
What is the cause of ginger root rot? What are the prevention and control measures?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ginger is an indispensable condiment in our life. It is generally planted in a relatively deep soil layer and is a rhizome plant. In the specific growth process, ginger is easy to develop some diseases due to environmental, climate and other factors, of which the more typical is

Ginger is an indispensable condiment in our life. It is generally planted in a relatively deep soil layer and is a rhizome plant. In the specific growth process, ginger is easy to produce some diseases because of environment, climate and other factors, of which the more typical is ginger root rot. What is the cause of ginger root rot? What are the prevention and control measures?

What is the cause of ginger root rot?

1. Soil causes

The soil is acidic and clay; the soil is not fertile enough and has a lot of weeds; it is planted on other varieties of legumes that have been rotated.

2. The reason of planting density

The planting density of ginger is too high, resulting in too small row spacing and plant spacing, blocking the light and poor air permeability, which will lead to the weakening of plant photosynthesis and the increase of diseases and insect pests.

3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer

If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied when topdressing, the growth will be too young to resist all kinds of diseases and insect pests. It is also possible that the fertilizer is not completely mature or the organic fertilizer contains root rot bacteria, which naturally leads to root rot disease when ginger is planted.

4. Seed selection without disinfection

After the selection of ginger species, there is no disinfection, itself with root rot bacteria.

5. Causes of stagnant water

Choose to plant ginger where the terrain is relatively low, drainage is not good, naturally prone to the phenomenon of stagnant water, especially in the high temperature, redundant season, drainage is not timely, then it is easy to root rot.

6. The cause of temperature

The temperature suddenly picks up and clears up after the heavy rain, and then it is easy to suffer from root rot.

Second, the main symptoms of root rot of ginger

Ginger root rot first infected the roots of the ground, and then the affected area will appear dark green water stains, slowly extending downward, causing the budding buds and underground stems to become yellowish brown or light brown, rotting and softening. The stems on the ground are directly yellow or withered. If it is the growth of new ginger, it will soon spread to the whole ginger, showing a white mildew layer, resulting in can not be put on the market for sale, which is a very big threat to growers.

Third, what are the prevention and control measures for root rot of ginger?

1. Soak the ginger

It is very important to select ginger before planting ginger. It is necessary to choose ginger which has not been attacked by diseases and insect pests during storage. Then soak in professional medicine for 20 minutes before planting. Specific what medicine to buy, then you can go to the professional seedling market to buy.

2. Choose a suitable planting place

The choice of land for planting ginger is also very important, and it is best to choose a place with deeper soil layer, drier soil layer, strong air permeability, good fertilizer retention ability and sunny direction.

3. Rational fertilization

Ginger planting, then fertilizer must be adequate, otherwise there will be weak growth due to lack of fertilizer, weak resistance, so that the disease is more likely to be infected.