
Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Sericulture in China has been a thousand years of culture and history, so our country can be regarded as a large country with rich experience in sericulture. The matters needing attention in each season and stage of sericulture are different. Therefore, breeders should first understand the living habits of silkworms.

Sericulture in China has been a thousand years of culture and history, so our country can be regarded as a large country with rich experience in sericulture. The matters needing attention in each season and stage of sericulture are different. Therefore, breeders should first understand the living habits of silkworms.

Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

First, prevent pesticide poisoning. In sericulture season, do not spray insecticidal double and other organochlorine pesticides on the farmland near the silkworm room, its fumigation will lead to silkworm poisoning; silkworm mulberry leaves can be picked and fed to silkworms only after trial feeding.

Mosquito-repellent incense or mosquito or insecticide is prohibited in the silkworm room. In the housing adjacent to the silkworm room, the doors and windows of the silkworm room should also be closed to prevent silkworm poisoning.

Third, the silkworm room should install screen doors and screen windows to prevent flies from entering the silkworm room to harm the silkworm, and add "killing silkworm fly" emulsion or spraying silkworm body to kill maggots.

Fourth, before sericulture, the rat hole should be blocked, the silkworm rack and the wall should be kept at a certain distance, and the feet of the silkworm frame should be sprinkled with lime powder or silkworm medicine to prevent the rats from climbing. To raise silkworms, it is necessary to do a good job of killing rats with drugs.

Fifth, the temperature of sericulture is relatively high in summer and autumn, so it is necessary to open doors and windows and strengthen indoor ventilation. Mulberry leaves are sprayed with fresh water and a breeze is blown by an electric fan, which is also conducive to indoor cooling.

Sixth, diseased silkworms should be cleaned up in time, put into disinfection basins filled with bleach solution or lime slurry, and feed diseased silkworms to livestock and poultry to prevent the spread of pathogens and pollute the environment.

Seventh, silkworm sand contains a large number of pathogens, do not spread around the silkworm room, should be concentrated in the field or put into the dung pit retting system, in order to prevent the spread of pathogens.

Due to the high temperature in summer and autumn and the rapid reproduction of pathogens, attention should be paid to picking leaves as needed, transporting leaves in time and storing leaves reasonably. Mulberry storage ponds should be disinfected once per age, do not feed overnight mulberry leaves.

9. Wet leaves should not be fed in hot and humid weather, mulberry leaves should not be sprinkled with water, sand should be removed frequently, fresh lime powder, dried straw and other materials should be sprinkled to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Ten, is not sericulture season, silkworm room do not store grain, bran and other things, so as to avoid damp mites, sericulture harm to sericulture.

Preparation before sericulture

1. Mulberry planting: silkworms feed on mulberry leaves, so mulberry trees must be planted before sericulture. Please read the article "Mulberry planting Technology Video" about mulberry planting technology. Here the editor will not repeat it.

2, silkworm room: a large silkworm room needs 20 square meters, small silkworm room 10 square meters, special leaf storage room and so on, in order to prevent disease.

3. Silkworm tools: including thermometer, silkworm plaque, plastic film, silkworm net, checkered cluster, silkworm chopsticks, goose feather, mulberry cutting knife, chopping block, mulberry scissors, black cloth and so on. It takes 20 silkworm plaques, 160 square clusters and 14 small silkworm webs to raise a silkworm.

4. Disinfection of silkworm houses and silkworm tools: 7 days before sericulture, clean the silkworm houses and tools, spray and disinfect them with eliminate virus essence or 1% bleach or strong chlorine semen to use half a jin of medicine solution per square meter. Close the doors and windows after spraying and seal for more than 24 hours. At the same time, the environment around the silkworm house should be sprayed and disinfected.

Why do silkworms molt?

In the process of growth and development, the epidermis of silkworm can not grow up with the growth of the body, but peel off when the growth of the body is limited. Baby silkworms live on mulberry leaves. After eating mulberry leaves constantly, the body becomes white. After a period of time, it begins to peel. When peeling, it takes about a day, such as sleep, do not eat or move. After one peeling, the second instar larvae are the second instar larvae. even if the peeling is increased by one year, the larvae have to peel off four times to become the fifth instar larvae, and then eat mulberry leaves for 8 days to become mature silkworms and begin to spin cocoons.

What kinds of silkworms are there?

1. Bombyx mori: Bombyx mori take mulberry leaves as food, and cocoons can be reeled. Silk is a precious textile raw material, which is mainly used in weaving silk. It is also widely used in military industry, alternating current and other aspects. Pupae, moths and silkworm droppings can also be used comprehensively.

2. Tussah silkworm: tussah silkworm gets its name because it likes eating tussah leaves, and its cocoon can be reeled. It is mainly used to weave tussah silk. The pupa is edible and medicinal materials. It occurs twice a year. Adults appear from April to June, and the pupa overwinters in the cocoon.

3. Bombyx mori: Bombyx mori is a silk-spinning insect of Lepidoptera, Bombyx mori, which is a very rare species in nature. its silk is priceless and is called a green soft gem better than gold.

4. Camphor silkworm: camphor silkworm is a wild silk-spinning insect of Lepidoptera, which can be made into catgut and high-quality fishing wire. It is more common in Guangdong, Taiwan, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places in China.

5. Chestnut silkworm: chestnut silkworm is an economic insect that spins and cocoons mainly on walnut leaves and chestnut leaves, which is widely distributed in Japan, China's "three north" and south-central regions. Chestnut silk is an expensive natural fiber.

6. Bombyx mori: the silkworm is an economic insect that mainly eats the leaves of Chinese tallow, castor, holly, Michelia mollissima, paulownia, sycamore, camphor and so on. It belongs to the family Lepidoptera and is distributed in China, Japan, India and other countries.

7. Willow silkworm: willow silkworm mainly eats maple poplar, snow willow, Chinese tallow, Camptotheca acuminata, apple, pear and other leaves, which are silk insects. High-quality cocoons can draw silk 300 meters long, with the advantages of fine and rot resistance, mainly distributed in East and Southeast Asia.

8. Tiger silkworm: Bombyx mori is a kind of silkworm. There are black and white stripes on the silkworm body in the larval stage, and there is little difference between the moth stage and the ordinary white silkworm. The larval stage likes to eat mulberry plants, especially mulberry leaves, and cocoons are important raw materials for the textile industry.

There are also many kinds of silkworms, and the growth habits of different kinds of silkworms are different, so breeders should understand the living habits of all kinds of silkworms and give different breeding methods to different silkworms.