
Rural Reform Top-level Design released Land Reform will explore Homestead voluntarily

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The recent release of two important documents has delineated the direction and path for China's rural reform and development in the next few years. In the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan published on November 3, the policy on rural reform and development is put forward: stabilize the rural land contract relationship, improve land ownership,

The recent release of two important documents has delineated the direction and path for China's rural reform and development in the next few years.

In the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan published on November 3, the policy on rural reform and development is put forward: stabilize the contract relationship of rural land, improve the separation of land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, and promote the orderly circulation of land management rights in accordance with the law. to build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators. Train a new type of professional farmers. Deepen the reform of the rural land system.

Just the day before the announcement of the plan proposal (November 2), the Comprehensive implementation Plan for deepening Rural Reform (hereinafter referred to as "the implementation Plan") was announced. It is clear that deepening rural reform should focus on five major areas: rural collective property rights system, agricultural management system, agricultural support and protection system, urban-rural development integration system mechanism and rural social governance system.

It is understood that collective construction land can be sold, leased, and bought into shares on the premise of being in line with planning, use control, and acquisition in accordance with the law; homestead will explore a paid use system and a voluntary paid withdrawal mechanism.

The reform of property right system is in the first place

A reporter from China Business Daily noted that the "implementation plan" has put forward five key areas and 26 major measures, the first of which is to deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system, which shows its fundamental significance to the rural economic system as a whole.

The reform of rural collective property right system mainly involves three aspects: cultivated land, rural non-resource operating assets and rural non-operating collective assets.

The main part of rural collective economy is cultivated land. According to the results of the second detailed land survey, the cultivated land currently retained in China is 2.02 billion mu, of which about 200 million mu is unstable. At present, there are 230 million farmers in rural areas who have contracted collective land.

"at present, we are faced with a great problem about how to further clarify the property right system of cultivated land." Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group and director of the office, said on November 4.

The "implementation Plan" proposes that on the basis of confirming the membership of rural collective economic organizations and comprehensively verifying rural collective assets, the focus on land and other resource assets is to pay close attention to the registration and certification of land contractual management rights.

It is understood that previously, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, a number of pilot areas have been experimenting with the registration and certification system for the right to contracted management of rural land, and this is the third year of the pilot project.

Chen Xiwen said that judging from the current situation, progress is very smooth. At present, there are 12 provinces carrying out pilot projects throughout the province.

"by June this year, 260 million mu of farmers' contracted farmland across the country had clearly defined their contractual management rights, and some began to issue certificates. Through confirming the right to register and issue certificates to stabilize farmers' land contractual management rights for a long time, clarify the nature of its usufruct, and protect farmers' property rights. " Chen Xiwen said.

In addition to classifying and promoting the determination of the rights of rural collective assets outdoors, this reform will also carry out the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system of operating assets.

"with regard to non-resource operating assets in rural areas, more township enterprises, such as the property economy and logistics economy, have occupied rural land and have been established with investment from the rural collective economy." Chen Xiwen said that this piece of assets should involve trillions of yuan, but in the past, they were not properly managed in some places, were controlled by a small number of people, and the benefits were not shared by farmers.

In this regard, the "implementation Plan" proposes that through the reform of the joint-stock cooperation system, the collective operating assets can be confirmed to every family and every farmer through a certain form and recognized by the common people.

As for non-operating assets, the "implementation plan" proposes to focus on exploring an effective mechanism for collective unified operation and management that is conducive to improving the capacity of public services.

It is understood that some kindergartens, primary schools and health centers are non-profit collective assets in rural areas. Chen Xiwen said that at this stage, the "implementation plan" proposes to improve its efficiency and better provide public services to farmers.

Explore the voluntary paid withdrawal of homestead

Much attention has been paid to the reform of rural land system in China.

In January 2015, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued the opinions on Rural Land expropriation, the entry of Collective Construction Land into the Market, and the pilot work of Homestead system Reform, and decided to select about 30 county (city, district) administrative areas throughout the country to carry out pilot projects. In February, 33 county-level administrative regions, including Daxing District of Beijing, Jixian County of Tianjin and Dingzhou City of Hebei Province, were selected as pilot areas. At present, the trial work is in progress.

