
Some farmers' income from growing grain has declined. How can farmers sell grain?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, ① is in the drying field of Qixin Modern Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Jiangqiao Town, Tailai County, Heilongjiang Province, where more than 800mu of corn has just been collected. Corn is not easy to be threshed now, and coupled with the low price, the co-operative is prepared to study the sale of corn later. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei

部分农民种粮收益有所下降 农民粮食如何能卖得好

① is in the drying field of Qixin Modern Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Jiangqiao Town, Tailai County, Heilongjiang Province, where more than 800mu of corn has just been collected. Corn is not easy to be threshed now, and coupled with the low price, the co-operative is prepared to study the sale of corn later. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei

A villager dries and processes autumn grain in Xin Village, Shilong Town, Guiping City, Guangxi Province, on November 10, ②. At present, more than 1.23 million mu of autumn grain in Guiping are harvested one after another, and local grain processing enterprises do a good job in drying, processing and storage when grabbing agriculture.

Autumn grain harvest season, looking at the golden rice and corn, some people are happy and others are worried. Affected by the reduction in temporary storage prices of corn this year, the purchase prices of wheat and rice in some places have fallen to varying degrees, and the income of some farmers from growing grain has declined. So, how should we treat this phenomenon?

Price fluctuations are normal.

In late autumn, in the vast fields of Yushu City, Jilin Province, some unharvested corn stalks were swaying in the bleak autumn wind. The reporter followed the working group of "Xing Grain and Huinong into Wanjia" into the courtyard of Zhao Mingbiao, a villager of Anle Village, Wukeshu Town, Yushu City. Two old people were sitting on the corn pile sorting out the corn they had just collected. Zhao Mingbiao, 67, told reporters that the couple had planted 24 mu of corn this year, of which they had 9 mu of land and contracted 15 mu of land at a price of 8000 yuan. Zhao Mingbiao originally expected to make more money from farming this year, but unexpectedly, the weather was dry, corn production was reduced, and the purchase price dropped. Excluding contract fees, agricultural machinery operation fees, pesticides, seeds, and chemical fertilizers, it would be nice to earn 7,000 to 8,000 yuan.

Different from Zhao Mingbiao's declining income from growing grain, Zhang Shuyuan, a villager from Fulin Village, Wuchang Town, Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province, has a good income from planting rice. Zhang Shuyuan said that he has planted 60 mu of organic rice this year, of which his family has 15 mu of land and contracted 45 mu of land at a price of 1000 yuan per mu. "the planting and breeding cooperatives in the village uniformly provide seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, unify field management, and purchase rice uniformly. This year, the purchase price per jin of rice is agreed to be 2.4 yuan. Excluding land rent, labor costs, etc., the income is very good. " Zhang Shuyuan said.

It is the expectation of farmers to sell a good price after a bumper harvest. After years of rising grain purchase prices, the state no longer raised the minimum purchase prices for wheat and rice this year, and lowered the temporary storage price of corn. Among the three staple grains, corn growers were greatly impacted. It is understood that farmers' income from planting corn in Northeast China has generally dropped by 20% to 30%. The fluctuation of grain price has a certain impact on the confidence of some farmers in growing grain. Some farmers say that farming is still their main source of income, and whether prices go up or not will directly affect their income.

How to treat the current fluctuations in grain prices, experts believe that it is normal for grain purchase prices to go down or not to rise, leaving some room for the market to adjust grain prices and cause market fluctuations. Judging from the current situation, the three staple grains in China are still purchased by supporting the market, and the possibility of a cliff drop in grain prices does not exist. It is worth noting that under the current situation of serious upside-down of grain prices at home and abroad, it is necessary to grasp the "degree" of grain imports and prevent a large number of imports of low-priced grain from hitting the domestic market.

A grain expert told reporters that the current grain price fluctuations are the result of the superposition of many factors, such as massive grain imports, lack of domestic grain competitiveness, and so on. To regulate and control the grain market, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures to make overall efforts, for example, to properly handle the relationship between producing areas and marketing areas, to establish a long-term and stable balance between production and marketing, to establish a mechanism for compensating the interests of marketing areas to producing areas, and to properly handle the relationship between the central and local governments. We will strengthen the provincial governor's responsibility system for food security.

Multiple subjects participate in acquisition

At present, China's grain purchase is still dominated by state-owned enterprises, most of the grain flows into the national grain depot, and the market characteristic of "policy grain" is obvious. Experts believe that one of the main measures to get out of the predicament of policy storage is to promote the diversification of grain reserves, while encouraging central and local reserves to become bigger and stronger, we should encourage farmers, farmers' cooperatives, leading enterprises and other multiple entities to enter the grain collection and storage market.

This year's grain price fluctuation obviously helps to stimulate multiple subjects to participate in grain purchase. In the long run, the full participation of multiple subjects in grain collection and storage is conducive to stabilizing the grain market, straightening out the grain price system, and steadily improving farmers' income.

