
How to grow sorghum

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sorghum is a common crop. Sorghum grain is processed into sorghum rice, which is used as food in China, Korea, the former Soviet Union, India and Africa. So, how to grow sorghum? First, the sorghum root system for land selection and soil preparation is well developed and has strong water and fertilizer absorption, so it is suitable to choose.

Sorghum is a common crop. Sorghum grains become sorghum rice after processing. It is used as food in China, Korea, the former Soviet Union, India and Africa. So, how does sorghum grow?

1. Land selection and preparation

Sorghum root system developed water absorption fertility strong, should choose flat loose more fertile plot planting. Before sowing must be done fine soil preparation, will rake flat, rake fine. Sorghum should avoid continuous cropping. Rational crop rotation is the key to increase sorghum yield. The ideal preceding crop of sorghum is soybean crop, followed by corn crop and potato crop. Suitable after crop is best soybean crop, or corn, millet rotation.

II. Seed selection

Before sowing, winnowing or screening is carried out to eliminate small, shriveled and diseased seeds, and large and full seeds are selected as production seeds. At the same time, choose sunny weather, sun-seeding 2- 3 days, improve seed bud vigor, bud rate. Sowing density to "fertile land should be dense, thin land should be thin" as the principle.

III. Field management

Thinning and fixing seedlings: seedlings at 3-4 leaf stage after seedling, seedlings at 5-6 leaf stage. When fixing seedlings, it is necessary to keep seedlings at equal intervals, keep strong seedlings, normal seedlings, leave double seedlings and second crop seedlings, and remove miscellaneous plants to improve purity and give full play to the yield-increasing effect of improved varieties.

Cultivation: sorghum seedling stage generally cultivated 2-3 times, the first time combined with seedling determination;10-15 days later for the second time. It is advocated to plough before shoveling and combine shoveling and ploughing. It is suggested that an intertillage should be carried out before and after jointing. This intertillage should be combined with topdressing and soil cultivation to promote sorghum growth and enhance the ability of windbreak, toppling resistance and soil water storage and moisture preservation.

Timely irrigation: sorghum water demand characteristics are seedling water demand accounted for about 10% of the total water demand in the whole growth period; jointing booting stage accounted for 50%; booting to flowering stage accounted for 15%; filling stage accounted for 20%; mature stage accounted for about 5%. In order to ensure high and stable yield of sorghum, proper irrigation should be grasped at jointing and booting stage, flowering stage and filling stage.

IV. Pest control

Before sowing, 25% triadimefon wettable powder is mixed according to 0.3~0.5% of seeds, sorghum leaf spot disease can be sprayed with 70% thiophane methyl wettable powder 2000 times solution, 100~125 kg per mu, underground pests can be seed coated with seed coating Jinong No. 3, aphids can be coated with 40% dimethoate emulsion mixed with 50~80 times water, and 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate mixed with 2000 times water can be sprayed. The armyworm can be controlled with 50% phoxim emulsion 50~ 100g/mu.

Reasonable crop rotation has a great impact on yield, so we must pay attention to it when selecting land.