
Actively and steadily adjust the strategy of food security to adapt to the new normal

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, China's grain high output, high imports, high reserves, high waste, high transportation, high consumption coexist. Food security is an important part of national security and must always be attached great importance to. During the 13th five-year Plan period, we should take the initiative to adapt to the new normal and adjust actively and steadily.

At present, China's grain high output, high imports, high reserves, high waste, high transportation, high consumption "six high" coexist. Food security is an important part of national security and must always be attached great importance to. During the 13th five-year Plan period, we should actively adapt to the new normal and actively and steadily adjust the food security strategy. To this end, it is recommended that:

First, seize the opportunity of the third national agricultural census to find out the grain base and fully clarify some major issues. For example in recent years in grain-producing areas there have been spring droughts and summer floods abandoned and abandoned cultivated land has been seriously degraded and the multiple cropping index of cultivated land has dropped significantly in some areas with an average annual loss of more than 40 billion kilograms of grain due to natural disasters. For example, with the change of the dietary structure of residents, the proportion of the total amount of feed consumed by meat, eggs and milk aquatic products and the consumption of rations further increases, should the output of staple grains continue to increase? For example, the domestic and foreign price differences of staple agricultural products are widening, and it is difficult to sell a large number of policy-based grain reserves at a reasonable price. What is the appropriate grain reserve rate? Such problems require serious investigation, in-depth thinking, and scientific research and judgment.

Second, the government and the market should be used to effectively regulate and control grain production. Delimit permanent basic grain fields, especially grain fields, carry out stricter legal protection and high-standard construction, increase support to the main bodies of large-scale grain production, with emphasis on supporting green grain production, and "follow the market" of cultivated land in non-basic grain fields. however, "non-agriculturalization" is strictly prohibited; efforts to return farmland to forests and grasslands should be strengthened, and the Pure Land Project should be carried out in accordance with local conditions. We will implement "setting production with water", control the expansion of grain cultivation in water-deficient areas in the north, encourage the south to gradually resume and expand the cultivation of staple grain and increase the multiple cropping index, tap the potential of grain production in non-grain-producing areas, and speed up the legislative work of limited quantity and quality use of fertilizer, medicine and film.

Third, make effective use of international markets and resources. Actively participate in the international division of labor, establish diversified, stable and reliable grain import channels; steadily develop the grain futures market and grasp the pricing power of grain products; improve the mechanism of international cooperation in agriculture, overseas investment insurance system and financial support policies. Domestic enterprises are encouraged to set up grain industry bases overseas.

Fourth, adjust the grain reserve and circulation policy. On the basis of scientific research and judgment, we should reduce the country's grain reserves and increase the share of grain reserves in the market; reform the purchase system of supporting the market, gradually adjust part of the "supplementary price" of grain production to universal "supplementary income", and strive to expand, strengthen and optimize the grain processing industry. dredge the "barrier lake" of grain circulation.

Fifth, more measures should be taken to promote grain conservation. Further popularize the use of new grain-saving technologies, new technologies, and new equipment; vigorously strengthen grain-saving publicity to establish a concept of healthy consumption in the whole society; and speed up the construction of the legal system for grain-saving in conjunction with the formulation of the Grain Law.