
What is the difference between the efficacy of dragon fruit and taboo, red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dragon fruits are rarely seen at stalls and are usually sold in fruit stores and supermarkets. This also shows this level of luxury. Let's introduce the efficacy and taboo of dragon fruit, as well as the difference between red heart and white heart. Red Heart Fire Dragon Fruit and White Heart Fire Dragon

Dragon fruits are rarely seen at stalls and are usually sold in fruit stores and supermarkets. This also shows this level of "expensive". The following is to introduce the efficacy and taboos of dragon fruit, as well as the difference between red heart and white heart.

I. the difference between red-heart dragon fruit and white-heart dragon fruit

1. Price

People who often buy dragon fruits must have noticed that red dragon fruits are usually more expensive than white ones, because most of the red dragon fruits on the market are imported and the transportation cost is higher. In addition, because the nutritional value of red dragon fruit is higher than that of white heart, it is more favored in the hearts of consumers.

two。 Anthocyanin content

The antioxidant and anti-aging function of dragon fruit mainly comes from anthocyanins, while the anthocyanin content of red dragon fruit is higher, so it is more popular among women.

3. Sugar content

Taste two kinds of dragon fruit at the same time, you will find that the heart tastes sweeter, by contrast, the white heart dragon fruit taste is relatively light, this is because the red heart has a higher sugar content of more than 15 degrees. And the vast majority of the sugar in dragon fruit is glucose, which is easy to absorb and is very suitable for consumption after exercise.

Second, the efficacy of dragon fruit

1. Beauty and beauty

Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins, the former has a good effect of detoxification and beauty, while the latter is an important substance of anti-oxidation and anti-aging. Long-term consumption of dragon fruit can help clear the body of oxidative free radicals, to achieve the role of anti-aging and beauty.

two。 Aid digestion

The dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber and crude fiber, which can effectively promote intestinal movement and absorption, coupled with the seeds in the national meat can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, for people with constipation, eating some dragon fruit can play a role in moistening the intestines and relieving the symptoms of constipation.

3. Prevention of anemia

The iron content of dragon fruit is higher than that of ordinary fruit, and iron is a trace element needed for the synthesis of blood cells in our body, so dragon fruit can help the body to synthesize red blood cells, and regular consumption can prevent anemia.

Third, the taboos of dragon fruit

1. Diabetes is not suitable for people.

Dragon fruit is high in carbohydrates, most of which is glucose. A dragon fruit contains 7.83% glucose and 2.83% fructose, which is easy to cause a rise in blood sugar after consumption, which is not suitable for people with diabetes.

two。 Cold people and menstrual women

Fire dragon fruit sex is cold, for menstrual women or physical cold crowd, it is best to eat less or avoid eating, so as not to aggravate the cold.

3. Should not be eaten with milk at the same time

When dragon fruit is eaten with protein, it may form a complex, which is difficult for people's digestive system to absorb effectively, and people with poor gastrointestinal function may also have indigestion, so it is best not to eat dragon fruit with food rich in protein, such as milk, eggs and so on.

Do you know all about the efficacy and taboos of dragon fruit? Both kinds of dragon fruits have the same nutritional value, but generally speaking. Red heart dragon fruit has a higher content of nutrient elements in all aspects, so it is more expensive.