
How did the pigeon farmer let the pigeon go home?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Whether on TV or in life, we can often see pigeons flying everywhere, but these pigeons never get lost or lost, when their owners release them, they can find their own home again.

Whether on TV or in life, we can often see pigeons flying everywhere, but these pigeons never get lost or lost, when their owners release them, why can they find their own home? Like many other birds, as long as their owners let them out of their cages, they fly away and never come back.

How did the pigeon farmer let the pigeon go home?

Usually pigeons can be fed for half a month and go home on their own. The premise must be young pigeons, old pigeons, generally can not be fed home, at least 1 year, more than a few years. Pigeons master the geomagnetic field, so you usually feed it home and it won't run away. If you feed it for a few years, it will come back even if you lose it. The premise is that the pigeon is good, how to distinguish between the good and the bad, look at the sand road in the pigeon's eyes, the more sand the better.

Why do pigeons send messages?

That's because homing pigeons have a special ability that enables them to find their way home accurately. There is a bulge between the eyes of the homing pigeon, which has a special ability to measure the change of the earth's magnetic field and determine the direction of going home.

Homing pigeons can fly long distances. They fly very fast and have very good memory and eyesight. Homing pigeons also have a very homesick habit, which is called homesickness. No matter how far you fly, you want to go back to your nest. It is precisely because of its high speed, strong sense of direction and nesting habits that homing pigeons have become the preferred messengers for people.

Specific methods of training carrier pigeons

I. basic training

The aim is to cultivate the obedience and strong homing of homing pigeons to breeders. The contents include: drinking water, affinity, familiar with the nest room, familiar with signals and other training.

The young pigeon has just come out of its shell and does no harm if it doesn't eat for a day or two, but it can't be short of water. At first, they did not know that there was clear water in the drinking fountain, so they must be taught where to drink. The method is to gently hold the pigeon in one hand to make its beak contact with the water surface of the drinking fountain. If it is thirsty, it will naturally drink a lot of water. They were taught one by one until all the young pigeons drank water, repeated training several times, and soon they knew how to stand next to the drinking fountain and put their heads in to drink water.

II. Affinity training

Young pigeons leave the mother pigeons afraid of people, dare not get close to the owner, nor dare to peck boldly, so the young pigeons must have an affinity with the breeders before the training begins. In this way, we can relieve the homing pigeon's fear of its owner, avoid the phenomenon of "flying away", develop its obedience to the owner, and receive training meekly.

The method of affinity training is to use food as bait to let the pigeon follow and approach the owner, who also uses the pigeon's appetite to get close to the young pigeon. Young pigeons can be fed 23 times a day, and only the last time is fed to make them full to ensure their health. The first few times of feeding must not make pigeons full. If they are full, they will not listen to the call, and they will not be able to train. Food control is a powerful weapon to control young pigeons. At the beginning, the young pigeons are always afraid of strangers. After the owner enters the pigeon house to feed, accompanied by a call or whistle, spread the food so that the pigeons can eat, but not too much, and then gradually sprinkle the food to the master's side. At this time, if there is a pigeon who takes the initiative to approach the master, give a reward and encourage other pigeons to take the initiative to approach the master.

Be familiar with nest room training

Familiar with the nest room training mainly includes inside and outside the house environment and going in and out of the house. The training steps are in the order of inside, entering and leaving the door and outside the house.

Inside the house: let pigeons know each other, live in groups, remember the environment in the house, and be familiar with the location of nests, drinking fountains, troughs, salt boxes, walking tables and their respective nests. When the pigeon is serene, does not panic and flies up and down freely in the house, showing a happy expression, it shows that the pigeon is familiar with the nest room. This process usually takes 3-5 days.

In and out of the house door: that is, let the pigeon know how to enter from the entrance and give up from the exit. After the familiar training in the house, the training in and out of the house will be carried out. If there are conditions, you can cover the training net from the landing platform to the roof of the pigeon outside the pigeon house; if you do not have this condition, you can stick the ten main wings of the pigeon with rubber paste. The goal is not to let pigeons run. The owner used small grains of feed as bait to whistle outside the house and send a signal to lure pigeons from the door to the outside.

Pigeons breed several litters a year

Pigeons usually breed 5 nests a year. Pigeons change their feathers every year from the end of August to the end of October, about 45 days. During this cut-off time, they lay fewer eggs and, of course, breed less. Its incubation period is 17-18 days!

But there are also 7-8 nests, first of all, make sure that you have enough nanny pigeons, and then adjust the laying time to choose the laying time with a difference of 1-2 days, and hand over the eggs you think are good pigeons to the nanny pigeons for hatching. then your good pigeons can give birth to a litter of eggs, and generally young breeding pigeons can lay two consecutive nests of eggs to the nanny pigeons to hatch, but the third nest must hatch themselves. To the fourth nest can be handed to the nanny pigeon hatching, and then open the pairing in time, when talking about here, I advise you that this year's brooding task had better come to an end, so that breeding pigeons have a good rest and continue next year.

In fact, if the pigeon can find its own home, the most important way is to need the owner to train constantly, because this ability of the pigeon is not inborn, but formed through the continuous training of the pigeon owner. But it must start when they are young pigeons.