
High density Shrimp Culture Technology

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the increasing demand for existing shrimp, many shrimp farmers want to raise more shrimp in the same area, so there is a situation of high-density shrimp culture, so how to raise high-yield and high-quality shrimp?

With the increasing demand for existing shrimp, many shrimp farmers want to raise more shrimp in the same area, so there is a situation of high-density shrimp culture. So how can we raise high-yield and high-quality shrimp? Let's take a look at it together with the editor.

High density Shrimp Culture Technology

Usually open-air culture is about 50-100000 shrimp per mu of water surface, while high-density shrimp culture can raise 500000 shrimp per mu of water surface indoors; according to the traditional culture method, more than 50% of the water has to be changed every day in the high temperature season, while high-density shrimp culture can not change water at all within 4 months; another advantage of this high-density culture method is that there is no need to put in any drugs. Good water quality is the key to shrimp culture. The biggest trick of the new shrimp culture method is to create a "constructed wetland" to make the water form a self-purification function. "constructed wetland" is like a fishing net hanging vertically in the water, there are planted aquatic plants and other aquatic plants, hanging materials to absorb suspended matter in the water. The biofilm formed on the net is equivalent to a "biological filter", which can convert harmful substances in water into harmless substances.

Another trick is that with the help of several wheeled aerators, they form a "runway flow" in the pond, which makes the shrimp excrement and residual bait automatically sink to the bottom of the pond and fall into a special sewer. At the same time, technicians should "allocate" the natural river water, not only to regulate the salinity, but also to remove various harmful substances and kill some microorganisms. Then, in the process of shrimp growth, according to its molting status, exercise, food intake, etc., timely adjust the feeding, control water temperature, light, dissolved oxygen content and other indicators. If the shrimp doesn't get sick, it doesn't have to be medicated. This intensive farming technique also has a simple model. Experts point out that farmers only need to invest in simple hardware equipment, the key is management. At present, this shrimp culture technology has entered the stage of industrial culture in Shanghai, Tianjin and Urumqi.

The profit of raising shrimp per mu

Generally speaking, one mu of land can produce 500-600 jin of crayfish, if intensive cultivation, the yield will be high, but the corresponding investment is also relatively large. If it is lower than this number, it means that your shrimp seedlings are not enough, and the density of shrimp seedlings is related to the size of shrimp seedlings and the depth of the water. The seedling density depends on the seedling specification, shrimp pond area, pond water depth, pond bottom condition, water exchange condition, bait type, feeding method, production skill and management level, and should be determined with reference to the yield requirements and specifications put forward by shrimp farmers. The amount of seedlings can be calculated with reference to the following formula:

Seedling release = (planned seedling yield (kg) × Mantissa required to cultivate 1 kg) / estimated survival rate.

In the formula: the planned yield per mu can be calculated with reference to the output of neighboring areas over the years; the Mantissa of 1 kilogram of shrimp can be calculated as 30-50 (12-15 cm in body length); the survival rate is 50%-70%, and the intermediate cultured shrimp fry is 85%.

In general, under the conditions of good quality of shrimp seedlings, superior water exchange conditions, guaranteed bait and high level of feeding and management, the number of seedlings per mu can be about 20 000 (not more than 25000). After intermediate cultivation of shrimp seedlings (about 2.5 cm in body length), the amount of seedlings per mu was controlled between 8000 and 12000.

Selection of Rice Field for Shrimp Culture

1. Rice field selection: the rice field should choose loam with sufficient water source, good water quality, quiet surrounding environment, convenient drainage and irrigation, and convenient transportation, and the water source should be large-scale water body without pollution. The field should not be affected by drought and flood, and the water quality is fresh and pollution-free. The soil is fertile and does not silt, the ridge of the field is high (can fill the water depth of 40cm to 60cm) and solid, it does not leak, the water retention performance is good, and the sun is sufficient.

2. Field construction: field construction mainly includes ridge widening, heightening and reinforcement. The inlet and outlet is equipped with filtration and escape prevention facilities, excavation of annular ditches and field ditches, installation of shading canopy, etc. A circular ditch is dug around the rice field as a shrimp culture ditch to ensure that the annular ditch is 33.5 meters wide and 1.0 meters deep, and the field area is larger, and the "field" or "well" shaped field ditch should also be dug in the middle. The width and depth of the field ditch are 1.0 and 0.5 meters, respectively. The area of circular shrimp culture ditch and field ditch accounts for about 10% of the rice field area.

Stocking techniques of lobster

Lobster seedling release can be divided into spring release and autumn release. It requires neat specifications, complete appendages, no disease, no injury, and release the foot at one time. Wash with 5% salt water for 5-10 minutes before stocking to kill parasites and pathogenic bacteria. For the purchased shrimp species, due to long-distance transportation from the water, the seedlings should be soaked in the pond for 1 minute before entering the pond, lifted and shelved for 3 minutes, and then soaked for 1 minute, so that the seedlings should be soaked for 3 times, so that the body surface and Gill cavity of the seedlings can absorb enough water before stocking, which can improve the survival rate. From the experience of farmers for many years, the survival rate of shrimp seedlings transported from abroad is very low after long-distance transportation. Proper mixed culture of silver carp and bighead carp in the pond can improve water quality and make full use of bait resources.

1. Release adult shrimp in spring: 5000-6000 young shrimp with a length of 3 cm to 5 cm were released in the middle of March.

2. Breeding parent shrimp in autumn: around September, 500 lobster parent shrimp were artificially selected per mu, with a female-to-male ratio of 3 ∶ 1.

In fact, there are many techniques for raising shrimp, and different people have succeeded in using different methods, so we can not stick to the rules on the road of raising shrimp, we should reasonably find a method suitable for us. In fact, experience is accumulated in slow practice, and not everyone is destined to be successful in the first place.