
The loss of more than 50 million mu of corn in five years involves 13 provinces

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of the recent domestic staple grain prices, the first reaction of many people is to fall! Corn, which has ranked first in China's grain output for many years, has experienced a drop in prices for the first time in the seven years since the implementation of the temporary storage policy. Recently, a reporter has been in some grain areas of Heilongjiang.

When it comes to the recent domestic staple grain prices, many people's first reaction is to fall! Corn, which has ranked first in China's grain output for many years, has experienced a drop in prices for the first time in the seven years since the implementation of the temporary storage policy. A reporter recently learned in some grain areas of Heilongjiang that many corn growers wait and see to cherish the sale, and the corn purchase appears to be very deserted.

The income of farmers is less, and it is not easy for the state to store grain. Due to the phased supply and demand of corn in China, there has been a situation that "can not be collected, stored, sold, and financially unable to make up" in some major producing areas. What shall I do? There's only one way-- tune!

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture formally issued the guidance on the structural adjustment of corn in the "sickle bend" area, reducing the planting area by more than 50 million mu within five years. As soon as they saw that it was going to be "reduced", everyone began to talk about: why should there be less planting in these areas? If you don't grow corn, what should the farmers do? Is it a "danger" or a "machine" for farmers to replant? I'll tell you more about it next. Where should it be reduced?

The "sickle bend" area, including the northeast cold area, the northern agro-pastoral ecotone, the northwest wind and sand arid area, the Taihang Mountain area and the southwest stone desert area, accounts for about 1/3 of the perennial corn planting area of the country.

This formulation is more visual, in the topographic map, they show a sickle-shaped distribution from northeast to North China-Southwest-Northwest, which is the key area of maize structure adjustment.

From the traditional division of corn planting areas, it involves several major producing areas, such as northern spring corn area, Huang-Huai plain spring and summer sowing corn area, southwest mountainous and hilly corn area, northwest inland corn area and so on.

From the point of view of the distribution of provinces and regions, it mainly includes the following 13:

Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Xinjiang

So, corn growers in these provinces and regions should pay attention to:

By 2020, the planting area of corn in the "sickle bend" area will be stable at 100 million mu, more than 50 million mu less than at present. In other words, 1/3 of the cornfields in this area need to be replanted. Why do so many places need to be replanted?

Despite the large area involved, they all belong to typical dry farming areas and areas with advantages in the development of animal husbandry, and the ecological environment is fragile. In these places, corn is developing too fast, and the yield is low and unstable, affecting the efficiency of planting and the income of farmers.

The choice of "adjustment" is also related to the situation of grain supply and demand in China. Now, our country's corn supply exceeds demand, stocks have increased significantly, reduced corn purchase prices, but also led to a reduction in planting efficiency. If we do not adjust, we can only "walk the same way to the dark" together, not to mention the family to get rich. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the planting structure and regional layout, and use the corresponding land to do the most suitable thing.


Does the reduction in planting in so many places mean that our country has to "reduce grain" across the board?

After the introduction of the policy, many people have the above questions, and even some articles use "the Ministry of Agriculture wants to reduce grain" as the title, but the truth is--

The Ministry of Agriculture said: to promote the structural adjustment of corn in the "sickle bend" area is mainly to appropriately adjust and reduce the "non-advantageous areas." for the advantageous core producing areas, not only do not adjust, but also strengthen capacity construction to ensure basic self-sufficiency in grain.

With regard to the issue of corn, it is necessary to analyze scientifically and judge rationally, and fully understand the important contribution of corn in increasing grain production year after year and its important position in ensuring national food security.

If you don't grow corn, what will you grow?

Considering the natural ecological conditions, the current situation of agricultural structure, the level of production development and feasibility and other factors, the Ministry of Agriculture provides different adjustment ideas for farmers in different areas.

First, the northeast cold zone

Including: the fourth and fifth accumulated temperate zones in northern Heilongjiang and northeastern Inner Mongolia, as well as the eastern mountain areas of Jilin Province (by 2020, more than 10 million mu of grain corn will be reduced. )

Regional characteristics: the area is located in high latitude and alpine areas, with long and cold winters and short summers, the frost-free period is only more than 90 days, the temperature varies greatly day and night, and crop production is easily affected by low temperature damage, early frost and other disasters. Due to continuous cropping of maize for many years, soil consolidation and herbicide residue damage are serious, affecting the improvement of per unit yield and quality.

Main direction of attack

We will return the corn planted across the region, and expand the scale of grain and bean rotation and "changing grain to feed".

Specific measures: 1. Combined with the requirements of the development of animal husbandry in the area, vigorously develop silage corn, expand forage rape planting, develop alfalfa and other forage production to meet the demand for high-quality feed in the development of animal husbandry.

two。 Give full play to the traditional advantages of planting soybeans in Northeast China and restore the planting mode of "grain and bean rotation".

3. Develop high-quality strong gluten spring wheat and establish a production base of hard red spring wheat.

II. Northern agro-pastoral ecotone

Including: Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu (strive to reduce more than 30 million mu of grain corn by 2020. )

Regional characteristics: this area is a transitional zone connecting agricultural planting areas and grassland ecological areas, with rich land resources and good light and heat conditions, but lack of water resources and soil degradation and desertification. It is an area with many kinds of disasters, frequent occurrence and serious disasters in our country.