
The Adjustment of Grain Collection and Storage Policy is imperative

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, the upside-down of grain prices at home and abroad has led to a large number of grain imports, and the cost of domestic production remains high. It has become a consensus that there is less and less room for raising the purchase price to protect farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. It has become a consensus to straighten out the relationship between grain prices and the market, but the steps of adjustment

At present, the inversion of grain prices at home and abroad leads to a large number of grain imports, and the domestic production cost remains high. The space for protecting farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain by simply relying on raising the purchase price of the market is getting smaller and smaller.

It has become a consensus to straighten out the relationship between grain prices and the market, but the adjustment steps should be positive and stable, and should not affect farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain. At the same time, it is necessary to improve policy agricultural insurance.

Recently, autumn grain purchases have begun one after another in various places. In previous years, when new grain is listed on a large scale, there will be periodic fluctuations in grain prices, but this year, because of the price reduction of corn temporary storage, this kind of customary fluctuation in grain prices has become particularly complicated. So, what is the current grain purchase price? The reporter of Economic Daily went deep into the main grain producing areas for investigation.

Yushu City in Jilin Province is an important maize producing area in China. In Yushu City Wukesong town of a corn purchase station, To sell corn farmers Lu Dongwei told reporters, His family this year planted 20 acres of corn, Each mu yield 2000 jin left right, Corn price drop led to this year's planting income reduced nearly 30%. However, Lu Dongwei said,"Corn prices are normal." In a few days, the state-owned grain depot will be opened for grain collection. Farmers with good storage conditions are not in a hurry to sell grain. They hope to wait and see the price before selling."

This year, the minimum purchase price policy has been launched in many places, which has stabilized the price of rice and wheat. In some major high-quality wheat and rice producing areas, wheat and rice prices are much higher than the lowest purchase prices. During the summer grain purchase this year, the reporter learned in Henan interview, Henan some local wheat because of quality problems appear difficult to sell, and some high-quality wheat main producing areas wheat prices once reached 1.4 yuan per catty. Wuchang City in Heilongjiang Province is the main producing area of high-quality rice in China. At present, the purchase price of ordinary high-quality rice in Wuchang City is more than 2 yuan per catty.

In recent years, China's grain prices in the minimum purchase price policy and temporary reserve policy support for many years to maintain a rising trend, has approached the WTO rules under the "yellow box" policy ceiling. At present, the inversion of grain prices at home and abroad leads to a large number of grain imports, and the domestic production cost remains high. The space for protecting farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain by simply raising the purchase price of the market is getting smaller and smaller, and the effect is getting weaker and weaker. The current grain storage system is facing unprecedented challenges and tests, so it is imperative to adjust the storage policy.

Following the announcement of the cancellation of soybean and cotton temporary storage policies at the beginning of last year, China will no longer raise the minimum purchase price of wheat and rice this year, and has lowered the temporary storage price of corn. This series of policy adjustments actually reflect that the state is gradually rationalizing the relationship between the government and the market and reducing government intervention in the grain market. Moreover, the adjustment of the market-supporting policy will help change the expectation that grain prices will only rise and not fall, and guide farmers to adjust the grain planting structure according to local conditions.

From this year's policy adjustment to see, the three major staple foods in the greater impact of corn growers. Liaoning Province Kaiyuan City Babao town Guchengbao village family farm owner Zhang Miao told reporters, He rented 455 acres of corn this year, Rent per mu of land for 800 yuan, Weather drought led to corn production reduction, And catch up with the price drop, This year can recover the cost is good. Zhou Yanwu, a family farmer in Halaha Village, Zhuchengzi Town, Dehui City, Jilin Province, rented more than 2000 mu of jade rice this year. According to the current corn price, the rent of 700 yuan per mu and the cost of means of production can only be kept at the principal.

Experts believe that short-term pain brought about by policy adjustment is inevitable, and in the long run, it is conducive to rationalizing the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. The question is how to subsidize food prices after they are liberalized. Subsidize land contracting households or subsidize farming households? Heilongjiang soybean target price subsidies are subsidized to land contractors. Experts believe that this is more in line with China's national conditions. However, some new agricultural operators believe that the principle of "who grows who subsidizes" should be implemented.

Modern agriculture cannot be formed in an environment that is divorced from market competition and without market risks. It has become a consensus to straighten out the relationship between grain prices and markets. However, the steps of adjustment should be orderly and stable, and should not affect farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain. At the same time, policy-oriented agricultural insurance and agricultural futures market need to be further improved so that farmers can gradually use a variety of financial instruments to avoid market risks and truly become new professional farmers.