and the country.

Sun Qian, a reporter from the Beijing Times

□ military defense

The reform of the army will be basically completed by 2020

Proposal original text 3

By 2020, we will basically complete the objectives and tasks of national defense and military reform, basically achieve mechanization, make great progress in informationization, and build a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics that can win information wars and effectively perform missions and tasks.

> > interpretation

Our army will usher in a great change.

Military expert Zhang Junshe said: in the next five years, the army will focus on the following three aspects of reform: the first is to straighten out the military formation system, gradually improve the joint combat capability of the services and arms, realize the flattening of the command structure, and compress the strength of the ground forces. appropriately increase the proportion of sea and air forces and the second Artillery Corps, reduce command links, and improve command efficiency and capability. The second is to speed up the modernization of military weapons and equipment, move towards mechanization and informationization, and improve the integration of network command, intelligence and reconnaissance under the current integration of information operations. The third is to emphasize the active defense strategy from a strategic point of view, and in the future, we will pay more attention to dynamic defense and offensive defense, and improve our army's second strike capability and conventional counterattack capability.

Gong Fangbin, a professor at the National Defense University, believes that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the goal of strengthening the army has become clearer, and a series of rules and regulations for administering the army according to law have been issued one after another, mainly reflected in political organization, logistics equipment, and financial management.At the same time, the army's fight against corruption and honesty also reflects its clear determination to run the army according to law. It has laid the focus of the army's development in the next five years by setting goals, changing work style, and setting rules. Now and in the next five years, our army will carry out the second major transformation since the founding of the army. Under the premise of giving priority to active defense, our army will also implement the strategy of going out in order to safeguard world peace and achieve a community with a shared future.

> > landing point

Xi Jinping announced that the military parade on September 3rd would be reduced by 300000.

At the military parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War on September 3 this year, President Xi Jinping proposed that the army will be reduced by 300000, and this reform will involve the command structure and logistics support system.

It should be noted that the army is not reduced for the sake of reducing its personnel, but is naturally formed after the structural reform, and is quite different from the nature of the streamlined troops in the past few times, and it is a by-product of the natural formation of the scientific command system and construction.

Although the goal of disarmament 300000 is initially required to be completed in 2017, the task is still arduous in order to achieve combat effectiveness, and the relevant mechanisms need to be improved after the formation of the new command structure.

In the next five years, the core and focus will be on the reform of the armed forces. In fact, the reform of the entire system will really be put on the right track, and the army will really become normal and can respond to external challenges at any time.