
Minister of Land: exploring the pilot implementation of cultivated land rotation and fallow system

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources and Secretary of the Party leading Group, published a signed article in People's Daily on December 8, pointing out that the "proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the Thirteenth five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" adopted by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made a comprehensive section.

Jiang Daming, minister of land and resources and secretary of the party leading group, published a signed article in People's Daily on December 8. the "proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" adopted by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee makes strategic arrangements for comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources, which is the fundamental compliance of China's resources utilization and management work in the next five years and beyond.

The article said that it is necessary to fully implement the national innovation-driven development strategy, integrate the comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources into the torrent of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation," and truly extricate economic development from the mode of over-reliance on natural resources.

The article said that adhere to the strictest land conservation system. First, the scale of new construction land should be strictly controlled; second, the standard management of all kinds of land use should be strict; third, the space control of construction land should be strict; fourth, the punishment for wasting land should be strict.

At the same time, explore the implementation of cultivated land rotation and fallow system pilot. To carry out rotation and fallow pilot projects, we should adhere to capacity-oriented, give priority to conservation, ensure safety, take into account the overall farming situation in the country and the reality of various localities, and formulate a scientific and meticulous rotation fallow pilot program, focusing on groundwater funnel areas, heavy metal pollution areas, and areas with serious ecological degradation.

We will establish and improve the initial distribution system of energy use rights, water use rights, emission rights and carbon emission rights. Explore the establishment of a hierarchical exercise of ownership system, from the license system to the right system. In terms of system and mechanism, we should straighten out the relationship between the government and the market, the government and enterprises, and give full play to the management and regulatory role of the government.

Implement contract energy management and contract water-saving management. Implement the requirements of the recommendation, implement contract energy management and contract water-saving management, take the lead in energy efficiency and water efficiency, and take the construction of energy-saving and water-saving mechanisms as an important starting point.

Implement the national energy conservation action plan. Continue to carry out various and feasible energy-saving activities, so that energy conservation can be implemented in all aspects of work and life.

The following is the full text:

Comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources (study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee)

Jiang Daming

The "proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the Thirteenth five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" (hereinafter referred to as "the proposal") adopted by the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee makes a strategic plan for comprehensive conservation and efficient utilization of resources. this is the fundamental compliance of China's resource utilization and management work in the next five years and beyond. To implement this strategic plan, we must scientifically grasp the national conditions of China's resources, speed up the transformation of ideas, firmly establish the concept of saving and intensive recycling of resources, and strengthen reform and innovation. to ensure the successful completion of various tasks of comprehensive conservation and efficient utilization of resources during the 13th five-year Plan period.

The key to solving the difficult problems of Resources, Environment and Development in China

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the conservation and efficient use of resources, which have achieved remarkable results during the 12th five-year Plan period, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress. However, there is still a big gap compared with the needs of economic and social development and the international advanced level. In 2013, China's GDP accounted for about 12.3% of the world's GDP, but it consumed 22.4% of the world's energy and 47.3% of the world's iron and steel, and the water resources output rate was only 62% of the world average. This shows that there is still much room and potential to improve the efficiency of resource utilization in an all-round way. At the same time, China's resource constraints are further intensified, the environmental bearing capacity has approached the "ceiling", and the traditional development model is difficult to sustain. Only by comprehensively saving and making efficient use of resources, can we effectively solve the resource and environmental problems facing the development of our country.

An important guarantee for alleviating resource constraints and achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. China has a large amount of resources, less per capita and low quality, and the per capita share of major resources is generally on the low side compared with the world average. In 2014, the degree of external dependence of China's important energy resources increased further, with 59% for oil, 70% for iron and copper and 50% for aluminum. In many places, the new construction land is close to or exceeds the upper limit of carrying capacity. The spatial matching of water resources is poor, and more than 400 of more than 600 cities are short of water. China's basic national conditions, resource endowments and the stage characteristics of development determine that resources must be used comprehensively and efficiently.

An important way to promote green development and build ecological civilization. Green development is a scientific development model that actively adapts to the constraints of soil and water resources carrying capacity and ecological environment capacity. Shanshui Lintian Lake is a life community, and resources are the basic support of the ecological environment. Only by comprehensively saving and efficiently using resources and increasing energy conservation and emission reduction can we reduce the damage and impact of resource development on the ecological environment, improve the capacity of ecological environment and the carrying capacity of soil and water resources, and achieve the goal of green development.

The inherent requirements of building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society and promoting harmonious symbiosis between man and nature. The harmonious symbiosis of man and nature is the basis of sustainable economic and social development. For a period of time, some fields of resources and ecological environment in China have lit up the "red light" one after another. If this situation is not reversed as soon as possible, it will not only bring harm to the production and life of the masses, but also pose a threat to social harmony and stability. To build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, we are facing the double pressure of resource shortage and ecological deterioration. Only by improving the ability and level of comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources can we speed up the adjustment and optimization of the economic and industrial structure and achieve sustainable development.

