
How deep is the corn seed?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When planting corn for the first time, you will encounter all kinds of problems, such as planting deep or unable to sprout, and so on. How deep is the corn? First, how deep is the corn? When the soil moisture is good, the sowing depth of corn should be 3-5 cm. But it should be based on

When planting corn for the first time, you will encounter all kinds of problems, such as planting deep or unable to sprout, and so on. How deep is the corn?

First, how deep is the corn?

When the soil moisture is good, the sowing depth of corn should be 3-5 cm. But the specific should be determined according to the soil conditions, for example, the sowing depth of sticky and wet soil is 3-4 cm, that of sandy soil is 4-5 cm, that of flat land and shady land is 5-6 cm, and that of sloping land and sunny land is 6-7 cm. Whichever is, the deepest should not exceed 10cm.

When will the corn be sown?

Henan: corn is planted in June. After wheat is harvested, corn is harvested around the Mid-Autumn Festival, that is, at the end of September.

Shandong: because the sowing time of spring corn is early and the growth period is long, so the yield is high. Spring corn is generally planted in early April and harvested at the end of August in Shandong area.

Northeast: the sowing time is after Grain Rain (about April 20) and before May 10, and the harvest is generally after October 1 and before October 20.

In the south, corn can be planted for two seasons in the south. As far as the Yangtze River Basin is concerned, corn sown in spring is usually sown at the end of March and early April, and can be picked in the first and middle of July.

Hebei: corn is divided into spring corn and autumn corn. Spring corn is sown in late April and early May and can be harvested in late August. Autumn corn can be sowed no later than mid-July and harvested in mid-late October.

Anhui: usually after the spring rain comes, it is the time to grow spring corn. But now in order to prevent diseases and insect pests, it is recommended that spring corn should be sowed early, generally before the middle of April.

Hunan: generally spring corn is sown in the first and middle of April and harvested in the first and middle of August. Summer corn was sown from late May to early June and matured in mid-late September.