
Fat sea producing area

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I believe you are no stranger to the fat sea. And the effect of mention on it is to moisten the throat. After all, when we were in military training, the instructor shouted himself hoarse, so he held a cup of fat sea tea every day. Today, let's learn about the origin of the fat sea.

I believe you are no stranger to the fat sea. And the effect of mention on it is to moisten the throat. After all, when we were in military training, the instructor shouted himself hoarse, so he held a cup of fat sea tea every day. Today let's find out where the fat sea comes from. And the efficacy of the fat sea.

Where is the origin of the fat sea?

The origin of Fanghai is mainly distributed in tropical areas such as Vietnam, India and Malaysia, and now it has been introduced and cultivated in Hainan. The monthly average temperature suitable for the growth of Fanghai is 2428 ℃, and the growth stops when the monthly average temperature drops below 20.0 ℃.

The efficacy of fat sea

1. Moistening the throat

The first one, of course, is the moistening of the throat that we mentioned at the beginning. It's also commonly used. Fat sea has a certain sound-opening effect, and different herbs can cure different throat problems. Such as aphonia, hoarseness and swelling can be treated.

2. Diuresis

Fat sea nuts contain diuretic ingredients in themselves. And because the food of fat sea is soaked in water. It also stimulates the excretion of urine from the kidneys.

3. Clear intestines

The fat sea is cool, which belongs to the large intestine meridian. Oral administration can increase intestinal contents and produce mechanical stimulation. The stool is dry, and those with constipation can eat fat sea. However, the intestine-clearing effect of fat sea is not very high, and it is not applicable in serious cases.

4. Clearing lung heat

Do you still remember the advertisement "when children catch a cold, it is mostly due to lung heat". What are we going to do, have us fat sea! Lung heat or lung dampness caused by wind-cold cough can be treated with fat sea.