
Introduction to the occurrence symptoms and control measures of banana Fusarium wilt

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Banana is a common tropical fruit with many varieties, and it is also one of the more fruits we eat in our lives. Bananas are suitable for young and old, rich in certain nutrients, and the price is not expensive. If you plant bananas, you should choose the right one according to the local situation.

Banana is a common tropical fruit with many varieties, and it is also one of the more fruits we eat in our lives. Bananas are suitable for young and old, rich in certain nutrients, and the price is not expensive. If you grow bananas, you should choose the right varieties according to local conditions. Fusarium wilt is easy to occur if it is not managed properly. Let's take a look at the symptoms and prevention and control measures of banana Fusarium wilt.

I. symptoms of banana Fusarium wilt

Banana Fusarium wilt, known as banana Panama disease and banana Fusarium wilt, has long occurred in many countries in Latin America, and it has also been found in Taiwan Province of China. From 1985 to 1988, Longya bananas (Guoshanxiang) and powdered bananas in the suburbs of Zhongshan, Panyu and Huadu in Guangdong Province suffered from the disease in a large area, with an incidence of 3.7%-26% and serious up to 60%, resulting in devastating losses. The disease was first seen in the yellowing of the leaf margin, and the diseased leaves withered and drooped rapidly, turning brown to dry from yellow to brown. Vascular bundle necrosis, yellowish brown or purplish red could be seen in the corms and roots of the diseased plants. The disease is a vascular bundle disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The pathogen is Fusarium oxysporum. Four physiological races have been found, of which race 4 has been found in Taiwan Province, which can infect all banana and plantain varieties with the greatest risk. The initial infection source of the disease comes from the diseased plant and bacteria-carrying soil. The thick spores of the pathogen can survive in the soil for several years to more than ten years, but the survival time is greatly shortened in the case of stagnant water and hypoxia. The disease spreads over a long distance mainly through seedlings, infected soil and running water, and it is easy to occur in low-lying banana plantations.

II. Prevention and control measures of banana Fusarium wilt

1. Choose banana varieties with good disease resistance.

At present, disease resistance breeding is the only way to fundamentally control banana Fusarium wilt. When the varieties with high resistance are invaded by the pathogenic factors of banana Fusarium wilt, they can automatically form a defense mechanism in the body, through reasonable regulation of pathogenic factors and cellular genes to prevent banana plants from being infected. further improve the disease resistance of banana plants. In general, the contents and types of proteins and free amino acids in banana plants will change greatly after they are infected by pathogenic factors, which is directly related to banana varieties.

2. Rotation should be reasonable.

Rotation of flood and drought in disease areas to reduce the number of soil pathogens. Banana Fusarium wilt is a soil habitual fungus, which can survive in soil for 8 to 10 years, but under the condition of flooding, the survival time is greatly shortened. Flood-drought rotation is the most effective way to control banana Fusarium wilt. Banana plantation can rotate with sugarcane when the disease is serious.

3. it is necessary to clean up the sick banana seedlings in time.

Banana plantations with banana Fusarium wilt should be dug up in time, dried and burned on the spot. If possible, the diseased banana plant can be injected with glyphosate solution (15 cm high, 10 ml for large plant and 3 ml for small seedling). After the plant dies, the diseased plant is taken out of the garden and burned or buried deeply.

Banana plantations with sporadic diseases must be changed to other non-banana crops or used for other purposes; banana plantations in seriously diseased areas should use lime or carbendazim and other chemicals to disinfect the soil around the diseased plants, supplemented by agricultural control, so that the control effect will be very good.

4. Pay attention to the later stage management

When planting bananas, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer and biological fertilizer. Generally, 2 kg of compound microbial fertilizer was applied to each plant before planting as base fertilizer. During the period of flower bud differentiation, each plant should apply 400 times of fertilizer solution of Bacillus subtilis, and each plant should be drenched with 20-30 jin. Using organic fertilizer to improve soil, using beneficial bacteria in biological bacterial fertilizer to inhibit bacteria, and supplying sufficient phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium fertilizer to make the tree strong, it can enhance disease resistance and reduce disease incidence.

In the process of banana growth and development, we should also pay attention to the control of underground pests, which can be leached with Avicin parathion to effectively control a variety of underground pests.

In addition, the stagnant water in the soil was removed in time during the planting period, and the acid soil could be sprinkled with cooked lime powder to neutralize the acidity of the soil to eliminate the conditions for the survival, reproduction and infection of bacteria.