
How does red grass grow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Red reticulate grass veins are red, clear display in the leaves, has a certain ornamental value, native to tropical rain forest areas, now used as potted ornamental plants. How does red grass grow better? 1. How to raise red net grass 1. Choose one

The leaf veins of red grass are red, clearly displayed on the leaves, with a certain ornamental value, native to the tropical rain forest, and now mostly used as pot plants as ornamental plants. How to raise red net grass is better?

First, how to raise red net grass

1. Choose a medium-sized flowerpot and use 1 part of peat, sand and rotten leaf soil as pot soil.

2. The basin floor should be covered with tiles and other drainage layers. Usually watering would rather be wet than dry, not dry, but also do not lead to stagnant water in the basin.

3. On cloudy and rainy days, the water should be properly controlled to make the basin soil a little drier. For the temporary lack of water leaves drooping, can be watered spray, and cover the bag humidification, can be restored, but after such repeated plants, the root system is damaged, after a little improper, the leaves will wilt.

4. Red grass has higher requirements for air humidity and can be placed at the edge of the pool and other places with high humidity. When the climate is dry, you can also use a glass jar or plastic bag cover to prevent more contact with dry air to ensure higher air humidity, but when the temperature is high, you should not only shade, but also pay attention to opening and breathable. During the peak growth period, thin fertilizer should be applied twice a month.

5. After moving indoors in winter, keep the temperature not lower than 15 ℃, otherwise it is easy to be frozen to death. During this period, watering should pay special attention to the water temperature, do not use water that is too low. In order to make the soil moist, it is best to cover it with plastic bags to keep warm, which is more beneficial to overwintering.

Second, the propagation mode of red reticulate grass.

Red reticulate grass is propagated mainly by cutting. From June to July, 3-4 stems are cut into the sterilized substrate, and the substrate should not be too dry or too damp. When the day is dry, it can be covered with film to moisturize, and it can take root in about 10 days. Water cuttage can also be used.

After cutting, you are afraid of bright light, so you need to keep it in the semi-shade, or give it 70% shade. For indoor maintenance, put it in a brightly lit place as far as possible, and move to outdoor semi-shade or shade for a month every one or two months to accumulate nutrients and restore growth. Cutting propagation is inseparable from sunlight, but the stronger the light is, the higher the temperature in the cuttings is, the more exuberant transpiration of cuttings is, and the more water is consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, the sun must be shaded by 50% to 80% after cutting.

The maintenance of red grass is relatively simple, mainly to control its humidity and temperature.