
What is Siraitia grosvenorii white silk disease? How to prevent and cure?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Luohanguo, also known as fake balsam pear, Luohanbiao, Jinbu, light fruit, naked turtle, is a kind of fruit with edible value and medicinal value. it has high nutritional value and is rich in vitamin C, fructose and other substances. if used medicinally, it can relieve cough and moisturize the lungs.

Luohanguo, also known as fake balsam pear, Luohanbiao, Jinbu, light fruit, naked turtle, is a kind of fruit with edible value and medicinal value, its nutritional value is very high, rich in vitamin C, fructose and other substances, medicinal words can have the effect of relieving cough and moisturizing the lungs. Siraitia grosvenorii is more planted in the south of China, if it is not managed properly, it is easy to produce Siraitia grosvenorii white silk disease, so how to prevent and cure it?

What is Siraitia grosvenorii white silk disease?

White silk disease, also known as good sclerotia root rot or sclerotia seedling blight, mainly harms the roots and vines of the plant. The cortex of the infected site will slowly turn brown and necrotic, and in a relatively humid environment, there will be white silk mycelium on the surface of the damaged rhizome or part of the soil near the ground. these hyphae grow a lot of small sclerotia like rapeseed. If it is attacked by this disease, the basic grain will not be harvested.

This pathogen belongs to the habitual bacteria in the root of the plant and can only survive in the diseased plant. The optimum growth temperature is about 30 ℃. And it is easy to form sclerotia, sclerotia has no dormant period, so the pathogen has strong survivability and great resistance to adverse environment, and it can survive in the soil for 5-6 years. Sclerotia overwintered on the remains of diseased plants in winter. In the spring of the following year, when the soil temperature and humidity are suitable, the sclerotia will germinate and produce mycelium. The disease is more likely to occur when the temperature is high, the humidity is high, the soil is sticky, rainy and the drainage is not good.

Second, how to prevent and cure Siraitia grosvenorii white silk disease?

1. Choose the varieties with good disease resistance according to the local situation.

2. Strengthening management, applying mature organic fertilizer, reasonable irrigation and luxuriant plant growth can improve the resistance of trees to the pathogen. In addition, the diseased and residual branches and relatively dense branches should be cut off to make the ventilation and light more even. in the rainy season with more Rain Water, we should pay attention to drainage, avoid being waterlogged, plough the soil and weed, and maintain appropriate temperature and humidity.

3. The soil should be more fertile and loose, and there should be good drainage. Try not to choose melons and vegetables or sandy soil. Lime can be added properly when preparing the soil to adjust the soil pH to keep the soil slightly acidic and neutral. The stem can also be soaked in lime water or carbendazim before planting to eliminate germs.

4. For orchards that have been infected by germs, lime water can be used to disinfect the soil to prevent spread. It is suggested to use straw ripening agent bacteria retting organic fertilizer to increase the flora of beneficial microorganisms.

5. In the early stage of the disease, the root soil can be removed so that the root can be exposed to the sun to achieve germicidal effect, and chemical agents such as Schenanin, Baikang, fenrucine, methyl topiramate can also be used to infuse the root. Deep ploughing should be carried out every winter, and the remains of the diseased plant can be buried deep in the soil to remove the source of infection.