A few days ago, media reported that the implementation plan for rural land reform in 33 county-level pilot areas has been approved. This means that the pilot work of rural land reform has entered a comprehensive start-up stage.

This "implementation plan" further defines the reform path for rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the reform of homestead system reform: the reform of rural land expropriation system will narrow the scope of land expropriation, standardize land expropriation procedures, improve a reasonable, standardized and pluralistic security mechanism for land expropriated farmers, and establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals. Reasonably improve personal income The reform of the system of collective construction land allows the stock of rural collective construction land for commercial use to enjoy the same rights as state-owned construction land, and can be transferred, leased and acquired according to law on the premise of planning, use control and acquisition in accordance with the law. complete the transaction rules for entering the market, the service supervision system and the reasonable distribution mechanism of land value-added income.

At the same time, the reform of homestead system will clearly define farmers' housing property rights, explore the system of paid use of homestead and voluntary paid exit mechanism, and explore effective ways to mortgage, guarantee and transfer farmers' housing property rights.

However, Chen Xiwen also said frankly that some contents of the land system reform are in conflict with the current legal system. With the approval of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, the pilot project will be carried out in these 33 areas, and the pilot period will end at the end of 2017. During this period, the relevant legal provisions involved in the pilot will not be implemented for the time being, and the pilot results will be evaluated after the pilot is completed. And then determine whether to amend the law or restore the original law to implement it. At present, all this work is in progress.

Cultivate a new type of professional farmers

In the proposal of the 13th five-year Plan examined and adopted by the Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, the proposal of promoting the whole family of the agricultural population to settle in cities has attracted much attention.

It is suggested to promote a new type of urbanization with people as the core. We will deepen the reform of the household registration system and promote the families of agricultural migrant workers who are capable of stable employment and living in cities and towns to settle in cities, and have the same rights and obligations as urban residents.

"this is not simply sending him a hukou book saying that you are a citizen of the city. The most important thing behind this is to make sure that he can enjoy the same public services as urban residents." Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group, explained that among the contents of the "system and mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development" in the implementation Plan, one of the most arduous tasks is to promote the process of citizenization of migrant workers. But how fast the whole process is, it is restricted by many conditions, such as the provision of public services, financial situation and so on.

Han Jun said that at present, many provinces have introduced relevant policies to create conditions so that more and more migrant children of agricultural migrant population can take the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination in the city. In terms of housing security, migrant workers will be given the same treatment as urban residents in the future.

The reporter noted that the "implementation Plan" proposes to expand the coverage of migrant workers' participation in urban social security and fully incorporate the agricultural migrant population settled in cities into the urban social security system. We will improve the policy on the transfer and succession of social security relations.

It is understood that last year, China's urbanization rate was 54.8 percent, that is to say, more than 45 percent of the population lived in rural areas, and more than 600 million people lived in rural areas.

On the one hand, the promotion of urbanization, on the other hand, with the aging of rural areas faster than urban areas, agriculture in many areas will face the severe situation of lack of successors.

Therefore, in the Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee and the Comprehensive implementation Plan of Rural Reform, it is specially proposed to cultivate a new type of professional farmers as a strategic measure to vigorously promote agricultural modernization.

"this policy is very clear, and over the years, many of our areas have been exploring how to solve the problem of who will farm. The most important thing is that we have to keep some young people in the countryside, especially the middle-aged. " Han Jun believes that the new type of professional farmers do not necessarily go to farming, but can also engage in services and rural tourism.

The proposal of the 13th five-year Plan is to build a policy system for cultivating new types of agricultural operators. " Han Jun said that the Fifth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee proposed to deepen rural financial reform and improve the agricultural insurance system. There are natural risks and market risks for farmers to engage in agriculture, and there are new types of professional farmers. These supporting policies need to keep up.