
Introduction to the causes and Control methods of rotten Pepper Fruit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pepper has high nutritional value, and there are many varieties, including spicy and non-spicy ones, which are planted almost everywhere. To the annoyance of growers, fruit rot often occurs in chili peppers during the fruiting period. let's take a look at the causes of fruit rot and its control methods.

Pepper has high nutritional value, and there are many varieties, including spicy and non-spicy ones, which are planted almost everywhere. To the annoyance of growers, fruit rot often occurs in chili peppers during the fruiting period. let's take a look at the causes of fruit rot and its control methods.

First, the cause of rotten fruit of chili

1. Sunburn causes rotten pepper fruit.

In the hot weather, the sunny part of the pepper fruit is directly exposed to the sun, which makes the pericarp fade and harden, resulting in gray-white leathery spots, the surface of the disease becomes thinner, and the pulp tissue is necrotic and hard. In the later stage, it is easy to be infected by other bacteria, black mold and rot.

2. the blight caused the rotten fruit of pepper.

Most of them first catch the disease from the pedicle, showing a water-stained gray-green spot, and then quickly turn brown and soft rot. In wet weather, a sparse layer of white mold will grow on the surface, and the dried pages of diseased fruit will not fall off. Other parts, such as stems, branches and leaves, often have watery brown spots. Attention should be paid to strengthening prevention and control.

3. Soft rot causes rotten pepper fruit.

At the initial stage of the disease, the pepper fruit is waterlogged and has dark green spots, and then the whole fruit is soft rotten, smelly, the internal pulp is rotten, and the peel will turn white. after drying, the fruit will hang on the branches and fall off when it encounters external force.

4. Navel rot causes rotten pepper fruit.

The pepper fruit was damaged in the navel, initially showed dark green water stains and expanded rapidly, the disease part shrunk, and the surface was sunken in the later stage. Often blackened or rotted by parasitic other germs. The reason is mainly due to high temperature and drought, insufficient soil water supply, and the imbalance of calcium supply in hot (sweet) pepper plants, resulting in calcium deficiency in fruit. In addition, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer will also affect the absorption of calcium by plants, resulting in navel rot caused by calcium deficiency in pepper fruit.

5. Virus disease causes rotten pepper fruit.

Virus disease can cause pepper mosaic, yellowing, necrosis and deformity. Mosaic is the earliest and most common symptom on pepper plants, which is mainly characterized by the mottling of thick green and light green in diseased leaves. According to the severity, the mosaic is divided into light mosaic and heavy mosaic. The leaves of light flowers are basically flat, while those of heavy flowers are bubbly and wrinkled, and the leaves are often uneven.

2. Control methods of rotten pepper fruit

1. The soil must be turned over deeply before sowing, so as to eliminate the germs in the soil and improve the soil permeability. Avoid replanting.

2. Reasonable watering. After watering, it is necessary to do a good job of drainage and drainage after timely ventilation and dehumidification.

2. Avoid using degraded varieties and use those with good ability to see a doctor. The seeds and soil should be physically sterilized before sowing before sowing.

3. When applying fertilizer, mature organic fertilizer should be used to avoid partial nitrogen fertilizer, and some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added appropriately in the middle and later stage.

4. Chili peppers should avoid high temperature and humidity during production. The temperature should be kept between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius during the day and only about 15 degrees Celsius at night.