
Three methods of artificial bee distribution

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As for the breeding of bees, it is now a very good industry in the aquaculture industry. we all know that the market for honey is very complex, it is very difficult to buy pure honey in the market, and there is no unified regulation on the price of honey. so the honey market

For the breeding of bees, it is now a very good industry in the aquaculture industry. we all know that the market for honey is very complex, it is very difficult to buy pure honey in the market, and there is no unified regulation on the price of honey. so the honey market is actually quite chaotic.

Three methods of artificial bee distribution

1. The law of unequal distribution of bees. Unequal distribution of bees is to separate part of the bees and their offspring from a group of bees and divide them into two groups, one strong and the other weak. This method is suitable for bee colonies with sub-bee fever. From the colony with sub-bee fever, 2-3 frames were proposed to seal the lid spleen, and a basket of honey powder spleen together with the old queen bee was put into a new hive. Put it far away from the original group, the nest door is loosely blocked with grass and let the bees bite open slowly. Check the original group, choose a good quality Wang Tai, the rest of the King Tai all cut off, or induced into the artificially cultivated Wang Tai or spawning king. If you leave the honey period for a long time, you can use the lid spleen to gradually strengthen the group, otherwise you can merge the group with the original group.

2. Equal distribution of bees. The specific method is: 45 days before the logistics honey period of the main local honey source, move the original colony beehive 30cm to the side, and put an empty hive 30cm 40cm opposite it. Put half of the bees and spleen in the colony together with the queen into the empty box, tidy up the two boxes of hives, and after about half a day, lure an oviposition queen into the queen-less colony. When the flying bee returns to its nest, it flies into the two boxes, and if one box has fewer bees, it can be moved closer to the original location.

3. Mixed bees. The mixed bee division is to extract the lid spleen of 1 or 2 frame larvae from several bee colonies and mix them to form 3 to 6 frames of bee colonies according to the situation. The next day to divide the colony to lure into the spawning king or mature king platform. At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when the bee colony develops to 10-frame colony and 6-8-frame spleen, a basket with bee-sealed lid spleen can be put forward from such colony every 6-7 days to form a new group. About 15 days before the honey period, stop raising the spleen from the 10-frame group, so that they can develop into a strong colony of 5-18 frame wasps at the beginning of the honey period.

A preliminary understanding of honeybees

Before keeping bees, let's learn something about bees. At present, China has 7 million swarms of honeybees, of which 90% are European bees imported from abroad, including Italian bees and northeast black bees, and 10% are Chinese honeybees. Italian bee, referred to as Italian bee. It is widely raised in North and Northeast China. The queen bee has strong fecundity and worker bee breeding ability, which not only plays an important role in production, but also is an important breeding material.

The northeast black bee is the excessive type of European black bee. It has strong fecundity and good overwintering performance in cold areas. But strong groups cannot be maintained in areas with low latitudes. Chinese honeybee is referred to as Chinese bee, which is suitable to live in Northeast, Northwest, North China, East China, Southwest China and other areas. Chinese bees fly quickly, have a keen sense of smell, are diligent, disease-resistant, cold-resistant and heat-resistant. However, the honey production and the ability of secreting royal jelly were slightly lower than those of European honeybees. Through the introduction, you can choose the right variety and take corresponding feeding measures according to the specific conditions of each region.

Equipment for breeding honeybees

1. Beehives: beehives, which we often call beehives, are places where bees perch, breed and store food. The beehive is composed of a large cover, a grass curtain, a covering cloth, an auxiliary cover, a nest spleen, a partition, a partition board, and so on. There are thousands of neatly arranged and connected hexagonal hives on both sides of the spleen.

2. Bee spleen: the spleen is fixed on a wooden frame, which is called a nest spleen. According to the number of honey, pollen and larvae on the nest spleen, they are called honey spleen, powder spleen and son spleen respectively. According to the age of the big boy spleen is divided into: egg spleen, worm spleen, lid spleen and empty spleen. The beehive with 10 frames of spleen is the most widely used standard beehive. The beehive can be expanded in time by stacking the relay box.

3. Bee path: the distance between each nest and spleen is called bee path.

4. The king board: the king board is used to separate the breeding area from the honey storage area, which is beneficial to the maturity and collection of honey and improve the production efficiency.

Preparation before beekeeping

1. The plants that can be used by bees to collect nectar and pollen are called honey plants, and honey sources are the basis of beekeeping production. Before determining the location of beekeeping, be sure to investigate the species, area and florescence of nectar plants. The main nectar plants that can collect a large amount of commercial honey are rape in oil crops, plant rhinoceros and alfalfa in forage green manure, jujube trees in fruit trees, locust trees in trees, thorns in shrubs and so on. Usually, a swarm of bees needs about 2 to 4 mu of honey plants. It is also necessary to know the flowering period of all kinds of honey plants and the situation of releasing bees to produce honey over the years. The location of bee release should be within the distance from the main nectar plant 2km. The beehive is as close to the honey plant as possible. There should be clean water near the beehive. Such as lakes and streams. Canals, etc., to ensure that bees collect water and beekeepers use water for daily use. The beehive should be flat, dry, sunny, open to the southeast and free of obstacles.

2. It is best to have hillsides or houses and fences in the northwest. Places with loudspeakers, street lights and insect traps nearby are not suitable for bees.

3. The honeybee species must be selected according to the local honey source and climate. The plain areas of northwest, north and northeast China are dry in summer and have large honey sources with a long nectar period, so Italian bees can be selected. The northeast mountain area, the winter is long and cold, the spring is short, the main honey source florescence is early, can choose the northeast black bee with strong cold tolerance. If the local is located in the mountains, there is no concentrated source of honey, you can choose Chinese bees.

Although the market prospect of honey is very good, raising bees also requires certain ways and skills, and some people who raise bees may feel more dangerous and afraid of bees, but as long as they master the techniques and methods of breeding, honey is actually very friendly to people.