Set up the resource view of saving and intensive recycling

"Comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources" has sounded the "charge" of the utilization of resources in the new period. The key to implementing this important strategic plan is to change ideas in accordance with the requirements of the "proposal", make efforts on "all-round", focus on "high efficiency", and establish a concept of resource conservation and intensive recycling in the whole society.

Set up the concept of saving priority. This is the basic prerequisite for achieving comprehensive economy and efficient use of resources. Saving priority is to put saving ahead at all times and everywhere, cultivate saving consciousness and cultivate behavior consciousness. We should implement economy in all links of production, circulation, storage and consumption, and establish a comprehensive, scientific, standardized and strict management system for total resource management and overall economy. Correctly handle the relationship between man and nature, advocate rational consumption, avoid extravagance and waste, and form a spatial pattern, industrial structure, production mode and consumption mode conducive to resource conservation and efficient utilization.

Establish the concept of intensive utilization. This is an inherent requirement for achieving comprehensive economy and efficient use of resources. We should adhere to the resource utilization model that pays attention to connotation and abandon the extensive utilization model of extension and expansion. On the basis of overall economy, more attention should be paid to output efficiency, intensive benefits and institutional innovation. Innovate resource utilization policies, strengthen supporting linkages with investment, finance and taxation, credit, environmental protection and other policies, strive to reduce the consumption of energy, water, land and minerals per unit output, and effectively improve the comprehensive benefits of resource utilization.

Establish the concept of circular development. This is an important way to achieve comprehensive economy and efficient use of resources. In accordance with the requirements of reduction, reuse and resource utilization, energy resource consumption and waste generation in all links of production, circulation and consumption should be reduced from the source, and the traditional development mode and resource utilization mode of "mass production, mass consumption and mass waste" should be changed. Accelerate the construction of circular industrial, agricultural and service systems, promote the industrialization of resource recycling and utilization, and form a resource recycling system covering the whole society. Encourage and support circular development, improve resource utilization efficiency and promote sustainable resource utilization.

Establish the concept of market allocation. This is the fundamental motive force for achieving comprehensive economy and efficient utilization of resources. We should give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, establish and improve a unified, competitive, open and orderly resource property rights market, improve market rules, improve market prices, promote market competition, and enhance endogenous motivation for resource conservation and efficient utilization. According to factors such as reflecting market supply and demand and resource scarcity, reflecting natural value and intergenerational compensation, a system of paid use of resources shall be established, the scope of paid use of resources shall be expanded, the standard of paid use shall be raised, and unreasonable occupation and consumption of resources shall be restrained through market means.

Set up innovation leading concept. This is an important support for achieving comprehensive economy and efficient use of resources. We should fully implement the national innovation-driven development strategy, integrate comprehensive conservation and efficient use of resources into the flood of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", and truly free economic development from the model of excessive dependence on natural resources. Innovate investment and talent mechanism, promote scientific and technological breakthrough and demonstration of resource development, and lead the direction and future of resource utilization with scientific and technological innovation achievements.

Intensify reform and innovation efforts to ensure that all tasks and measures for comprehensive conservation and efficient utilization of resources are in place

According to the current national conditions of China's resources, the Recommendations put forward a series of task measures on how to save and utilize resources in an all-round way. These task measures highlight the problem orientation, conform to the stage characteristics of China's development, have both inheritance and development, and have strong pertinence.

Strengthen the management of binding indicators and implement double control of total amount and intensity. The Proposal proposes to strengthen the management of binding indicators and implement dual control actions on total amount and intensity of energy and water resources consumption and construction land. This is an innovation in macro-management of resources and a hard measure for resource conservation and efficient utilization. To implement this requirement, it is necessary to control not only the total amount, but also the energy consumption per unit GDP, water consumption and construction land intensity. We must break through the limitations of departmental and local interests, improve and perfect the binding index system from the overall height, improve the standards of energy conservation, water conservation, land conservation, material conservation and mineral conservation, organically combine the dual control objectives of resource utilization with the objectives of environmental improvement, economic development and social harmony, establish a target responsibility system, and reasonably decompose and implement them. Straighten out the resource price system, establish a dual-control market-oriented mechanism, budget management system, paid use and trading system, strengthen statistical monitoring and publicity, and establish a review, access, verification and illegal punishment system for resource utilization. The double control index of resource utilization shall be incorporated into the comprehensive evaluation system of economic and social development, and the evaluation results shall be taken as an important basis for assessing the leading group and selecting and appointing cadres.

