
The pilot project of protection and utilization of black land in Northeast China has been carried out in a down-to-earth manner.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, In order to implement the spirit of the Central Committee's No. 1 document "some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization", this year, the central government has allocated 500 million yuan to implement the northeast black soil in 19 counties (cities and districts) in the four provinces (regions) of Northeast China.

In order to implement the spirit of No.1 Document of the Central Committee "Several Opinions on Intensifying Reform and Innovation and Accelerating Agricultural Modernization Construction," this year, the central government allocated 500 million yuan of funds to launch and implement the Northeast Black Land Protection and Utilization Pilot Project in 19 counties (cities and districts) of the four northeastern provinces (districts). According to the requirements of the documents of the Ministry of Agriculture and Finance, the agricultural and financial departments of the four provinces (autonomous regions) strengthened leadership and carefully deployed, and formulated and issued the implementation plan of the pilot project in their own province. Each pilot county (city, district) combines local reality, innovates working methods, promotes pilot projects in a solid manner, and actively implements them.

It is reported that in order to implement the project well, each project county (city, district) organizes special forces to determine the main body of project implementation, and carries out on-site public affairs and on-site docking on the technical mode, implementation site, implementation plot, work task and work objective, so as to strive to do a good job well. In the docking process, in order to better complete the project, cooperative farmers and relevant implementers are actively encouraged to actively participate in the project implementation. Baotian Agricultural Planting Cooperative of Qinlao Village, Korean Township, Beilin District, Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, specially went to Hongxinglong Farm and other places to study docking locomotives and machinery service projects. Banner leaders of Arun Banner and Zhalaite Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region led project team members to conduct on-site office work and project docking, and encouraged farmers to actively participate in project implementation.

Subsidy funds of each project county (city, district) are mainly inclined to new business entities such as large planting households, family farms and farmers 'cooperatives. 100% of Liaoning Province is concentrated on new business entities. The cultivated area of Tieling County is 1.18 million mu, of which 462,000 mu has been transferred, accounting for about 40%. There are more than 1000 officially registered planting and breeding cooperatives in the whole county, among which more than 50 cooperatives with large scale and good basic conditions have been selected for implementation of the pilot project of black land protection and utilization. Faku County is implemented in all family farms with industrial and commercial licenses, and smaller family farms have also established family farm associations to implement the project in the form of overall package.

The government purchases services from organic fertilizer production enterprises, large-scale farms, agricultural machinery cooperatives and other service organizations, and uniformly implements, accepts and settles accounts. Nong 'an County, Jilin Province, straw returning to the field adopts the way that the government directly purchases services from agricultural machinery professional cooperatives. According to Wen Yesheng, president of Helong Town Zhongyi Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, his cooperative plan and the government signed a contract for straw returning to the field of 5000 mu. He will get 100 yuan subsidy per mu, benefiting the common people and the cooperative is also active. Organic fertilizer accumulation also took the way of purchasing services, Gongzhuling City Chaoyangpo Town Shunchanglong planting professional cooperative Li Zhenjun introduced, This year he accumulated 4500 square meters of organic fertilizer, Will sign 300 with the government fertilizer supply contract, In next spring ploughing as base fertilizer for nearby Dongxing village and Zhongyangbao village farmers directly applied to the field.

In order to ensure the implementation of the project in place, each project county (city, district) also carries out regular inspection and acceptance assessment on the implementation of the project, considers the annual and final performance assessment of the project as a whole, scientifically evaluates the cultivated land quality monitoring data before and after the project implementation, and regards the performance assessment results as an important basis for future project fund arrangement. Tieling City and Faku County have established archives for each family farm and professional cooperative of the project implementation subject, determined GPS points of the implementation plot, checked and registered the implementation area of each technical mode by GPS, established project archives, publicized the project name, implementation site, implementation area, material variety, distribution object, distribution quantity and reporting telephone number at village level for 7 days, and photographed and archived.