
Cultivation techniques of Hongxin honey pomelo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Red flesh honey pomelo was selected by the Fruit Tree Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences from the bud mutant line in Guanxi pomelo orchard in Pinghe County. This kind of grapefruit has large thin skin and red pulp, which has the effect of anti-cancer and reducing fat. How did this kind of grapefruit grow? Red heart honey

Red flesh honey pomelo was selected by the Fruit Tree Research Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences from the bud mutant line in Guanxi pomelo orchard in Pinghe County. This kind of grapefruit has large thin skin and red pulp, which has the effect of anti-cancer and reducing fat. How did this kind of grapefruit grow? What are the cultivation techniques of Hongxin honey pomelo?

Cultivation techniques of Hongxin honey pomelo

1. The pomelo likes moist, loose and fertile soil. Here we choose sandy loam soil with deep soil layer and good drainage as planting soil. The suitable pH value is 5.5-6.5.

2. Grapefruit grows vigorously and has a large crown. Grafted trees enter the full fruit stage in 6-7 years. The row spacing of mountain orchards is 3 × 3 meters, 74 plants per mu, 3 × 4 meters per mu and 55 trees per mu.

3. Before planting, dig a planting trench with a depth of 0.8 meters and a width of 1 meter, or a planting hole with a depth of 0.8 meters, a width of 1 meter and a length of 1 meter, and separate the surface soil from the core soil when digging the pit. When backfilling, 25-50 kg of green manure and weeds are buried at the bottom of each hole, one layer of green manure and one layer of topsoil are buried, and 1 kg of lime powder is sprinkled layer by layer; 15 kg of pig and cow manure, 1.5 kg of cake fertilizer and 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer are applied in the middle of each hole, mix well with the core soil, and then cultivate the soil 20-30 cm above the ground.

4. Pomelo has strong fruiting ability, but cross-pollination can increase the fruit rate and increase the fruit, so pollination trees should be arranged when planting.

5. It is better to plant in the first and middle March. Before planting, cut off some branches and leaves and overlong main roots of the seedlings, retain the fibrous roots as far as possible, and use yellow mud to root. When planting, dig a small hole in the center of the mound, put the seedlings into the hole, let the roots of the seedlings stretch naturally, and then return to the soil to compact the soil. The height of the buried soil can not be buried beyond the joint of the marriage. After planting, drench the root water and cover the tree plate with straw or other weeds. Within one month of planting, the soil near the root system should be kept moist and drenched every 3-5 days in sunny days.

6. After the seedlings are planted, they should be cut and dried 30-40 cm above the grafting interface. After shoot extraction, 3-4 new shoots with strong growth, uniform distribution of four weeks and a certain interval between each other were selected as the main branches, and the rest were erased.

7. When the top of each main branch continues to extend to about 40 cm, pick the heart and hit the top in time. 2-3 strong branches with appropriate position on each main branch are selected as secondary main branches. Proper spacing should be maintained between the main stem and the secondary main branch so that the meristematic lateral branches can receive sufficient light. Should often erase the trunk and the main branch on the intersection, overlap, disturb the tree-shaped branches and improper shoots.

8. After planting for one month, the seedlings can be fertilized after survival. It is applied 2-3 times a month in the first year, and can be drenched with rotten dung water or biogas water 3 times, or 0.3% urea or compound fertilizer, 5-10 jin per plant, and gradually increase the concentration and amount of fertilizer according to the growth of the plant. In the second year, fertilizer was applied about 15 days before spring, summer and autumn shoots and when the leaves of each shoot turned green, three times in the whole year, topdressing fertilizer for six times, 5-10 kg of mature human manure per plant, and 0.1 kg of urea or 0.1 kg of compound fertilizer. Goushi.

9. Young trees should complete hole expansion and soil improvement in the first three years. That is, in December, a ditch with a depth of 50 cm, a width of 40 cm and a length of 1 m was dug on both sides of the trunk of the tree, then 20 kg of organic fertilizer + 1 kg of phosphate fertilizer was applied, and green manure, leaf weeds, withered branches and fallen leaves were filled into the ditch, and some lime was sprinkled, and the direction of the ditch should be changed to the other sides of the young tree when the hole was expanded for the second time.

10. Fruit trees are generally fertilized at least three times a year. Budding fertilizer was applied 10-15 days before germination at the beginning of March, mainly quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote the emergence of spring shoots with large quantity and good quality, and 0.5 kg compound fertilizer was applied to the general plant. During the fruit expansion period from June to August, strong fruit fertilizer can be applied twice in June and August, with 0.5 kg urea and 0.5 kg compound fertilizer for general plants, and less fruit can be applied as appropriate or without strong fruit fertilizer to prevent sudden autumn shoots. In the first ten days of November, the general plant applied 0.5 kg of urea, 0.5 kg of compound fertilizer, 5 kg of cake fertilizer, 50 kg of fence fertilizer and other soil and miscellaneous fertilizer.

In addition, it can also be combined with spraying appropriate amount of urea, potassium dioxin phosphate for extra-root topdressing to supplement the needs of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in time.

11. The fruiting trees were sprayed with paclobutrazol once from late October to early November, and the trees rich in 6-10 years were cut once in November and December. Flower thinning can be carried out from mid-late February to early March, and flower branches or buds can be thinned. When spitting buds, focus on cutting off the hidden leafless and weak flower branches inside the crown, which is called sparse flower branches. About ten days after thinning the flower branches, the remaining flower ears are thinned again, and the method of removing the head to the tail of each flower ear is adopted. Generally, there are no more than 4 full buds per flower ear, which is called thinning flower buds. In April and early May, for those with 3 or more fruits on the fruiting branches, the poorly developed diseased fruits, deformed fruits, weak fruits and small fruits were removed, and the normal fruit was retained. Two strong fruits were left on each fruit-bearing branch, and 100ml and 200 fruits were left on each pomelo tree during the full fruit period.

12. when the fruit grows to more than 10 cm in diameter, remove the leaves near the fruit, thoroughly kill the pomelo tree before bagging, and then bag the whole pomelo tree.

Hongxin honey pomelo generally begins to hang fruit after planting for 3 years, and the peak yield period can reach 2-3000 kg per mu.