
What harm does wheat leaf wasp do to wheat? How to prevent and cure?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Wheat leaf wasp is a common pest in the process of wheat growth, which does great harm to wheat growth. If it is not controlled in time, it can eat the tip of the whole leaf and affect its photosynthesis. Next, let's take a look at the harm of wheat leaf wasps to wheat.

Wheat leaf wasp is a common pest in the process of wheat growth, which does great harm to wheat growth. If it is not controlled in time, it can eat the tip of the whole leaf and affect its photosynthesis. Let's take a look at what harm wheat leaf wasps do to wheat. How to prevent and cure?

I. the living habits of wheat leaf wasps

Because wheat is a large number of crops planted in the north, wheat leaf peaks appear more often in the north, usually one-year-old generation. The pupae of wheat leaf wasps spend the winter underground, and when the temperature slowly rises, they begin to break the pupae and become adults. After mating, a saw-shaped ovipositor is used to saw a crack in the back of the wheat leaf to lay eggs. They lay eggs and saw leaves at the same time, so the eggs are basically in clusters. The egg period of wheat leaf wasp is about ten days, and the larvae can be divided into five stages. The larvae of the same age are most harmful from April to May each year. By the middle and late May, the mature larvae will drill into the ground and become a cocoon to spend the summer safely. When the weather turns cool in October, it begins to pupate again for the winter.

It is understood that the wheat leaf wasp is also a very cunning insect, they will pretend to be dead, vibrate in the wind, fall by themselves, then huddle together, and then climb on top of the wheat plant about a quarter of an hour later.

The appearance of wheat leaf wasp is closely related to the weather. If the winter temperature is not low and the soil is moist, it is beneficial to the pupa's winter; the spring warms up relatively early, the soil moisture is sufficient, and the weather during the adult Eclosion period is relatively mild.

Second, what harm does wheat leaf wasp do to wheat?

The harmful habit of wheat leaf wasp larvae is green, and the occurrence of wheat leaf wasps is more serious in wheat fields with good water and fertilizer conditions, which is also called first-class wheat fields, followed by second-class wheat fields, third-class fields and wheat-cotton interplanting plots.

Wheat leaf wasps are the most harmful in April and May, especially in dense wheat plots or irrigated fields. The wheat leaf wasp mainly feeds on the leaves of the wheat by the larvae, starting from the tip and edge of the leaves, until the leaves of the wheat are eaten up, leaving only the main vein. The mature larvae of the wheat leaf wasp drill into the root and stem of the wheat and start eating from here until the stem is bitten off or leaves a thin skin, so the wheat will be weak and break at once.

Third, how to control the wheat leaf wasp?

1. Before planting wheat, we must do a good job of deep ploughing, so that the dormant wheat leaf wasp larvae in the soil can not be turned into pupae, so they will die naturally and can not endanger the wheat. In some places, water and drought rotation or rice-wheat stubble can also be carried out, which is very effective for the control of wheat leaf wasps.

2. Go to the farmers' market with professional chemical spraying, the general effect is better.

3. Make direct use of the characteristics of false death to hunt and kill artificially.