
Beehive disinfection method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, We all know that the market for honey in our country is very large, and many people usually like to drink honey, because many people regard honey as a good product for health, and honey is not only drunk by themselves in the market, but also bought as gifts, so honey is in me.

We all know that the market for honey in China is very large, and many people usually like to drink honey, because many people regard honey as a good product for health, and honey is not only drunk by themselves, but also bought as gifts in the market. therefore, the price of honey is also chaotic in our market.

Beehive disinfection method

1. Formalin

One part of formalin, add 9 parts of water, prepare 4% aqueous solution, soak the empty spleen and small pieces of bee gear in it for 24 hours, throw out the liquid, rinse with clean water to dry. Put the nest spleen into the relay box, 8 spleen in each box. Remove the iron sand from an empty spleen box with a screen window, add 5 relay boxes to the spleen, cover the wooden auxiliary box, and strictly cut the gap. Add 2 portions of potassium permanganate to carbon or solution, paste the window quickly and fumigate with formalin steam for 24 hours.

2. Sulfur dioxide

Each box nest spleen with sulfur 3 to 5 grams, ignite airtight fumigation nest spleen.

3. 10% 20% limewater

Quick lime 5kg, add 50 liters of water, spray the floor and walls, disinfect the overwintering room and beehive.

Breeding methods of beekeeping

1. Subsidized feeding: that is, artificial feeding when there is a lack of honey. The methods are as follows:

① supplemented with honey. It can be diluted with honey with warm water (crystalline honey, which needs to be boiled and dissolved slightly). Diluted honey can be fed with spleen or poured into a frame feeder to feed bees.

② was supplemented with syrup. Syrup is 50% white sugar with water, fully dissolved after heating and cooled to a mild temperature. It is best to add 0.1% citric acid to the syrup to facilitate digestion and absorption. Brown sugar should not be used at this time.

2. Reward feeding: artificial feeding during the colony breeding period and bee production period is generally given a small amount of 60% honey or 50% syrup, once every other day in early spring, and the consumption can be increased once a day, starting from the first 40 days of the nectar period. until a large amount of honey powder is collected from the outside world. Each bee can be rewarded with 50 grams of syrup each time.

3. Feeding pollen: the purpose is to supplement protein feed. In the late overwintering and early spring, the pollen preserved in the autumn of the year before replenishment can also be replaced by soybean powder. The feeding method is as follows:

① liquid feed. Add 10 times the pollen to the syrup, bring it to a boil, let it cool and feed it in a feeder.

② cake. Hello. Add the same amount of honey or syrup to the pollen or substitute pollen, stir well, make a cake, wrap the plastic paper, open at both ends, and place it on the frame beam for bees to feed. This method is often used in cold snap.

4. Feed water and salt: generally, each colony needs to collect 200 million 300 milliliters of water a day, hold water in the feeder or put wet towels on the gauze cover for self-water collection, and add 1% salt to the syrup.

Does beekeeping make money?

Beekeeping is the business of raising bees artificially and taking its products including honey, royal jelly, propolis, pollen, beeswax and other products, including livestock in a broad sense, so honeybees are also livestock in a broad sense. Bee farming has a history of thousands of years, and the use of honey began in the era of fishing and hunting. When the flowers bloom in spring every year, many beekeepers wander around with their beehives. Bees smell the flowers and are busy in the flowers, collecting powder and making honey. This is also the busiest time for bee farmers. Until September, the beefarmers returned home with the sweetness of the harvest like migratory birds.

However, the current honey market is not so "sweet". What worries beekeeping experts is that with the continuous updating of processing technology, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false honey, and "index honey" is very popular in the market.

The market prospect of beekeeping

1. According to records, as early as 3000 years ago, people in our country began to eat honey. With the development of agriculture and the close combination of apiculture and agriculture, bee pollination has greatly increased the yield of agriculture, and it is the measure with the greatest potential to increase production. For example, when bees pollinate strawberries, it not only increases the fruit setting rate, but also has large, full, few abnormal fruits, high yield and good taste, especially the first stubble fruit, the income of the first stubble alone accounts for 30% of the income of the whole production period, and the mature period is concentrated. Go on the market three to five days ahead of time, increase the yield by 700kg per mu and increase income by more than 2000 yuan per mu.

2. The application of bee hormone has made a breakthrough in controlling bee division, preventing bee theft, preventing pesticide poisoning, improving collection efficiency and pollination efficiency, and producing royal jelly. The development of apiculture and the improvement of beekeeping technology will be of great significance to the sustainable development of agriculture and the promotion of agricultural industrialization. It can not only provide a large number of natural nutritious food and health pharmaceuticals for human beings, but also provide raw materials for the chemical industry; it pollinates crops, improves the output and quality of agricultural products, and maintains ecological balance and improves the ecological environment.

There are many people who raise bees in the rural areas of our country, but the honey that different people raise bees can survive is different, and the market share of honey in our country is very large, and the market of honey is also quite chaotic, the price of honey is very deep, the profit difference between is very big.