
When does Elvis Durian mature?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Elvis durian, initially known as King Kunyu Maosheng or Maosheng Wang, the mother tree grew on an island called pulau raya on the Gilandan River. Its eyelids were refuted and transplanted in the 1970s and planted in large quantities in Laobo, Wendong, Jiliu, Shuangxilan and other places in Pengheng Prefecture, and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Elvis Durian, initially called Kun Jade King Maosheng or Maosheng King, the mother tree grew on an island called pulau raya on the Gilandan River. In the 1970s, its eyelids were refuted and transplanted, and a large number of them were planted in Laobo, Wendong, Jiliu, Shuangxilan and other places in Pengheng Prefecture, the Ministry of Agriculture registration number is D197. Because the reputation of Elvis Presley is too loud, it is called Elvis Presley, which is taken from the homonym of "Maoshengwang". In the local area, it is still called Maoshang or Maoshengwang. So when will Elvis Durian mature? What's the difference between durian and ordinary durian?

When does Elvis Durian mature?

Elvis Presley generally matures for the first time from mid-late June to mid-August and for the second time from mid-November to mid-January. Of course, due to the different weather and producing areas, its maturity will be advanced or delayed.

The difference between Elvis Presley and ordinary durian

1. Price

The price of Elvis Presley pulp is generally 200-300 yuan per jin, while the price of ordinary durian is between ten and twenty yuan per jin. The difference between the two prices is as much as ten times.

two。 Shape

Elvis Durian is relatively small, usually around 2.5kg. The pericarp is mostly green. There will be an obvious "five-pointed star" mark at the bottom of the fruit, which is unique to Elvis Durian, of course, some of the best Elvis may show a "hexagonal star" or do not have this figure, while ordinary durian has a larger head than Elvis Presley. There is no "five-pointed star" logo at the bottom. In addition, the mature Malaysian first-class Elvis durian peel is generally turquoise, the fruit of the old tree is brown, and the common Thai durian is golden yellow when ripe.

3. Planting difficulty

Ordinary durian is a pure tropical crop, which can basically be grown in frost-free areas, just follow the general planting method of durian, while the authentic Elvis durian is only produced in Malaysia and is extremely demanding on the climate. The annual temperature is required to be above 25 degrees, and the topography, Rain Water and other requirements are more stringent than ordinary durian.

4. Yield distribution

Common durian is grown and produced in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia and other places, while authentic Elvis Presley is only found in Malaysia, and the output is relatively small.

Although Elvis Presley is much more expensive than ordinary durian, its mellow, strong aroma and silky taste are also incomparable to ordinary durian.