
What are the common diseases of balsam pear and how to prevent them?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Balsam pear has the function of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing skin, nourishing blood and nourishing liver. It is a good food in summer. So, what are the common diseases in the planting process of balsam pear, and how to prevent them? 1. Symptoms of quenching disease: quenching disease is most likely to be unearthed soon after seedlings are unearthed.

Balsam pear has the function of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing skin, nourishing blood and nourishing liver. It is a good food in summer. So, what are the common diseases in the planting process of balsam pear, and how to prevent them?

1. Cataplexy

Harmful symptoms: stunting disease is most likely to occur soon after the seedlings are unearthed. At first, the base of the young stem of the seedling was immersed in water, then the diseased part became light brown, the seedling was obviously constricted near the ground, and the cotyledons had not yet withered and lodged. Low soil temperature and high humidity are beneficial to the growth and reproduction of bacteria, so the disease is serious when it is cool at night, lack of light in the day and high humidity in the seedling bed.

Prevention and control measures: ① seedbed disinfection: soil disinfection treatment with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene and 50% thiram in the planting ditch before planting. ② medicament control: 72.2% aldicarb hydrochloride 750x or spray the seedling base with Ling Dysen or 58% Metalaxyl mancozeb or 75% Chlorothalonil 600x or 32% Metalaxyl 300x solution.

two。 Anthrax

Harmful symptoms: melon strips, leaves and stem vines can all occur. The disease spot on the melon strips is round or irregular, yellowish brown at the beginning, reddish brown to light brown in the later stage, slightly sunken. Leaf spot round or irregular, grayish brown to brown, slightly wet rot. The disease spot on the stem is oblong, brown, sunken, and sometimes cracked.

Control measures: disease-resistant varieties were selected for ① and seeds were disinfected. ② rotates with non-melon vegetables in serious disease. ③ should avoid partial and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and medium and trace element fertilizer, and properly control irrigation and eliminate stagnant water after rain. ④ should remove diseased leaves, branches and melons in time, and keep the field well ventilated and transparent. ⑤ medicament control: 1500 times of prochloraz was sprayed before the onset of the disease; 1500 times of 10% difenoconazole or 32.5% pyrimethoxim ·difenoconazole was sprayed during the onset of the disease.

3. Brown spot disease

Harmful symptoms: mainly harmful to leaves. At first, brown round spots were produced on the leaves, and then gradually expanded to nearly round or irregular shape, yellowish brown, often surrounded by chlorotic halos, when the environmental conditions were suitable, the disease spots rapidly expanded and connected into pieces, and finally the whole leaf dried up.

Prevention and control measures: ① chooses plots with high terrain and good drainage to plant. ② set up shed, pruning and picking leaves in time to improve the ventilation and light transmission in the field. ③ base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, topdressing needs the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and spraying melon and vegetable foliar fertilizer. ④ irrigates water timely, removes the stagnant water in the field in time after rain, and pays attention to control the humidity in the field. Rotation should be carried out in seriously ill areas of ⑤. ⑥ chemical control is the same as anthrax.

4. Powdery mildew

Harmful symptoms: leaves, petioles and stems can all occur. Leaf disease, the leaf front and back of the initial production of small white powder spots, after expansion into a round, near-round sparse white powder spots, with the development of the disease, the leaf surface is covered with a thin layer of white powder. When the disease is serious, the leaves gradually turn yellow and finally dry up, which hinders the growth and fruiting of the whole plant, and the growth period is greatly shortened. Petiole, stem vine disease, the disease is full of sparse white powder.

Control measures: ① selected disease-resistant (tolerant) varieties. ② reasonable close planting, timely shed, vine pruning and leaf picking, enhance plant ventilation and light. ③ adopted formula fertilization and added (sprayed) medium and trace element fertilizer. ④ irrigates the soil moderately to keep the soil from getting too wet. ⑤ medicament control: 32.5% azyclovir difenoconazole or chlorothalonil was sprayed before the onset of the disease; after the disease, 1500 times of difenoconazole or 1000 times of 25% triadimefon wettable powder were alternately sprayed with 80% sulfur dry suspension or 25% triadimefon.

Balsam pear in the growth process, may have to experience so many diseases, it is not easy ah, so in the hot summer, eat a balsam pear?