Adhere to the strictest land conservation system. The proposal proposes to adhere to the strictest land-saving system. The basic national condition of large population and small land determines that we must adhere to this system at all times and must not waver in the slightest. First, the scale of new construction land should be strictly controlled. We will implement total amount control and reduction management of construction land, strengthen regulation and control of the scale, structure and timing of new construction land, promote the redevelopment of inefficient urban land and the reclamation of abandoned industrial and mining land, and strictly control the scale of rural collective construction land. Second, all kinds of land use standards should be strictly managed. Strict development and utilization access conditions, improve and improve the standard system of land conservation by region and industry, and reduce the proportion of industrial land. Third, the space control of construction land should be strict. We will implement boundary control for urban and rural construction land expansion, speed up the demarcation of urban development boundaries on the basis of comprehensive demarcation of permanent basic farmland, and strengthen spatial coordination between industrial development and land use. Fourth, the punishment for wasting land should be strict. We will severely crack down on and punish waste and idle land.

We will explore the pilot implementation of the system of rotation and fallow cultivation of cultivated land. Cultivated land is the most precious resource in our country. In order to effectively ensure national food security and realize "storing grain in the ground" and "storing grain in technology", the "proposal" proposes to explore and implement the pilot system of cultivated land rotation and fallow. This is an important measure conducive to the "recuperation" of cultivated land and the sustainable development of agriculture, and it is also an institutional arrangement for the overall planning of national food security and ecological security. To carry out rotation and fallow pilot projects, we should adhere to capacity-oriented, give priority to conservation, ensure safety, take into account the overall farming situation in the country and the reality of various localities, and formulate a scientific and meticulous rotation fallow pilot program, focusing on groundwater funnel areas, heavy metal pollution areas, and areas with serious ecological degradation. It should be organically combined with land quality grade evaluation and monitoring, agricultural structure adjustment, returning farmland to forests and grasslands, land renovation, special protection of black land in Northeast China, and soil stripping and reuse in the construction and occupation of tillage layers. with a strong awareness of cultivated land protection to do a good job in the pilot work.

We will establish and improve the initial distribution system of energy use rights, water use rights, emission rights and carbon emission rights. For a long time, due to the ambiguity of property rights such as energy rights, water rights, emission rights and carbon emission rights, the market-oriented initial distribution system is not perfect, resulting in serious distortions in the price of resources. In this regard, the "proposal" proposes to establish and improve the initial distribution system of energy use rights, water rights, emission rights and carbon emission rights, in order to give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and establish a long-term mechanism for resource conservation and environmental protection. Clarify the subject of property rights, uniformly confirm the rights of natural ecological space, explore the establishment of a hierarchical exercise of ownership system, and change from the license system to the rights system. In terms of system and mechanism, we should straighten out the relationship between the government and the market, the government and enterprises, and give full play to the management and regulatory role of the government.

Implement contract energy management and contract water-saving management. Contract energy management and contract water saving management are service mechanisms that use market means to promote energy saving and water saving. Since this mechanism was introduced into China, it has played a positive role in promoting energy-saving and water-saving transformation and reducing energy consumption and water consumption. However, in the process of implementation, there are some problems, such as disunity of understanding, non-matching of relevant policies, difficulties in financing, non-standard development and so on. In order to implement the requirements of the recommendation, carry out contract energy management and contract water-saving management, and carry out leading actions by energy efficiency and water efficiency leaders, we must overcome misunderstandings, take the construction of energy-saving and water-saving mechanisms as an important starting point, and break through technical bottlenecks. We will speed up the construction and improvement of monitoring teams and monitoring institutions, and standardize industry management. It is necessary to innovate the policy mix, increase financial support and tax policy support, innovate investment and financing mechanisms, and establish a green financial service system.

Advocate a reasonable consumption pattern. The "proposal" clearly puts forward that we should advocate reasonable consumption, refrain from extravagance and waste, and stop the trend of extravagance. This is not only in line with the excellent tradition of the Chinese nation advocating thrift, but also of great significance to saving resources, protecting ecology and opposing the "four winds". In order to advocate reasonable consumption, we should give full play to the leading and exemplary role of the government, starting with the party and government organs, reducing administrative costs, controlling public funds consumption, consciously resisting extravagance and waste, speeding up system construction, raising the threshold, increasing the cost of excessive consumption, deeply carrying out anti-excessive packaging, anti-food waste and anti-excessive consumption actions, and implementing all-round savings in production, circulation, warehousing and consumption. Guide the whole society to establish a correct concept of consumption, put an end to conspicuous consumption, comparative consumption, and promote frugal consumption, green consumption and civilized consumption.

Implement the national energy conservation action plan. The proposal to implement the national energy conservation action plan is a general mobilization of the energy conservation work during the 13th five-year Plan period. We must establish the concept of energy conservation, improve the awareness of energy conservation, enhance the sense of urgency and crisis of energy conservation, and turn energy conservation into the conscious action of all citizens. Continue to carry out various and feasible energy-saving activities, so that energy conservation can be implemented in all aspects of work and life. We will step up efforts to publicize energy conservation and promote the formation of a social trend of diligence and thrift. To establish an energy-saving work pattern led by the government, with enterprises as the main body, and jointly promoted by the whole society, with up and down linkage and left-to-right interaction, to ensure that energy-saving actions achieve tangible results.