Zhao Chuncheng, deputy director of the grain bureau of Yushu City, Jilin Province, which is the largest grain production county in China, told reporters that about 2 million tons of corn are expected to be purchased this year, and the existing empty warehouse capacity is 230 tons, which can meet the policy collection and storage needs of autumn grain. In order to ensure the bottom line of grain sales for farmers, Yushu City, while giving full play to the role of state-owned grain collection and storage enterprises such as grain storage, COFCO, China Textile and AVIC, actively encourage and guide circulation, processing and other enterprises to participate in grain storage construction and grain collection and storage, and cultivate diversified market players.

In Yushu City, grain purchasing points can be seen everywhere. At a purchasing station in Wukeshu town, many farmers come to sell corn. Shi Rui, head of the purchasing station, told reporters that the reduction in corn storage prices this year had little impact on them, and they planned to buy a large amount of corn and sell it to corn processing enterprises or state-owned grain depots after drying.

As a major grain production city, the grain processing industry in Yushu City is developed, and the processing capacity of two large corn processing enterprises has reached about 1 million tons. These two enterprises are also the main force in the acquisition of corn in Yushu City. The reduction in corn prices this year has reduced the production costs of processing enterprises and greatly stimulated the motivation of these enterprises to collect and store grain.

Changchun Tianyu Co., Ltd. is a corn processing enterprise that produces edible alcohol and feed, collecting and storing about 400000 tons of corn every year. Jia Jinglin, head of the company's warehousing department, told reporters that the state has given Jilin corn processing enterprises certain subsidies this year, and now the enterprises are producing at full capacity and can basically break even.

At present, some enterprises or cooperatives engaged in agricultural socialized services are also making use of their channel advantages and storage advantages to provide grain storage services for farmers. Tianfeng Machinery Planting Cooperative Association of Jilin Province is a cooperative specialized in providing farmers with the whole process of grain cultivation, field management and grain collection and storage. It has established a long-term cooperative relationship with COFCO Group. Every year, as soon as new grain is listed, the cooperative uniformly purchases the grain of its members and hands it over to COFCO Group for collection and storage, and the price follows the market. This not only protects the interests of grain farmers, but also ensures that enterprises have stable grain sources.

Production and marketing cooperation to be deepened

Not long ago, the container grain liner routes of Jinzhou Port, Xiamen Port Holding Group and Zhonggu Shipping Group were officially launched, which effectively connected the main grain producing areas in Northeast China with the main grain selling areas in Haixi.

At present, the grain production areas are more and more concentrated, the regional contradictions between the production areas and the sales areas are more and more prominent, and the inversion of grain prices hinders the smooth connection between the main grain production areas and the main sales areas. Deepening production and marketing cooperation and giving full play to the advantages of grain resources in the main producing areas and the market advantages of the main marketing areas are not only conducive to safeguarding the interests of farmers in the main producing areas, but also conducive to ensuring food security in the main marketing areas.

As soon as autumn grain is listed this year, Liaoning, Jilin and other major grain producing areas can't wait to carry out various promotion activities in Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian and other main marketing areas. In late October, Jilin Rice Industry Alliance held the 2015 Jilin Rice New Rice Listing Conference in Beijing. Han Fuchun, director of the Grain Bureau of Jilin Province, said that through the docking of rice supply and demand, the grain production and marketing cooperation relationship between Jilin and Beijing has been pushed forward one step, and a bridge for sharing resources and mutual benefit between Jilin and Beijing has been built.

Guchuan Rice Industry Co., Ltd. in Yushu City, Jilin Province is the first base project of outsourcing rice established by Jingliang Group in order to create "Capital Rice Bag Project". Zhu Haifeng, deputy general manager of the company, told reporters that their company has formed an annual production scale of 200,000 tons of processed rice. Since it was completed and put into production in 2012, it has produced more than 200,000 tons of rice accumulatively, 80% of which are sold to Beijing, effectively ensuring the supply of high-quality rice in Beijing market. It is understood that Beijing Grain Group has also built a large channel of "transporting grain from north to south" to transport grain from northeast China to Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan and other main sales areas, effectively promoting the docking of main production areas and main sales areas.

In order to deepen the connection between production and marketing and relieve the pressure of storage capacity, Jilin has also adopted the strategy of "introducing" and attracted grain enterprises in Beijing, Fujian, Chongqing and other main sales areas to Jilin to build grain storage facilities with preferential policies. All enterprises that meet the conditions for purchasing grain under state policy are allowed to undertake the task of purchasing grain under state policy. At present, some local grain reserve projects have been implemented in Jilin for six consecutive years.

Although the cooperation between grain production and marketing areas has promoted the balance of regional grain supply and demand to a certain extent, it is difficult to fundamentally solve the problem of large stock of grain in the main producing areas. At present, there are some phenomena in grain market, such as inversion of grain prices at home and abroad, inversion of grain prices between main producing areas and main selling areas, inversion of raw grain prices and finished grain prices, etc. The deep-seated problems behind these phenomena have become the main obstacles to deepening cooperation between production and marketing areas, affecting the enthusiasm of enterprises in main selling areas to purchase grain in main producing areas. Experts believe that in addition to deepening production and marketing cooperation and improving the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, it is also necessary to give full play to the government's macro-control responsibility, properly handle the relationship between production areas and sales areas, and explore the establishment of a long-term stable production and marketing mechanism.