
Planting techniques of Peanut with Wheat stubble

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Peanut fruit contains fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and mineral calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which can promote human metabolism and enhance memory. Today, I would like to introduce the planting technology of wheat stubble peanuts. I. selection of species, selection, resistance and adaptation

Peanut fruit contains fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and mineral calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which can promote human metabolism and enhance memory. Today, I would like to introduce the planting technology of wheat stubble peanuts.

I. selection of species

High-yielding varieties with good stress resistance and adaptability were selected. This plays a decisive role in the growth and yield of crops in the later stage. Generally, you can choose Yuhua 9, Yuhua 15, Yuhua 16 and so on.

II. Land selection and preparation

Choose the soil with deep soil layer, loose texture and good air permeability. First deep ploughing, and remove debris from the field, and then ridging.

Third, sowing seeds

After wheat harvest, sow peanuts immediately, the earlier the sowing, the higher the peanut yield. Generally use equal row spacing sowing, row spacing in 20-25 cm, hole spacing in 25-30 cm. Can also use wide and narrow row planting, wide row spacing of 40-50 to manage you, narrow row spacing of 20-25 cm, hole spacing of 20-25 cm, each hole sowing 2 seeds.

IV. Fertilizer and water management

Early application of seedling fertilizer, topdressing is generally the best before the early flowering stage of peanuts, and the appropriate amount of topdressing is 5.0-7.5 kg of urea and 15-20 kg of superphosphate per mu. During the peak period of peanut growth, topdressing should be considered according to the growth situation. The initial stage should be watered in time, but the soil should be watered only once in the later stage of drought.

5. Harvest

Peanuts should be harvested in time after ripening, otherwise the fruit will rot and mildew, resulting in unnecessary losses. If you want to keep it for a long time, put it in a cool, dry place after drying.

Peanuts are mainly distributed in Brazil, China, Egypt and other places. It can be used as raw materials for cosmetics such as soap and hair oil.