
Central Agricultural Office: the income of farmers planting one mu of land is about the same as working in the city for a week.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, On November 4, 2015, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference in the press room of the Information Office of the State Council, inviting the deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group.


The State Information Office held a press conference on the "Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform".

International online News the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference in the Press Office of the State Council Information Office on November 4, 2015, inviting Chen Xiwen, deputy head and director of the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group, and Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group, to interpret the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, introduce the "Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform," and answer reporters' questions.

China Voice of the Central people's Radio: our "plan" mentioned the need to train a contingent of professional farmers, and yesterday it was also proposed in the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan to train a new type of farmers. however, we learned in the interview that among the main labor force working in rural areas, the elderly and women are still in the majority. How can we solve the problem of who will farm in the next few years? How to train a new type of professional farmers? Thank you.

Han Jun: agriculture can now be said that in many areas, our main labor force has been described as "3861" troops. It can be said that the aging speed of rural areas in agriculture is faster than that of cities, and women are becoming more and more middle-aged and elderly women. Middle-aged and elderly farmers are increasingly becoming the main force of our agricultural labor force. For example, farmers over the age of 65 in Japan now account for more than 60%.

Chen Xiwen: the average age is 67.

Han Jun: compared with Japan, the age of farmers is still young, but it can be predicted that the aging of the agricultural labor force may advance very rapidly in the future. Indeed, in many areas, agriculture will face the severe situation of lack of successors. In the proposal of the Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee and the comprehensive implementation plan of rural reform, it is specially proposed to cultivate a new type of professional farmers as a strategic measure to vigorously promote agricultural modernization. This policy is very clear, and over the years, many of our areas have been exploring how to solve the problem of who will farm. The most important thing is that we still have to keep some young people in the rural areas, especially the middle-aged people in the rural areas. if the rural areas are all 70 years old and 80 years old in the future, the rural areas are very likely to become barren rural areas, and the rural areas may become left-behind rural areas. it may become a hometown in memory. This is what we do not want to see. How to make agriculture really become, farming really become an attractive profession, so that people engaged in agricultural production and management can also lead a decent life. This is a big problem to be solved in our "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" policy.

First of all, we should combine the cultivation of a new type of agricultural main body with the training of our new type of professional farmers, and create conditions for some farmers who work in cities, or even students who graduate from agricultural vocational schools, to make him willing to go back to the countryside to work. I recently saw a survey conducted in Jiangsu Province that 5% of college students are willing to go back to work in rural areas. 6% of them are willing to work in rural areas. I was pleasantly surprised to see this figure. At least 5% of college students are willing to work in rural areas. If this number is less than 1%, it will be a problem. Farmers in developed countries are professional, and many farmers graduate from universities. The first thing we need to create is to make more people willing to farm. In the past two years, I have often seen some migrant workers and even some college students who went back to work in rural areas who used to work in factories in the city. Do you ask him what is his biggest feeling? He became part of the assembly line when he worked in a factory in the city, and he was managed by others. He had a great sense of success when he returned to the countryside to face nature, and he had another grasp in this respect. We must combine the training of new professional farmers with the development of appropriate scale management of agriculture. At present, most of our farmers in rural areas are seven or eight mu of land, more than ten mu of land, and one household grows such a small amount of land. the money earned by this mu of land is about the same as that earned by a week of working in the city, and if the money earned by growing six or seven mu of grain is similar to that of working in the city for a month. In other words, if you want to make agriculture an attractive profession, you have to form a moderate scale. In the resolution of the plenary session, you have noticed that there is a sentence that is very important: "to develop various forms of appropriate scale operation of agriculture, to play a leading role in the construction of modern agriculture, and to build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators." Only when the land planted by its new type of professional farmers is not necessarily farming, it can also engage in services, or it can also engage in some tourism in rural areas. if it reaches one or two hundred mu, it may be able to have a decent income in the Central Plains, which may be similar to the income of working.

The Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee proposed to build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators. What is this system? The plenum recommendations mentioned the need to deepen rural financial reform, improve the agricultural insurance system, and so on. These cultivate a new type of professional farmers, he wants to engage in agriculture, can not get a loan, agriculture has natural risks, market risks, the risk is very great. If there is a hail, there will be no harvest, and the supporting system construction must keep up with it.

In addition, our agricultural vocational education is still backward, and our agricultural vocational education is still unattractive. If we want to train professional farmers, our agricultural vocational education must catch up and give full play to our agricultural colleges and universities. the role of many vocational colleges. It is a very arduous task to adopt a directional approach to train more and more new farmers who meet the needs of modern agricultural development.

Chen Xiwen: I would like to add two points. Director Han made a very comprehensive statement just now. I just mentioned that the contracted land in many farmers' families has not been transferred, but they do not have the kind of seed, such as entrusting and buying shares, which others help him to grow. In many places, it seems that old people and women are farming there, but in fact, the most important link is provided by the social service system. So if the system is further improved, frankly, age and gender are not the main obstacles.

Just now Comrade Han Jun talked about Japanese agriculture. I met with some people from Japan's Ministry of Agriculture and Water two days ago and talked about this matter. Now the average age of Japan's 2 million farmers is 67, more than 2/3 are over 70, and 1/3 are over 75. It is also very important through social services, agricultural machinery and so on. Of course, this is not a good phenomenon, we should try our best to change it. The reason why it seems that young adults are walking more and more, why grain production is still increasing, agriculture is still developing, and the social service system plays an important role in it.

Second, agriculture has its own characteristics. Agriculture is a life industry. Crops grow in the field and do not need to be served 24 hours a day or 365 days a year. Therefore, Marx believes that the great characteristic in the field of agriculture is that the production time and working time are inconsistent. Crops grow in the fields, and there is no need for people to work there every day, which forms a characteristic among the farmers. because the scale of operation of farmers in our country is small, especially in the main grain producing areas, farmers have a saying that it is a month to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival begins on the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, so "one month for the Spring Festival, two months for farming." Of course, the work in the field is sporadic, but it doesn't take him two months, and there are nine months to go out to earn money.

When our media and journalist friends go to the countryside, they may also pay attention to the season. If it is not the busy season, when the crops in the fields are growing, there are very few young people in the countryside, so they all go out to work to earn money. It seems that the countryside has become "hollow", leaving only the elderly, children and women, but when you come to the busy season, many young adults come back from outside. Therefore, the characteristics of agriculture and China's rural areas should also be viewed from a practical and realistic point of view.

Our current urbanization rate was 54.8% last year, that is to say, more than 45% of the population lives in rural areas, and more than 600 million people live in rural areas. What's the concept? There are much more peasants than before liberation and in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. However, not all of these 600 million people are old people, not all women and children, so it is very profound to see the social changes in rural areas, but we must pay attention to the agricultural season, the season and when to see it. Crops grow well in normal fields, it is true that there are very few people in the countryside, but where are these more than 600 million people? In the busy season, we will see a lot of people go back to grow crops. So you raised a very important question, that is, how to gradually develop professional farmers in China. Just now Director Han talked about the importance of scale operation, socialized service and professional training for farmers, and vocational education is very important.